
Flights, Magic, and Conflicts

Sorry if the last chapter was short or had some errors. I wrote it after coming home from work and was tired.

Ch. 25 – Flights, Magic, and Conflicts

Simon spent the weekend in the company of Heloise, talking about some things, and learning everything he could from her. Both knew they wouldn't have many moments like this. Heloise was the current Hufflepuff prefect and had many responsibilities, in addition to preparing for the N.E.W.T.

Simon didn't know if she was a prefect in the original story, and he didn't even know if she existed in that original story. Maybe she existed, but she ended up being just another forgotten character due to the grandiosity of the plot.

On Monday, Simon received Heloise's notes from Susan Bones. The girl seemed a bit hesitant to talk to him. Like many, she had a pre-established conception of Slytherin, but she did it out of courtesy to her prefect, besides already knowing the relationship between her and Simon.

She was surprised that he was completely different from the other Slytherins. He was polite, spoke calmly, didn't show contempt, or try to position himself as superior to her.

She didn't know if this behavior was due to his Muggle-born status or if it was because he knew her relationship with the current head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, or maybe he just didn't want anything to harm his sister. But she liked that Simon treated her as an equal. Besides, Simon was smart and handsome. If nothing went wrong, she believed he would be at least an Auror in the future.

In fact, Simon had no prejudices about birth. He saw all wizards as potential allies; all they had to do was not stand against him, otherwise, they would go from potential allies to potential test subjects.

Although eager to delve into Heloise's notes, Simon had little time. In addition to classes and necessary activities, he would start flying lessons on Thursday.

Unlike other children, he wasn't very excited about the idea of riding a broom. I mean, why brooms? He understood that it had something to do with the Inquisition or something like that, but come on. Didn't they think about changing over the years?

Although he didn't have time to check at the moment, he was almost certain that in India, they use carpets, and in China, they use swords. Well, swords are pretty cool.

- "Ugh, okay, let's leave that aside for now and take this opportunity to check the structure of the brooms."

On Thursday afternoon, Simon was with the first-year students, waiting for the flying teacher, Madame Hooch. Each student usually stayed with their friends from the same house, but Simon was still considered an outcast among the Slytherins.

But instead of being alone, he ended up socializing with some Hufflepuff newcomers. During the week, many Hufflepuff students ended up knowing about his connection with Heloise; after all, it wasn't a secret.

So, out of consideration for their prefect, some of the younger ones tried to interact a bit with Simon. It was only a few words exchanged between them, but it served to improve Simon's image, eliminating some Slytherin stereotypes that could fall on him.

Of course, he didn't try to distance himself from the Slytherins, but he also didn't seek to flatter them in exchange for a false sense of belonging. He knew that if he wanted to be well-received in Slytherin, he had to show everyone that it's not blood that rules the laws of the world, but now it wasn't exactly the moment.

Meanwhile, most Slytherins found Simon's attitude despicable and decided to continue ignoring him, while a few wanted him to approach them as the good-for-nothing blood he was and serve them.

But there were a few who noticed something more in Simon. Most were older, students in their last years who already knew how the wizarding world really worked.

They felt Simon's ambition, as he didn't try to hide it himself, and most Slytherins were ambitious. Of course, most saw it and just ignored it, thinking that his ambitions would soon be crushed by reality. But these few who noticed that Simon was much more than he appeared to be were really curious about his next steps.

Slytherin was much more than a den of ambitious and selfish snakes seeking only their own gains. Slytherins were loyal to those they loved or respected, so it was necessary to speak carefully around them, as they tended to take many things personally.

Its members owned extremely sharp minds and were good at conspiring and seeing through conspiracies, although for many, this was not noticeable because most ended up blinding themselves in the midst of false glory and a false sense of superiority.

Of course, they weren't the only ones to see such ambition. Snape, who was watching Simon at Dumbledore's request, also saw it, but he was more concerned with Harry, so, like it or not, he ended up leaving it aside. Besides, he seriously doubted that Dumbledore couldn't see the boy's ambition.

After a while, Professor Hooch approached and gathered the first-year boys. She was a middle-aged lady with short, graying hair and beautiful brown eyes.

- Good afternoon, students.

- Good afternoon, Professor Hooch.

- Welcome to your first flying class. First, stand to the left of your brooms, then extend your hand and say "up."

- Up.

- Up.

- UP.

Hooch looked around as she waited for the students to raise their brooms. Three people managed to get their brooms up on the first try, namely Harry, Draco, and Simon.

Hermione, who was beside Harry, also saw this and began to speak more loudly. She had a competitive nature, and only she knew how much effort she was putting in to prove she deserved her place at Hogwarts.

As for Ron, he ended up taking a broom to the forehead, which caused some laughter from the students. Finally, when everyone had their brooms in hand, Hooch continued, teaching how to mount the broom and make it take off.

- Now, when I blow the whistle, give a push with your foot.

It should be something simple, without many problems. She just didn't count on one thing: Neville.

- AAAAaaaaaa.

- Mr. Longbottom. From there!

- AAAAaaaaa.

Neville rose a little over 6 meters before slipping off the broom and starting to fall. Simon watched all of this calmly but a bit upset as he drew his wand.

- "In the movie, it was funnier" he thought as he waved his wand - Leviosa.

Suddenly, Neville was suspended just over half a meter from the ground; the students then looked at Simon as he waved his wand and canceled the spell, making Neville fall to the ground.

Although scared, the boy seemed fine, but even so, Professor Hooch decided to take him to the infirmary as a precaution. Of course, she still gave Simon 15 points for his help, which made some Slytherin students proud and somewhat awkward.

Meanwhile, just like in the movie, Draco found Neville's Remembrall and had a little argument with Harry. However, before they could fly, Simon spoke lightly.

- Accio.

The Remembrall left Draco's hand and went to Simon's hand, but before either of them could say anything, Ron approached with a serious face.

- Simon, return it; it belongs to Neville.

Seeing Ron trying to confront him, Simon frowned in displeasure. He understood this jealous and anger-prone little guy. But understanding and accepting were two different things.

Suddenly, he helps a friend, and out of nowhere, this idiot tries to make him look like a thief. Simon took a breath, and after looking again at the Remembrall, he threw it to Hermione.

- Hermione, when you see Neville, give it to him, okay?

- All right, Simon.

- Thank you.

Simon then turned and left. He had no interest in these flying lessons and only attended because he wanted to make this little scene. With this, he gained some points with Neville and left a good impression on most of the children present.

In addition, he ended up humiliating Ron, making him look like the idiot he was, which was a bonus. As for the fact that he ruined Harry's chances of being the newest Quidditch player, he couldn't care less.

As Simon left, some students talked among themselves, surprised by his magic display. Among them, Hermione was one of those who felt most pressured by Simon's talent, as they were equals.

However, not everyone was excited. Most of Slytherin was upset with Simon's action of taking Draco's Remembrall. For them, it was a clear betrayal of their house, which made Simon a bit disliked by them.

However, one person thought the complete opposite as they looked at Simon's back and saw him walking away.

Next chapter