
A Fantastical Journey

In wold that is suddenly covered in darkness. Sulien must uncover the truths of the strange events that are beginning to happen. Animal begin to devour each other while humans become insane. In this crisis Sulien must discover his destiny. The beginning part of the story will start out in a type of apocalypse fashion in which the main character unlocks a new power which many people are also gaining. His goal is to reunite with his family and to do that he has to travel across the country. This is my first story and I am writing to pass the time, it will be a fan-fic from many sources most of these will start out subtle. There will probably be many grammar mistakes as I am not a very good writer. I am a very slow writer and the update will probably be not very frequent as I will write when I feel like it.

RegisofNex · Others
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10 Chs

V1-CH8: The Golden Eagle

As we walked into the central plaza we met a group of four. Amongst the four there was one person we were able to recognize it was Professor Rhiter our language and speech professor.

"Professor, you are still here?"

Professor Rhiter: "It's you three what are you doing here."

"We were trying to pass through the university but we got attacked, if it wasn't for Garlan's warning we would probably be dead."

Professor Rhiter: "Well I am glad that you are alright, but it would have been better if you hadn't passed through the university, the situation here is dire. I don't know how it happened but many of the students have begun killing each other over here. But that is not the only problem, the animals have gone crazy also, there are a bunch of giant rats running around each building killing everything it sees. Fortunately, we have managed to barricade this floor so we are safe for a little bit."

John: "Cant we try escaping now since the eagle outside is injured."

Professor Rhiter: "I wish we could but that is not possible, there is a better person who can explain the situation; let me introduce you my colleague, Professor Demitri Ross, he is a zoologist and works in the biology department of the university. Aside from him, these two are Jamie Rivers and Oliver Wesley."

The three of us nodded our head, Professor Ross waved towards us and looked happy at the fact that they have more people, however, it seems Oliver and Jamie weren't too pleased to see us.

Professor Ross: "Even though you managed to injure the eagle it is not enough, yesterday many police officers shot at the bird and managed to injure it and scare it away. But it was useless, it came back stronger and tougher; even now it continues to evolve. You managed to injure it but it will come back even stronger after a while."

Professor Rhiter: "That is not the only problem, the parking garage is being guarded by some people who have gone insane."

Ratsel: "We can't sit here and do nothing, we have to find some way out of the campus before the situation gets any worse. I have my car located in the parking garage, if we can somehow make it there I can drive everyone out."

Oliver: "Why should we listen to you, you just barge in here and expect to take control. If we try going to the garage we will be torn apart by those insane freaks. It's better to wait here for the military to save us."

John: "Hey back off, you think the military can do anything in this situation we are in, it is safer for us to escape this place rather than wait for something that isn't going to happen."

As they were arguing we suddenly heard a loud screech, we all carefully approached the window on the second floor and looked towards the source. Perched on the top of the building across from us was the giant eagle, it looked slightly bigger than before and the hole that I place it its wing was smaller than before.

Professor Ross: "How fascinating!!!"

"What do you mean professor."

Professor Ross: "The eagle, it is evolving and mutating. In the face of danger towards its life, it is evolving to counteract against it."

As Professor Ross was explaining what he knew of the eagle, it began to spread its wings wide open and immediately flew up into the sky.

"Run we have to get away from the windows now!!!"

Hearing my statement, everyone followed me down to the first floor. Not long after the eagle slammed into the side of the building. The building started to shake and part of it began collapsing.

The eagle once again flew away and perched itself on top of another building waiting for us to come out. The stairs to the second floor had completely collapsed, we have to find a way out without being spotted.

"Is there any way out of the building without getting spotted by the eagle."

Jamie: "If we go to the basement, there is an exit down there that leads to the back of the building. But if we go down, there will be mutant rats that will try to attack us."

Ratsel: "Let's do that, John and Sulien can take care of the rats."

Ratsel looks towards and expects us to get ready for what is to come. Agreeing with her both John and I manifest our weapons.

The group doesn't look too surprised at what we just did.

Professor Ross: "So you two have it too that incredible."

"Professor do you know what these are."

Professor Ross: "I have a theory but it is not something that is concrete, however, I think those weapons are something that is manifested to survive in this crisis. I don't know what the condition is to manifest weapons but there are already a few people on the campus who are able to do that."

Professor Rhiter: "Garlan here has also been able to manifest a weapon after he fainted yesterday aside from him I also heard from Oliver that Nolan is able to manifest something; although we don't know what it is.

As we begin to head towards the basement we notice that Oliver is not moving.

John: "Are you not coming."

Oliver: "I still don't trust you guys, we will probably all die if we follow you."

Jamie: "Oliver I think it would be better if we follow them, we don't know when help is going to come."

He didn't seem too convinced, we did not say anymore and began heading downstairs. When we reached the basement we noticed that there were five giant rats spread around, they were all eating corpses of students.

Ratsel quickly draws her bow and notches an arrow on the string and aims at one of the rats. I also notice Garlan close his eyes, eventually, a shield appears in his hand.

Garlan: "This is my weapon, I am not very good at attacking, but I can protect really well."

Nodding in acknowledgment, we quickly prepare ourselves. Ratsel aims at one of the rats and lets go of the arrow. It flies and impales a rat in the neck, incapacitating it. Noticing one of its kind go down the remaining rats quickly turn towards us and dash at us.

John jumps towards one of the rats and swings down his short sword. The rat was unable to stop its charge and gets sliced in half.

I watch as two rats rushing towards me, this is going to be a bit tricky. I use one of my hands to pick up one of the chairs on the ground to throw it towards one of the rats. Not expecting to have a chair thrown at it, the rat gets hit and distracted. I quickly take this chance to charge at the other rat. I swiftly impale it with my spear, the rat combusts into a flame and instantly dies. I quickly turn around and pull out my pistol and shoot at the remaining rat, it gets hit by two bullets and perishes.

There is only one rat remaining. I quickly turn over and watch as the final rat charge towards Ratsel. However, Garlan quickly gets in the way with his shield and blocks its path. Taking this opportunity I throw my spear at it. The spear impales the final rat, killing it.

"I think that is all the rats here."


The entire building is shaking, we watch as debris slowly start falling down and the stars that we used collapses. The first floor collapsed from the eagle's impact tapping us in the basement.

Have some ideas about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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