
A Fate To Hate

Ellen is an orphan in her late teens, with the desperation to make some money for college she works as a maid in the home of a Business mogul Dave Marcellus. Things went south when she got more than she was expecting.

Akinwunmi_Mariam · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Chapter five

Ralph was in the gym exercising when the anger of his Alpha reached his mind.


He was surprised by the levity of the pain he felt.

He dashed out of the gym, using one of his abilities as a wolf; he appeared before him in less than two minutes.

" Alpha" Ralph called carefully, standing a distance away from Dave.

He does not know what was going on but he knew keeping a space between them might be a wise decision.

He knew werewolves are always impulsive when angry. And the higher the rank the worse the temper.

"I gave you the responsibility of looking after my sister just for the night because I trusted you but you in return betrayed me. Why?!"

Dave's voice filled with rage shook the whole house.

Ralph went to his knees immediately.

The words he just heard were like a strange dialect to him.

"Alpha I would never try such. I don't know what you are talking about" Ralph said, filled with confusion.

Within the blink of an eye, Dave was already standing close to him.

His fist was balled despite his elongated nails.

"Then explain to me, how did my sister become cursed overnight.?"

Hearing the word cursed made Ralph more confused than ever, he hadn't let her out of his sight.

He had followed her everywhere.

She did not meet with anyone strange, then how the hell did she become cursed?

Nothing out of the ordinary happened when they were there.

"Explain now!!"

Dave commanded, he was getting too angry and he can be destructive when that happens.

He had assured his father nothing would happen to her.

He was supposed to make sure no harm came to her.

She is equivalent to his weakness now that he is without a mate.

He would do anything to make her happy.

Ralph remained silent not knowing what to say.

He does not know what was happening.

It has been a long time since he witnessed his Alpha get this angry which means he was in a lot of trouble.

Taking a deep breath to calm himself and his enraged beast down a little bit, Dave threw the door open, almost breaking it off its hinges.

He walked out of the room.

He had no idea where he was going but he needed to be alone or he would create a lot of mess here.

And there are humans here. He does not want them to witness anything strange.

They would grow suspicious and become nosy.

Dave bumped into someone, he heard a scream before the person fell.

The yelp of shock made him turn to check on the person who was now sitting on the floor.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?. Do you want to shove me down to my grave?"

Hearing the feminine voice accompanying the sweet scent.

Dave felt himself calm down immediately.

It was the maid that had walked in on him doing something private twice today.

He had not seen her walking afore him.

He was too blinded by rage to see.

This was one of the reasons he needed to be alone.

She is human, she would question any strange occurrence she sees.

Dave offered a hand to help her up and she accepted, putting her smaller hand in his. He pulled her up and accidentally into his arms.

Or is it intentional??.

Ellen stares in shock as the man she recognized to be her boss pulled her up from the ground and into his arm.

Ellen put her hands instinctively on his chest to put some space between their bodies.

She was not expecting the turn of events.

She had even forgotten her anger for a minute.

Dave welcomes the serenity that overcame his previously furious beast. It was almost like he fell asleep.

Why was he suddenly feeling such?

Dave questions himself while he stares at the brown eyes that were staring back at him.

She is very beautiful now that he gets a closer look at her.

Her hair was in a messy bun, with no traces of makeup on her face.

She bears an innocent face that makes him want to protect her.

"What is wrong with you?" Ellen pushed him away from her.

She glares at him angrily before leaving.

Why would he hug her all of a sudden instead of apologizing for bumping into her?

Stupid man.

Dave's eyes followed her until she disappeared around a corner.

What was wrong with him?

He had been on the brink of losing his sanity to anger but he calmed in the blink of an eye just because she touched him.


"I warned you, didn't I?"

Mrs Stefan stood some distance away from her displeased brother.

She knew he would be angry if he find out that Ellen had attended the carnival but it wasn't her fault.

She just can't decide to lock the girl up.

"She did not inform me before attending, she only returned after midnight" M.rs Stefan sadly.

"This is the last warning I'm giving you, next time similar to this happens I will take her from you" the man warned sternly before dissipating into the air.

Mrs Stefan sat down heavily after he left, how will she prevent him from taking Ellen from her.

She possibly cannot keep the girl locked up to prevent her from him.

It's enough that she grew up with no parents.

She would never let her experience what her brother could do to her.

"Granny!, I'm home" Ellen's voice echoed through the quiet house.

Mrs Stefan gets up from where she was seated not wanting the girl to see her brooding.

That will only make her worry about her.