
A Falling Wings

credits of photo: Kelseydragon17(user on pintrest) A Falling wings needs change, and a huge makeover. It wont only be a long break, but a sad one to know my viewers will wait for a long period. Hopefully every viewer can be able to fly strong, until then, goodbye! Sadness and tragedy are too early for a teen, well that's not really the case with Violet, the fifteen-year-old who will always figure out a way to deal with grief whether it will be on earth or not. We are introduced to the main character in A Falling Wings, who is a fifteen-year-old girl from a dysfunctional family. Violet is forced to live a life that is entirely meaningless and without any explanation as to why she is living it in this way. Nevertheless, Violet is both awestruck and terrified when she discovers, at the age of fifteen, after she throws her fifteenth birthday party with her mother and two friends, that she has beautiful but terrifying wings. Her friends confront her with the question of who she is and as a result of their investigation, she comes to the conclusion that she is not human, but she is also not a spy either. This one event that started as a fun story turned into a very bizarre one. Violet is from a planet of peace, a sacred one, that had once been at full war with earth after a catastrophic crisis had occurred between the humans and the people of the unique planet "Kahilis" and all the rest remains history in the book known as "A Falling wings"

DoveyBunny · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 18 ("I'm ready")

*Knock* *Knock* Violet roused from her bottomless sleep, she was past depleted, it was as if she had been carrying rocks last night. Maid Jessica entered, placing the academy's uniform on the desk's chair.

Morning! -Maid Jessica

Good morning, OH NO I'M SORRY- IM LATE AREN'T I? -Violet

No, you aren't, it's your first couple of days enrolled in the academy, so you surely won't do that error. Back to where I was, you have a couple of lirs, so wear the uniform and go downstairs to have breakfast-

Do I need to- I just don't feel ready to engage the-

You have nothing to be ready for, except your exam, anyways come on get up. -Maid Jessica

RIGHT! The-THE EXAM! -Violet

Violet got rapidly out of her bed, gulped the blue mint leaf maid Jessica fetched for her, quickly bedecked up, brought the notes and pencil case, and went downstairs, terrified of the looks she will accumulate from everyone, by everyone, it's meant more for the king and queen, she soothed her posture, and herself, and asked the knights to open the door. She got what she expected, and that was primarily noticed by the king, she innocently waved and said

Go-Good morning your majesties. -Violet

MORNING! -Leanor

That retort from Leanor almost made Violet's day. Darius ravaged it though, by bumping his elbow to Leanor's arm and whispering "Manners, you don't want to get father- angry" she nodded changing her expression from a playful one into one Violet could find Darius having.

Good morning, Violet, sit down. -Queen Iris

O-Okay, I just want to apologize in advance for the commotion I caused, I take full responsibility for my actions. -Violet

I won't accept it. -King Angun

Violet stood, interrogating what to reply with, the vast room, was now filled with a silence that even the maids hadn't had a notion of what to fill it with, just as how the king made the stillness he split it as well.

I will tolerate it as long as you behave yourself. -King Angun

I thank you and apologize once more. -Violet

She was eased about the topic now, and the unnerving aura had dashed out of the window, as she headed to sit on a chair Darius dropped a glass of water on the ground, it was definitely done purposely to keep Violet from sitting by him "It isn't like I want to sit there, why would I even sit by a person with such personality anyway"

Oops, my bad, I dropped my glass of water, Athena! -Darius

Coming your majesty. -Athena

Athena, can you give me that? I can hel-

My dear, stay seated, I will take care of this. -Athena

Violet listened to her order and operated it, she sat down next to Leanor since that is obviously what Darius was trying to strive to do, the three maids waiting for any command from the royal family, were standing formally.

Jessica- can you- um can you please pour coffee into Violet's cup? -Queen Iris

For sure Iris- Yo-your majesty. -Maid Jessica

Violet was suspecting the situation, what had been going on was still being controlled away from Violet, but not a surprise for the rest, except king Angun, once he heard that mistake in the sentence, his focus got directed from eating his food formally to just darting at Maid Jessica in fury, while Darius had a small grin on his face. The maid Athena was doing just fine, it made Violet really interested in the miracles the syrup from the tree can do. The table was as faint as their secrets, no one at all was communicating or even wanting to try to start a chat, Violet drank the coffee Maid Jessica had poured into the thick fragile diamond-designed cup. Her eyes widened, and her heart pounded as fast as a person running a marathon, it was ridiculously sweet and packed all attracting smells and tastes. She sliced what seemed like toast using an eating a knife, and took a bite, the memories suddenly slapped her, she remembered the days Ms. Charlotte baked Violet breakfast while whizzing a song, it didn't only almost trace as her cooking, but the texture was the same exact, before she couldn't stop the weeps and tears from mirroring within this hushed room, wiped his mouth with the cloth that was present on the table, then left the dining table, and essentially pushed the maid Athena, head to his room, Leanor pulled Violet during the time she just stood lost.


I would, but I would want to do something before doing so. Your majesty, king Angun may I speak with you privately? -Violet

You can discuss whatever you have with-

It's something only you would clearly understand. -Violet

Athena! -King Angun

Yes, your majesty?, what can I do? -Maid Athena

Ask Jessica to speak with all the peasants, and inform them about my lateness-

It will take a minute only. -Violet

In a minute someone might be dying by starvation, in one minute a person might get shot, in one single minute a person's wings might decide to rip and tear, never let a-

Can I please utter to you? -Violet

The king moved to the inner hallways while his long extended furry, soft coat moved against the clean floor tiles covering every millimeter of the castle. It wasn't a brilliant idea for Violet to speak with the king about a flighty topic, she had wanted to unlock the case about Gavin and Athena, it isn't like they might be the only two people living in poor adjustments, but she couldn't keep shut, her instincts had to rattle out guidance to crack this.

What is it that you want? -King Angun

Violet had never ever seen such a resemblance before, she never really thought about it, but Darius seemed almost identical to the king, Angun, not only by looks, and smiles, but by the cruel, dark, and over-powering personality, that was unlovable to who met them and knew their course of action, she proceeding asking a question

How old is maid Athena? -Violet

Why do you-

Memories began recreating in his head crossing his sentences and words. A person who appeared like Maid Athena, but soo much younger, like she had regained all her beauty, playing with the king a game, but instead of a king it was prince Angun, "HA I CAUGHT YOU!" Those memories, how precious and purely seen.

Wh-Why exactly would you like to know? -king Angun

Can't you see how she is stumbling!? -Violet

You should speak quietly when talking to the king. -King Angun

I speak reasonably to whoever earns to be spoken to, and what about Gavin? -Violet

He is a peasant working for me. -King Angun

Working for- for you? -Violet

Well, of course, I won't allow him to sleep in a proper room. -King Angun

What about an academy? -Violet

That's a question you should delightedly answer-

You- do you have any sympathy or even a bit of mercy? The kid you name a peasant is a brainiac your son will never be. -Violet

SHUT YOUR MOUTH WHEN SPEAKING ABOUT MY SON! Gavin isn't fit for education or learning in broad. -King Angun

Entrust me when I say this "I don't overlook your son" are you telling me that a kid isn't fit for education because of his financial status?-


Violet knew that was her row to take off, so she walked out, but before taking one more step she completed saying

The question of who your son resembles has doubtlessly been answered. -Violet

And she left smirking, she hurried passing next to the dining table and catching the notes totally on time. She suddenly stopped to see the unknown Woman, looking at her and smiling beautifully, she waved and said cleanly "Enjoy it whilst you can." her extraordinary eyes glistened beneath the sunlight coming from the window. Violet returned a small smile, waved back, and left running, Maid Jessica had seen it all and was dreading it. She walked toward both Leanor and Darius ready to take off on Starluck, the unusually appealing creature. In the same order as the last time Starluck was rode, Darius first, Violet second, and Leanor last, this time Violet wasn't wimpy as the first time, she had fully considered the decision, but there was no other option, so she made her way sitting on its feathery back, she gently began petting it as if it had been a cat or a dog, the memories flooded her head with what she remembered as petting the stray cats and dogs she cherished her childhood with. The three of them were now ready.

Starluck, go ahead, to the academy. -Darius

Starluck didn't move its hooves even a centimeter in front nor to the back, it left Darius with an unsatisfied reaction, this time Leanor gave it a go.

Lucky! come on! *she whispered* I'll give you some of my candy stashes. -Leanor

Still, there was no reaction at all, even so, Darius was being patient. He didn't shriek again, he drove beside Starluck's ear and muttered something that Violet and Leanor couldn't hear a word of, whatever he did do, or said, worked! Starluck began moving, and just as Violet foresaw, the same scenario occurred 'Fear' this time she felt unsteady and uncomfortable! She didn't remember Starluck's back being very tough, it was very unsuitable to ride, especially with the uniform Violet was supposed to wear. She pondered whether she was in a dream disconnecting her from reality, or it was just the truth of where she had been, though it was her second time to be on Starluck, the questions still dug harder and harder through her head like a mine was inside, everything seen certainly could drive someone to full insanity if not in the understanding of where they are. Darius tapped Starluck once, let go of his wings, and the rest was gravity's work, Leanor told Violet pleasingly "hold on to Starluck's wings" she did exactly what she was told, declining seemed pretty fatal at that time. Once Starluck's hooves pressed on the concrete, Violet let go of its wings, right before Violet was going to leave to get inside the academy, Darius jerked on her hair and stared her down.

Leanor, you can go head to your academy section. -Darius

"I will, but why are you holding on to Violet's hair, ARE YOU GOING TO- I SWEAR TO GOD OF SHE COMES WITH A SCAR ON HER WRIST I WILL TELL MOMMY-" she said insolently to Darius while her eyes shifted from blue to white, Darius calmed her down saying

No, but I would like to articulate with her, now leave for your academy before the bell rings. -Darius

Fine, *she whispered into Violet's ear* if he does something, don't cease yourself from injuring him, GOODBYE! -Leanor

She ran joyfully like a kid heading to get hold of a Christmas gift, ADORABLE! Darius yanked her hair, again, and used it to move her head to a position where her ear was close to him.

A little warning from me: don't involve yourself in my social life, I don't want to ruin yours, so in return don't. -Darius

by any chance, ARE YOU STABLE?! I don't give a bit of care about your life. Instead, you should know something-

She pressed her thumb and index finger on his ear and pulled him, doing the same exact thing, but with his ear.

Stay away from me. -Violet

She chose four words, pushed him in hatred, and took a leap from Starluck's back to the concrete, walking off with the notes still in her hand. "Who exactly does he think is, who cares if he is the prince, not me for sure." She went to the administration desk.

Hello, Violet Mase, can I please have my room key? -Violet

For sure, floor seven hundred-thirty-six, room eighty-nine thousand seven hundred thirty-nine. -Administration worker

Thank you, in addition, I wanted to ask where class number 467 is located. -Violet

Go up to floor six hundred and turn to your left, GOODLUCK! -Administration worker

She hastened to the classroom as if something was hunting her, while Darius was still in the lobby just speaking calmly with his friends, and looked completely unprepared for anything about studying. It took Violet approximately six minutes to make it to her class's room although it was like a whole journey. Panting and panting, she tidied her hair and clothes, and opened the door slowly, peaking her head out of the creak at first, then opening it. All the pupils were skimming her, her hair was different, it seemed like it had been soaked in conditioner for a hours, and her eyelashes were like noodles, long and thick! Like it had been a glow-up, from appealing to a gorgeous being.

Long time no see. -Aconite

It's like you just bribed those words out of my mouth. -Violet

I hope you like this chapter!! Get ready for some character development for Violet!

If you have some ideas about my novel? Comment on it and let me know. Have an awesome day! :)

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