
A Forced Contract With An Evil Goddess

"The boy has no affinity with our power." The goddess exclaimed. And thus, Levi was declared useless by his own family, exiled from his home for having no affinity with the god’s power. At the age of ten, he barely made a living by being the porter for a prominent C-Rank party. No one cared about him. He was beaten up on a daily basis by his party. All who saw him chose to mind their own business. One day, years after becoming a slave of the C-Rank party, Levi found himself on the verge of death, abandoned within a hell-like dungeon. As he was about to die, he heard a voice inside his head. "I’m not letting you die." That day, a calamity that could destroy the world was born if he, now she, so chose to. Will she destroy the world to get her revenge, or will she change along the way, and save it. Join the journey of the calamity to find out… —- Cover by linfantasi on Fiverr

Reacix · Fantasy
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42 Chs

If I were you…


After twenty minutes of searching, Lilith was still unable to find anyone to give her valuable information. It wasn't that she didn't come across anyone, but that everyone that she had come across had already lost their mind, similar to how the man she killed outside the Hunter's Association had.

With the city being in chaos and no one being able to control the people, her chances of finding someone who hadn't fallen into an extreme state of fear were low. If anything, the more the chaos and destruction went on, the lower her chances would be, until there wasn't anyone left that hadn't lost their mind.

Moreover, every person she came across would attack her without hesitation, either to eliminate the threats to their lives or to catch her off guard and immobilize her so as to fulfill their last desires.

No matter what, this ended with them losing their lives before she could get the answers she wanted out of them.

What was even worse was that the sound of battle could be heard occasionally above in the sky, which brought more destruction and chaos to the already destroyed city. She didn't know why these powerhouses were battling, but she did know that the city would be destroyed. At this point, the city was no different than a lost cause.

It couldn't be avoided anymore. If the people had been placed under control when this first started, there wouldn't be this much carnage, and the city wouldn't be in such disarray yet. That couldn't happen anymore. It was too late. No one with influence had moved to stop the carnage.

Instead of easing the people's fears, most of them hid inside their mansions in fear that they would lose their lives. Not only that, but hundreds of guards were positioned outside their mansions to protect them. The people with power and wealth had placed their own lives above everyone else's.

At the rate this was going, it wouldn't take long before the entire city was in ruins.

In an apartment, Lilith was standing, covered in blood. The blood belonged to the lifeless bodies that surrounded her.

In the apartment, destruction was everywhere! Cracks had spread across the walls, linking the holes in the walls together. It appeared as if a slaughter had taken place, leaving only one survivor behind: the one who had carried out this slaughter.

"Again… I'm forced to kill them." Lilith frowned as she walked to the bathroom. She still didn't know what caused the chaos other than the sudden appearance of powerhouses in the sky. All she knew was that their fear was caused by these powerhouses.

As a porter in her past, she didn't need to know anything about powerhouses. She didn't even know the strength of the entire Flying Falcon Guild! In this city of Narc, there was only a small branch, split off from the main branch located in a distant city.

She was no different from a slave to Damon and his party. If she were to ask a question, not only would it never be answered, but she would be beaten. Her getting beaten wasn't the only thing Damon did; he also deducted her pay for absurd reasons. Some of the absurd reasons included falling unconscious from extreme exhaustion and receiving injuries during dungeon raids.

At that time, she came to realize that, in the eyes of Damon, she wasn't even considered a person or someone that was equal to him; he considered her as someone below him like an ant that he could easily step on to vent his frustrations. Every problem he had was always her fault, even though she had never done anything.

As she reached the room, she washed her face, cleansing the blood from her face. She decided against taking a shower in this chaotic situation, as it could draw attention. She also didn't feel bothered by the fact that she was covered in blood.

If she was still a human, she might've, but as a demon, she wasn't bothered in the slightest. Rather, she felt relieved and thrilled by being basked in its warmth.

She left the room and placed the bodies in her inventory. She walked to the broken window, gazing outside.

"I suppose my only option now is to force them into telling me…" A devious smile spread across her face.

She used sensory deception and jumped out of the broken window. Even though the skill had no effect on C-rankers or above, it still made it easier for her to move around.


After leaving the apartment, Lilith continued her search, listening for sounds of battle other than the ones above. She was able to differentiate sounds without difficulty after her evolution into a demon. This helped her in her journey of finding someone who could give her information.

It was a man dressed in fancy clothes, revealing his immense wealth. However, the man wasn't alone. He was in the middle of a battle against an enemy with eyes that couldn't hide his greed. He was clearly after the man for his wealth.

"Two advanced D-rankers."

The man fought vigorously for his life, swinging his sword, intending to cut his enemy in two, but his sword missed again. Before his attacks could reach him, the assassin would dodge at the very last moment, avoiding the sword with ease.

While the man was unable to land an attack, the same was said for his opponent. The two were stuck in a standstill, where neither of them could land a single attack on the other. One wanted to live, while the other would kill to satisfy his greed.

However, Lilith hadn't taken action yet. Before taking action, she decided to survey her entire surroundings and eliminate anyone nearby that could interfere.

As expected, there were people who weren't far from the battle who had fallen into deep fear and weren't in the right mind. She quickly killed them all, adding them to the collection of bodies in her inventory.

After killing everyone who could interfere, she finally took action.

Thanks to her skill, sensory deception, she had the ability to remain concealed from those of her rank, as long as they didn't possess a skill that could see through her skill or had abnormal instincts.

She brandished her daggers, gripping them tightly as she swiftly strode towards the two D-rankers, who seemed to be heavily focused on their battle, not aware of the danger that was approaching them from behind.

With a calm look on her face, Lilith thrust her dagger forward and took aim at the assassin's neck. She was determined to strike a fatal blow.


A metallic sound resounded as the assassin managed to block her dagger. Even though sensory deception should've hidden her presence, he was able to block only by moving on instinct.

Despite failing to complete her surprise attack, Lilith wasn't affected. She didn't show much of a reaction and thrust her dagger once again, intending to end the assassin with this strike.

As the assassin came out of his state of shock, another strike came his way, and he was left with no choice but to rely on his instincts again. However, this time, Lilith anticipated this and changed her dagger's trajectory at the last moment.

Even with the assassin's incredible instinct, he struggled to block Lilith's attacks, but this time, it was different. His attack wasn't able to block her dagger. Instead, it was now deep in his neck. It took a moment for the realization to set in.

Lilith pressed the pointed edge of her other dagger against the center of the assassin's head and applied pressure to the dagger, delivering the fatal strike as it pierced through his forehead, ending his life.

[Camden, Human (Lv. 18)—Defeated!]

[+90 exp]

[580/1200 EXP]

Noticing the man trying to escape, her figure flickered, and she appeared behind him, holding her dagger against his neck.

"If I were you. I wouldn't try to escape unless, of course, you want to end up like him." Lilith's cold voice fell into the wealthy man's ears, sending chills down his spine. "As long as you answer all my questions, I'll let you live. However, if you try to attack or escape, you know what'll happen to you, do you understand?"

He nodded without hesitation. He was no match for this woman. Unlike the assassin from before, his instincts weren't as strong. There was no doubt in his mind that he would die before he could even take a step to attack or escape.

"Why is this city in such chaos? I know there are powerhouses, but that alone shouldn't cause the city to fall this quickly into chaos."

The man was surprised. He didn't think that the woman would inquire about things that should have been common knowledge. Who knew this powerful woman seemed to have lived under a rock her entire life?

"They aren't just ordinary powerhouses, but ones from famous guilds. If it was an ordinary powerhouse, I'm sure Ivan, the strongest in the city, would've been able to stop them, but even he can't do anything. He's afraid that if he were to offend them, the guild would do everything to kill him."

Since the woman was a significant threat to his life, he didn't even try to lie. He was afraid that if he lied, he would be killed.

Another chapter tomorrow

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