
A Fantastical Journey

In wold that is suddenly covered in darkness. Sulien must uncover the truths of the strange events that are beginning to happen. Animal begin to devour each other while humans become insane. In this crisis Sulien must discover his destiny. The beginning part of the story will start out in a type of apocalypse fashion in which the main character unlocks a new power which many people are also gaining. His goal is to reunite with his family and to do that he has to travel across the country. This is my first story and I am writing to pass the time, it will be a fan-fic from many sources most of these will start out subtle. There will probably be many grammar mistakes as I am not a very good writer. I am a very slow writer and the update will probably be not very frequent as I will write when I feel like it.

RegisofNex · Others
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10 Chs

V1-CH9: Eagle vs. Raven

"It seems like we can't return to the first floor"

John: "It was a good idea to head to the basement, if we had waited up there we would have been crushed by the debris."

Jamie: "I hope Oliver is ok, he was waiting on the first floor."

"There is nothing we can do now, our only choice is to move forward and quickly exit the building before it completely collapses."

The seven of us quickly navigated the basement and looked for the back exit. Eventually, we managed to find it.

Professor Ross: "This is the loading dock where trucks come in to resupply the building of its food, we should be able to manually pull up the garage and exit the building."

Hearing Professor Ross's advice, John and Garlan quickly but quietly pulled up the garage. We were finally able to exit the building, what laid before us was a giant lake.

John: "Do you think we can escape the campus by using one of the boats by the docks to cross Mendota Lake."

Ratsel: "It's too risky, we don't know what is lurking in waters, and the sound of turning on the board will attract unnecessary attention."

"Ratel is right, I would be better to quickly reach the science building where the parking lot is and use a car to drive away."

Ratsel: "We have to quickly cross the street without getting spotted by the eagle."

We started to quietly cross the street, I looked towards the Historical Society building, which is where the eagle was previously perched.


Professor Rhiter collapsed to the ground. We quickly brace ourselves, it seems someone shot at us.

John: "Sulien, look over there."

I looked towards the place John pointed towards and saw a person holding a rifle on the second floor of the building we were heading towards. We quickly took cover to not get shot at again. However, there was something we did not account for.

The eagle descended from the sky and used its talons to grab Ratsel and fly back up.

John: "Noooo Ratsel."

John quickly took out the rifle from his back and shot at the eagle however the bullets did not do anything.

"I have to do something."

I quickly began dashing towards the eagle, it was flying towards the Science building. It was getting away and would soon be out of reach.

As I was running I felt strength welling up within me, and soon my hands and spear became covered in flames.

I gathered my confidence and jumped, surprisingly I was able to jump up five meters but the eagle was still ten meters away from me.

I took a deep breath and pulled back my hand that was holding the spear. Using all my might I threw the spear towards the eagles back. The spear flew, propelled by fire in my hands it left a red trail in the sky. It flew and pierced into the back of the eagle, the spear then ignited the tip into a blaze and scorched the back of the eagle. In pain, the eagle began screeching and released its talons.

I watched as Ratsel fell onto the roof of the science building, fortunately, the fall wasn't too high, I can only hope that she will be ok.

I quickly divert my attention back towards the eagle, the spear on its back has already dematerialized. Although the wound on its back is severe, it was not deep enough.

I land on the ground and instantly collapse, It seems like the spear and the jump took a toll on me.

I looked and saw that the eagle was quickly approaching me, I pulled out the pistol on my arms shot at the eagle, the bullets did nothing but make it angrier. Feeling hopeless I closed my eyes. It was then that I heard a giant crashing sound. I quickly looked over and was surprised at what I saw.

Something had tackled the eagle and pinned it to the ground. It was a giant raven, its entire body was black, and its beak and wings were razor sharp. It held down the eagle's wings with its two talons and kept slamming its sharp beak on the eagle's chest trying to puncture it.

As I saw this, I felt someone grabbing me and pulling me up, looking over I saw it was Garlan and John. The two of them grabbed me by my arms and dragged me behind the union building.

As they were carrying me to safety I watched as the two giant birds began to battle each other. The eagle managed to set itself free from the raven's grasp. The two began clashing in the skies, from what I observed the raven was winning. The eagle was injured from my previous attack which gates the raven the opportunity to attack it.

Garlan: "Why the hell are they fighting each other."

Professor Ross: "I think they are trying to determine who will be the alpha, between the two of them, whoever wins will be the king of this area and be able to freely hunt here."

"So they are fighting over territorial right."

Soon the two began heading towards the east and disappeared from sight, but we can still hear the sound of them fighting.

"This is our chance, while those two are fighting we have to hurry up and escape from the campus, we also have to get to Ratsel, she is in danger up there on the roof."

Jamie: "She fell on the science building roof, that building is currently occupied by people who have gone crazy."

John: "We have to hurry up there now, if they find her she will be dead."

Jamie: "I don't think they will approach the roof anytime soon, not while that eagle and raven is still here.

"We can only hope she will be okay until we get to her, in any case, we still have to enter the building."

I quickly pulled out some binoculars from my bag and looked towards the building, Professor Rhiter's body was still laying on the street it seems like he is dead. After looking around a bit I managed to spot the shooter, it seemed to be a student standing by the third-floor window with a rifle.

Sorry, I haven't written anything in a while, my mood was a bit down.

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