

* This is a reset of my story that I decided to recount. * An ordinary young man is forced by a powerful, unknown entity to live in a new world. Without any acquaintances and blessed with the gift of alchemy, received from Ed and Al, the young man begins to follow a dark path, looking for a way to return to his world. * English is not my native language, so I ask you to be patient about possible spelling errors.

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48 Chs

Night Walk

Chap. 26 – Night Walk

That night, at the Slytherin table, Simon was eating peacefully while some people looked at him with undisguised contempt. Although he was despised because of his blood, and didn't care about it, it was starting to get annoying to have those looks on him.

Simon lifted his eyes from the food and glanced lightly at Draco, who made a point of sitting in front of him, for some reason. The blond boy didn't have his typical mocking smile on his face; instead, he was upset with Simon for embarrassing him in front of the other students.

But he didn't complain and thought about Simon's actions. Draco was clever; he could be arrogant, insecure, a bit impulsive, but he was clever. Although his upbringing had been that of a typical spoiled aristocrat, and like many in Slytherin, he had been blinded by false glory, he had still been raised to be the heir of the Malfoy family.

After calming down a bit and talking to some of his friends, Draco saw through Simon's little game. Although it wasn't much, Simon gained some gratitude from the other houses and strengthened his friendship with Longbottom, who, whether he liked it or not, was one of the "Sacred 28."

Moreover, he had heard that the current Hufflepuff prefect was his adoptive sister, and both of them were from the same orphanage or something. He didn't pay much attention to it, but he was a bit surprised to learn that the girl had some contact with Amelia Bones, the current head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.

Unaware, Draco began to see Simon in a different light, but he still needed to do something against him as a form of retaliation. After all, whether he liked it or not, he had been a bit disadvantaged due to Simon's actions. Besides, he also wanted to get back at Harry.

Suddenly, he thought of something and gave a slight smile while having his meal. Simon noticed Draco's eyes, but simply ignored him and continued eating calmly.

After dinner, Simon took advantage of the brief moment before curfew and went to the library to quickly look for a more advanced potion book. Although Heloise's notes were useful, she had few skills in potions and transfigurations, excelling mainly in spells, herbology, and surprisingly, defense against the dark arts.

- Hey, Simon, what do you think you're doing interfering in other people's business during the flying lesson?

Upon hearing someone speak to him, Simon turned around and found Draco, Goyle, and Crabbe. Seeing Draco's ridiculous smile, Simon frowned. He really didn't understand what this guy wanted now.

Alright, he made him a bit embarrassed earlier, but he thought Draco had let it go since he didn't say anything for the rest of the day.

- What do you want, Draco?

- Do you really think you can insult Slytherin's honor and get away with it?

- Stain the honor? All I did was help a friend and prevent you and Harry from doing something stupid. I know well that you would try to fly off and force him to follow you.

- You...

- If that's it, I have better things to do.

- I challenge you to a duel.

- What?

- Are you stupid or something? Don't you know what a duel is? Right, you were a Muggle, and you probably don't know much about dueling, so let me explain.

While Draco spoke, Simon began to understand more or less where this story was going. Frankly, he was starting to feel that coming to Hogwarts was a mistake and a waste of time.

Simon didn't like dealing with intrigues and such; it was only his second week at Hogwarts, and he was already fed up with his housemates. Although Simon planned his steps carefully, he wasn't good at intrigues and manipulations; he had no talent for it. But he knew when someone was plotting something and trying to harm him.

- And so, do you accept?

- Of course.

- Well, at midnight, in the trophy room.

Draco then turned and went to the common room, while Simon went to the library to get the book he wanted and, not wanting to walk too much, ended up staying there.

He knew Draco wouldn't show up for this duel, but it would be a good way to humiliate these "pure-blood" idiots, calling them cowards. It was a stupid move, but Simon was upset and wanted to vent on something, so why not?

Around 11:30 PM, he left the library and walked through the deserted corridors towards the trophy room. He wasn't in a hurry, and he wasn't worried about Filch.

- He's late.

- Do you think he'll come?

- You shouldn't be here. I shouldn't be here.

- No one told you to come here with us.

Hearing voices in the room, Simon walked there with heavier steps, announcing his arrival.

- Shh, silence. I heard footsteps.

- Finally, you arrived-

- Simon?

- Hermione, Neville... What are you doing here?

Looking around, Simon made a "confused face" as he looked at the four people in the room: Hermione, Neville, Harry, and his little dog... I mean, Ron. Of course, he knew they would be here. Although his knowledge of the saga books was minimal, he still knew some small details, like the story of Kreacher and Regulus, which was never told in the movies, the role of the Slytherins in the Battle of Hogwarts, and some minor things.

- What are you doing here? - Hermione asked back with a confused face.

- I...

- I knew it. Draco chickened out and sent a lackey to do his dirty work.

Hearing Ron's words, whether they liked it or not, Hermione and Neville looked at Simon with questioning looks.

- "Okay, it's official. As soon as there's an opportunity, I'll turn you into a chimera like Tucker's daughter and make you the little dog you are."

Simon was really annoying Ron now. He closed his eyes briefly and, after taking a deep breath, turned to Hermione and Neville.

- How are you?

- Fine. And thanks... for the help this afternoon.

- No problem. And you, Hermione, what are you doing here? Didn't expect a good student from St. Brás to stay awake wandering the corridors at night.

Simon's words made Hermione blush a little - Humph, aren't you doing the same? - she replied grumpily.

- Am I? I'm here for a duel.

- I told you? I knew Draco was a coward and wouldn't show up, but sending a lackey is too much.

- Simon, you...

Looking at Hermione and Neville's disappointed looks, Simon frowned while smiling in his mind. He wasn't a manipulator, but with Ron's "help," it was easy to deceive some kids, and embarrassing Ron was so much fun.

- I think you got it wrong. - Simon replied, frowning at Ron and looking at him with some disdain. -I'm not going to duel any of you. Draco challenged me

- What?

- If he challenged you, why didn't you duel in the Slytherin common room? - Harry suddenly asked, frowning.

Hearing that, Hermione suddenly had a small epiphany, but before saying anything, they heard light footsteps and sniffing sounds coming their way.

- Look for them, Madam Nor-r-ra; they're surely here.

- Darn it, it's Filch – a scared Ron whispered – We need to get out of here.

- This way – Harry said, waving to the others who followed him calmly.

The group then started to leave, but Neville ended up tripping over Harry and knocking over a suit of armor, ruining any chance of leaving silently.

- Run!

The group of 5 then ran through the corridors, trying to evade Filch and Madam Nor-r-ra. Harry and Simon were in the lead, followed by Ron, Hermione, and the trembling Neville at the back.

After a while, they reached a passage behind an old tapestry and ended up in the spell room. While they sighed in relief and tried to catch their breath, Hermione turned to Simon with wrinkles on her forehead.

- Draco fooled you - she then turned to Harry with an even more upset face - both of you.

Harry lowered his head frustrated, while Simon let out a slight smile. Hermione looked at him, wanting to know what was funny, but before she could ask, they heard a voice.

- Oh? Students wandering the school at this hour? Isn't that forbidden?

Hearing that voice, everyone turned to face its owner, who had just revealed himself as a ghost, or rather, a poltergeist.

- Peeves, be quiet - Harry said, and then both started a quick argument. Meanwhile, Simon looked at the poltergeist with some curiosity. He hasn't had time to study exactly what poltergeists were and their differences from ghosts. While he was lost in thought, Peeves suddenly began to scream.


- This way.

Simon grabbed Hermione and pulled her, while the others ran to the end of the corridor only to find a closed door. Simon waved his wand slightly and spoke softly:

- Alohomora.

Click. Hearing the noise, everyone entered quickly and closed the door behind them as they sighed. While everyone was silent, waiting for Filch to pass, Simon looked at the center of the room, or rather, at the trapdoor covered by a gigantic paw of a three-headed dog.

Shortly after, the others also noticed the three-headed dog and saw that it was waking up, and without thinking twice, they left the room.

They then ran for their lives towards the common room, but halfway there, Hermione stopped and looked back.

- Where's Simon?

- What? - Harry turned around and saw that Simon had disappeared.

- Maybe he... - Neville spoke slowly but stopped before completing the sentence.

- Humpf, who told him not to be fast?

- RON – Hermione shouted with a bit of anger, scaring the boy a bit who immediately got angrier, but controlled himself a bit.

- What?

- Now is not the time, Ron – Even Harry thought his words were an exaggeration, whether he liked it or not, Simon was also a "victim" of Draco's conspiracy.

Shortly after, they heard calm footsteps and saw Simon appear. Looking at them, he tilted his head slightly and asked:

- What?

- Where did you go? - Hermione asked, her voice containing a bit of concern and anger.

- Nowhere, just didn't feel like running.

- You...

- It's okay, Hermione. It's late, and I think we'd better go to sleep. See you tomorrow - he spoke lightly and then looked at the others before waving slightly and saying goodbye to them – Neville, Harry... Weasley.

Simon then turned and left calmly, leaving Ron a little irritated. This time it was on purpose. He decided that if this idiot made one more mistake, he would end his future life at Hogwarts, at least for the time he stayed there.