
A Female Forensic Doctor Transmigrates into a Book as the Female Supporting Character

Yin Tao, a modern forensic doctor, transmigrated into a book and became the female lead's older sister. At the same time, she was also the female supporting character for the female lead.After reincarnating, the female lead helped to grow the family's business and married a handsome, talented man. Ever since then, her career and love life began to prosper.However, Yin Tao, who lived with her grandparents in the book, had always been jealous of the female lead because everyone in the family favored her over Yin Tao. Yin Tao grew up and became a forensic doctor. However, due to the nature of her work, she was shunned by her family. In the end, after much pressure from her family, she quit her job and married a man from a rich family.Ever since then, she has had to become a people-pleaser. She could only stand firmly on her feet thanks to her own family and children. Yin Tao was not interested in living such a sorrowful life. All she wanted was to escape from the original storyline and live the simple life she desired.Hence, Yin Tao moved out of the house almost instantly. She moved into a dormitory and buried herself in her work as a criminal investigator. She dealt with corpses every day. She also made use of her knowledge of the book's storyline to earn some money. Just as Yin Tao's life was beginning to get better, and just when she thought she had escaped from the original storyline, a murder crime linked her to the male supporting character who was infatuated with the female lead.Feng Jing became her direct superior! Fortunately, he didn't seem interested in her in the least bit. One day, Yin Tao and Feng Jing found themselves standing before a bloated cadaver that was salvaged from the river. Feng Jing's eyes widened while he looked at her. There was a glimmer in his eyes that could not quite be explained. Yin Tao started speaking hastily. "Don't fall in love with me. I'm only a myth.""..." Feng Jing was speechless.

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412 Chs


Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

"Why? You want to be Yin Hao's brother-in-law too?" Feng Jing raised his eyebrows slightly at Lin Jia.

"Can't I? Yin Hao's two younger sisters are quite pretty," Lin Jia deliberately said.

"Ah, you don't have much hope. Of the two little girls, one has her sights on Xi Feng, and the other likely has her sights on food."

Feng Jing had a twinkle in his eyes. Earlier at the dining table, Yin Ning's eyes had never left Xi Feng, and Yin Tao did not seem to be interested in anyone other than food.

"Hahaha, you're right." Lin Jia recalled that Yin Tao was indeed like a little hamster during the entire banquet, constantly stuffing her face with food.

"I think Yin Tao and you are quite compatible. A huge iceberg with a little foodie sounds very interesting."

Lin Jia looked at Feng Jing and saw that there was no change in his expression. He continued, "Brother, it's not that I want to criticize you, but you have been single for so many years. I think Yin Tao is quite cute. Do you want to try going out with her?"

"If you like her, go after her. Don't get me involved." Feng Jing's tone was still very cold.

"Alright, don't come crying to me when you are all alone in the future." The atmosphere in Lin Jia and Feng Jing's car was relatively relaxed, but on Yin Tao's end, the air was extremely awkward.

"Sister Xiaotao, are you usually busy? We're going to the beach with your elder brother next week. Yin Ning should be there too. Do you want to come as well?" Jin Chen was very enthusiastic about Yin Tao and sat in the back with her. Xi Feng sat in the front passenger seat while a male assistant in his thirties drove.

"Uh, I have an appointment with a friend to go shopping. Maybe next time." Yin Tao carefully leaned against the car window, trying to stay as far away from Jin Chen as possible.

"Sure, add my contact number so that I don't have to go through your elder brother to find you."

Jin Chen took out his cell phone skillfully. God knows how many girls he had contacted using the same method.

Yin Tao had no choice but to exchange contact details with Jin Chen. It felt like forever before they finally arrived at Nantong Street.

After bidding farewell to Xi Feng and Jin Chen, Yin Tao got out of the car and heaved a long sigh of relief. Could it be that she couldn't escape the plot at all and had to get involved with Jin Chen?

It seemed like she had to be more careful in the future. Jin Chen was the person she should stay the furthest away from. The original Yin Tao's tragic fate in the novel was all thanks to Jin Chen after all.

When she returned to the dormitory, Yin Tao saw the exhausted Bai Luo the moment she entered.

"Xiaotao, you're finally back." Bai Luo leaned on Yin Tao and complained, "There's no progress on the case at all. Xia Jin and I watched the surveillance footage through the night and found nothing."

"Has the identity of the first male corpse not been confirmed yet?" Yin Tao looked at the haggard Bai Luo and felt sorry for her.

"No, I don't know what method the murderer used. I can't find anything at all." Bai Luo had a headache just thinking about the case.

"It's not necessarily because the murderer used some method." Yin Tao recalled Jin Chen's words at the banquet earlier and continued to say to Bai Luo, "Perhaps the victim hid his identity."

Hearing Yin Tao's words, Bai Luo was astounded. Her eyes lit up as she said, "That's right. Perhaps the victim was an unregistered person or someone who broke the law. We've been focusing our attention on the murderer. Perhaps there's something wrong with the victim too."

"My master told me that the modus operandi for the second boy's corpse was very similar to that of the first. However, the second victim died of suffocation. The first victim died from abdominal injuries and excessive blood loss." Yin Tao thought for a moment and continued, "The murderer bore a very strong hatred and his goal was very clear. He wanted the other party dead."

Bai Luo suddenly recalled what she and Xia Jin had discovered during their investigation. She said to Yin Tao, "Yes, the murderer didn't want money. He just wanted them dead. Although the family of the boy who was killed has always emphasized that they don't have any enemies, I heard from their neighbors that the boy was especially mischievous, even wayward. He often damaged public facilities and liked to snatch other children's toys."

Yin Tao suddenly had a strong premonition in her heart. Perhaps the murderer wasn't familiar with the victim at all. His motive was very simple, he simply couldn't stand the actions of such people.

"Xiaotao, I'll go look for Captain Chen now. We might have been barking up the wrong tree." Bai Luo put on her coat and picked up her backpack. "The murderer might not have anything to do with the victim at all. We should start with the victim. Perhaps the person they hurt might be related to the murderer."

"Alright, be careful." Yin Tao watched Bai Luo leave. Just as she was about to wash up and rest, she received a call from Su Ning.

"Yin Tao, come to the autopsy lab immediately. A third body has appeared."