
A Fantastical Journey

In wold that is suddenly covered in darkness. Sulien must uncover the truths of the strange events that are beginning to happen. Animal begin to devour each other while humans become insane. In this crisis Sulien must discover his destiny. The beginning part of the story will start out in a type of apocalypse fashion in which the main character unlocks a new power which many people are also gaining. His goal is to reunite with his family and to do that he has to travel across the country. This is my first story and I am writing to pass the time, it will be a fan-fic from many sources most of these will start out subtle. There will probably be many grammar mistakes as I am not a very good writer. I am a very slow writer and the update will probably be not very frequent as I will write when I feel like it.

RegisofNex · Others
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10 Chs

V1-CH7: A New Enemy

It was a new day when I woke up. I got up at look through the window, yup the sky is still dark. I try to switch on the lights, but it won't work. It seems like there is no power, or the power lines were damaged from yesterday's event. I saw Ratel and John were also starting to get up, I looked at my watch it is currently 7 AM.

We quickly packed everything and looked around the apartment for anything useful. We managed to find some preserved food as well as a shotgun with about 20 rounds.

As we walked outside we noticed something strange.

John: "Um why is there a pile of bones here, shouldn't there be a full corpse here."

Ratsel: "It was probably eaten by wild animals, we should quickly leave before they come back."

We quickly enter the car and leave the area. John begins driving his car and we go west on Langdon Street.

"At this rate, we will be soon crossing through the university."

Ratsel: "Hopefully everything is okay over there, the campus police should be there to protect the student."

As we were driving through the road we notice many signs of destruction everywhere. Occasionally we also noticed corpses on the ground, it was a gruesome sight but we tried to keep focus. Very soon we drove into the university.

The roads and sidewalk were completely empty, there was no one outside.

Ratsel: "Sulien, John look over there."

We both looked at the place she pointed to and we noticed a car that was flipped around. As we looked around we spotted more cars that were in the same condition.

"Something is not right, we should be careful."

As we were driving down the road noticed something shining in the corner of our eyes. Looking towards the right we noticed a person on the second floor of the union, he was using his phone to shine a flashlight towards us.

He was frantically waving his hands trying to get our attention. Once he noticed that he had our attention he quickly used one hand to point up.

Curious Ratsel lowered the car window and looked up. Immediately she opened the door of the car.

"Ratsel what's wrong."

Ratsel: "Quickly, get out the car now!!!"

We saw Ratsel jump out of the car. Confused we also proceed to do the same, John was able to exit quickly but I was a bit too slow.

Something grabbed the car and began to lift it off the ground. I quickly jumped off before the car got too high off the ground. Falling towards the ground I quickly rolled to braced impact with the ground.

Ratsel quickly comes over and lifts me up. I once again look up to see what grabbed the car. It was a giant bird, it had a yellow beak with a black tip at the end and its wings were slightly brown with a golden sheen, but what surprised me the most was its size. The length of its wings was close to 10 meters.

???: "Hurry up and get inside, before it gets back here!!!"

We quickly start running towards the voice, as we were running we saw the car that we were driving fall towards the ground. When it fell to the ground it burst into flames, the fuel tank must have exploded from the impact. The force from the explosion knocked us off our feet.

The giant bird was quickly flying down attempting to claim another victim. I quickly lift up the pistol and began shooting at it, but it was no use I missed most of the shots and the few that did hit barely did anything.

The giant bird was quickly flying down, it was attempting to grab Ratsel. I quickly closed my eyes and manifested my spear and then began running towards Ratsel.

The bird was swooping down and attempted to grab Ratsel with its talons. John quickly lifted up the shotgun and fired. The Giant bird wasn't affected much, however, it was enough to startle the bird and give me time to approach it.

I quickly dash towards it and attempt to impale its neck with my spear. Noticing the danger towards its life it lifted up its wing and blocked my strike.

My action, however, was not useless, the moment the spear tip landed on it wing the tip burst into flames and gorged a hole into the wing.

It screeched in pain and attempted to fly away from the location. Due to the hole in its wing, it was unable to fly far and crashed into the building across the street.

We quickly took this opportunity to run into the building.

"I think we are safe for now"

We were currently in the University Union, as we look around we noticed someone. It was the person who warned us of the bird. He was African American, his hair was pretty short and he had a slight amount of hair on his face forming a sort of peach fuzz.

???: "Wow that was amazing you guys were able to hurt it, follow me we shouldn't stay near any doors or windows."

"Thanks for warning us, if we didn't notice you we would have probably been dead. I am Sulien by the way and this is Ratsel and John."

Garlan: "Yeah no problem, my name is Garlan Mckenzie. There are a few more people inside this building besides me. But you guys have to be careful, many of them are still skeptical you guys. Some of them even told me not to help you when the eagle was after you."

Ratsel: "That thing is an eagle, how do you know that."

Garlan: "Well there is a professor here who is a zoologist, he has some experience with the native birds and was able to identify that thing as golden eagle despite its size."

"At least we are safe for now."

As we walked into a central plaza area we noticed a group of four.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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