"Edweird?" Jasper questioned as Emmett just burst out laughing. The rest of the family is holding back snickers as they look at Cain questionably. "Edward was really weird in biology class. When the new girl walked in, he stiffened and covered his face like he smelled something bad." Everyone looked ad Edward in concern as Cain continued obviously.
"Seeing he was having issues with her smell, I asked him why he continued to breathe since y'all don't need to, and it turns out his dumbass didn't think of that." Emmett stiffened at this because he had a similar issue before and it even ended badly. He couldn't believe he didn't think of such a simple solution.
"After Edweird stopped breathing and no longer being bothered by her smell he continued to act like a creep. He kept staring at the poor girl trying to read her mind. So I messed with him some." Finishing his story Cain finally noticed everyone's sour faces. "Did I do something wrong?" Cain couldn't help but feel like he had made a mistake.
Everyone had such serious faces and wasn't laughing at Edward's misfortune. Hoping down from Cain's back Alice held his arm as she spoke looking up at him. Her face was solemn as she spoke. "You didn't do anything wrong Cain. It's just... Bella must be Edward's singer." Edward to the side nodded in affirmation.
Cain tilted his head slightly as he questioned. "What's a singer? Is that why he acted as if she smelled?" Nodding Emmett answered for everyone. "A singer is someone whose blood calls to us. The smell is near irresistible to us. I have experienced it before... I lost control and I need up killing her. It was like her blood was literally singing to me."
Rosalie held Emmett's arm tightly as she comforted him. "It's fine babe. I just feel bad I took her life because of my lack of control." Emmett gazed into Rosalie's eyes and spoke with a somber tone. Cain looked to Edward as if to ask if it was the truth. In response Edward spoke with a frown. "Ya she is my singer but I also feel something more. When I listened to Cain's words and stopped breathing it was much easier but I was still drawn to her."
"Sorry, I didn't know you were having it so hard, if so I would have just messed with you later..." Cain whispered the latter half to himself while turning his head but everyone had enhanced hearing so they all heard it clearly. Everyone but Edward smiled at his words much to the latter's chagrin.
"So even after blocking your sense of still wanted to suck her dry?" Emmett questioned in curiosity. "Yes and no I don't think I wanted to drink her blood but I'm not sure." Cain looked at him weirdly. "So you do want to suck her dry but not her blood? Dude, I'm positive she is a chick so good luck sucking her dry... Good news I heard they are making great progress with toys so I'm sure you could do it eventually."
Edward nodded initially but his agreement turned into confusion and then eventually anger as he understood the implications. "Not like that you perverted fox!" Everyone just laughed at the flustered Edward as he tried to explain himself. "Ya sure we totally believe you." Emmett's boisterous laughter accompanied his words as they all loaded into the cars while the awkward boy huffed in annoyance behind them.
As they drove down the road in silence Alice leaned on Cain's arm as she played with his fingers. Cain watched his hand as he was lost in his thoughts. The cool touch of Alice's soft skin held him anchored as he thought of what he just learned.
Looking up Cain finally broke the silence. "Will things be ok with Edward and Bella? I don't know how this whole singer thing is for vampires, but I see Bella as a friend. There is also the fact her father was the one who found and helped me." His voice tinged with worry as he spoke. His eyes met the person who probably knew the situation best.
"We aren't sure... The situation with her isn't normal. Now we know how to stop the issue with her smell but I think she is more than just his singer so there is no telling how things will go." Cain nodded solemnly before his face turned serious. "I will try to keep her safe. She is a friend and the daughter of the one who helped me."
Everyone just chuckled at his conviction. "Cain it's not like we are just going to let him do it. We are vegetarians you know. We wouldn't do anything to her on purpose." Emmett spoke to him from the passenger seat.
"Emmett's right you know. His problem in the past was not long after he was turned and he didn't have much control. Edward is the oldest after Carlisle and Jasper so he has more experience with control and now that we know holding his breath helps it shouldn't be as bad." Rosalie followed up after Emmett to assure Cain.
"Sorry... I'm still getting accustomed to this whole thing." Alice piped up from beside Cain after he spoke. "It's fine Cain you can stop apologizing for everything. We understand it's a lot to get accustomed to, we have all been there." Alice stroked his cheek as she made him look into her eyes.
The rest of the ride was silent as Cain contemplated the issues that were already appearing in his new life with the Cullens.
<As much as I hate it I'm going to slow down in releasing chapters. At current there are things going on in my life that are making it hard for me to have time to myself let alone write like I want to. So I'm going to start putting all chapters I will write in an archive to release later. I will continue to write this story in my spare time as I want to finish it and haven't hit a block in any way just lack time.
I am greatly disappointed in myself for letting y'all down but I can't currently even keep up a chapter a week and it pisses me off. I read constantly on this site and I get annoyed if a story isn't at least biweekly. But here I am with this crap....
Again sorry about this I will release one a day once I have written a lot or get the time. So please evevln if you forget about this story please keep it in your library for my eventual return.
With love and great sadness you author.>