
A Falling Wings

credits of photo: Kelseydragon17(user on pintrest) A Falling wings needs change, and a huge makeover. It wont only be a long break, but a sad one to know my viewers will wait for a long period. Hopefully every viewer can be able to fly strong, until then, goodbye! Sadness and tragedy are too early for a teen, well that's not really the case with Violet, the fifteen-year-old who will always figure out a way to deal with grief whether it will be on earth or not. We are introduced to the main character in A Falling Wings, who is a fifteen-year-old girl from a dysfunctional family. Violet is forced to live a life that is entirely meaningless and without any explanation as to why she is living it in this way. Nevertheless, Violet is both awestruck and terrified when she discovers, at the age of fifteen, after she throws her fifteenth birthday party with her mother and two friends, that she has beautiful but terrifying wings. Her friends confront her with the question of who she is and as a result of their investigation, she comes to the conclusion that she is not human, but she is also not a spy either. This one event that started as a fun story turned into a very bizarre one. Violet is from a planet of peace, a sacred one, that had once been at full war with earth after a catastrophic crisis had occurred between the humans and the people of the unique planet "Kahilis" and all the rest remains history in the book known as "A Falling wings"

DoveyBunny · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 17 ( "Since when was cruelty a word?")

She already knew that the journal wasn't located under the bed or the sheets, while the unknown woman just pouted at her with no contribution, and that was because she knew Violet had no thought of where the journal was and that was what she privately wanted.

After minutes of searching, there was no hope of finding it, Violet was exhausted from toe to head, the room had turned into a mess, and the food that maid Jessica gave to Violet while in the search for the journal was untouched, and was nearly inedible, it basically tasted like burnt plastic, Violet felt so unfulfilled, she really wanted to find more answers, more explanations. Right before she thought of going to sleep, she decided to study more for the examination. Her stomach rumbled in hunger after hours of plain studying a complex subject, but how would she be able to get food? It had been MIDNIGHT! The best option was to sneak into the kitchen peacefully and swiftly, she thought "I'm not that hung-" her stomach grumbled once again cutting off her words "-ry", her normal instincts had been forewarning her from even just holding the knife and fork, and taking a bite from the steak. She opened the door smoothly and left it creaking to not create an obstacle for once she comes back, walking step by step, evading making a clamorous racket, as walking downstairs she heard a sound coming from the same room she entered to find the speaking mirrors, she, of course, knew the evil that is attending there, and so that room didn't even bother. She reached the long hallway that was filled with many doors with rooms that weren't seen by Violet anytime before, she scented an influential smell coming from one certain room with an Oak door. Opening the door slowly to prevent chaos, it was a ginormous wide kitchen room, Violet calculated all the cooking pieces of equipment that were noticed, about twelve ovens, seven stoves, six blenders, things similar to three pizza ovens, six big fridges, and thousands of cabinets. Violet gazed in stupefaction, she walked in and walked toward the fridge in an instant, looking for food, suddenly the door opened, and she hid behind a random table, a young little boy looking as old as Leanor approached in a hurry heading to the kettle water boiler. He began sniffing harshly and turned his back to find Violet hiding behind the table, she got up slowly eating the cookie dough she found in the fridge.

Hel-Hello there. -Violet

I'm so sorry for interrupting you at this time. -young boy

He bowed out of consideration, Violet was intrigued, her lips were slightly covered with some chocolate and dough, and she seemed pretty silly, she came forward and held his head high and fixed his posture, and smiled.

You didn't, if anything I pretty much did, want a bite, it's delicious. -Violet

Thank you, *He took a crumbly piece of cookie dough, and ate one bite* can you please help me fill this kettle with some water? -young boy

For sure, can I catch your name? -Violet

Catch? how? -young boy

No, I don't mean it literally. Tell me your name. -Violet

My name is Gavin, now please assist me in filling this kettle, my grandmother is feeling sick today, and I want to try to brew her some Chlikoro tea. -Gavin

Chlikoro tea? I would but we can't utilize that type of tree to make the tea, we can use lemons if you want. -Violet

But my grandmother is deeply sick, she can't even move a toe out of her bed, and the Chlikoro tree can be used for curing sicknesses. -Gavin

Violet was fascinated by his wisdom, he had been stating facts that Violet learned just recently, "Aunt Lau- Alice taught me to stay out of the tree's sight, but he needs me." she supposed obviously and extended enough to make a full judgment.

Fine, I will, you boil some water and make streas, until I come back with the syrup. -Violet

Violet went back upstairs, without overlooking who she roused up at this time, she head to the room, and opened a drawer where she kept the book Alice handed her to study from within the first days of analyzing the fundamentals of Aquene. She went back down to the kitchen running in priority, she questioned before heading to wherever the Chlikoro trees are located, she didn't want to be lost.

Where are the trees located? -Violet

hmm, I assume they are by the releakesef lake. -Gavin

Where exactly is that? -Violet

If you know where the garden is go to it, you will find that over it, is a shimmering lake, and the trees that have green leaves are the Chlikoro trees. Good luck, and please maintain safety precautions. -Gavin

Alright. -Violet

Violet fled the kitchen and explored closely to where the kitchen would be. She uncovered it, and hastily entered it latching the door after her only to flee from it as well, she flew with her huge purple wings, a broken flight, the view was breath-taking, it was something Violet had never ever seen, the decisive light coming from six moons all around were shining beautifully while a cold incredible breeze was present all around, hitting her feathers. A stunning lake ran through the emptied route, it looked as fresh and clean as a brand-new mirror, she landed on the smooth, velvety grass barefoot, slanted down, and began running the grass through her hands surprised by how mild it is, by how satisfactorily it was trimmed and treated as if it had been hair, she quickly came back to her state of mind, and was in search of the Chlikoro tree, as she was roaming, she found it, huge, covering at least a hundred and fifty centimeters of the ground alone. She opened the book, and flipped the pages to the index page, swept her fingers down the chapters to finally find:" chapter 13: All about our plants. She turned to page hundred and sixty and began reading. "All trees in Aquene are known for their tremendous marks on kahilis, but it depends on how you compose the trees with whatever you're consuming it with, tea is the best way, if that is what you are going for, you must strive for the syrup and not the roots. get your axe or any sharp tool, find where the bark begins to develop from, grab your sharp item and stick it through it. some syrup will begin to leak, if you have no container, it's safe to allow your hair to sponge the syrup as it isn't toxic at all." Violet was speechless but it wasn't time for complaining. She thought long enough "What is sharp that I can use? I wish I had read this before hurrying here, I don't even have an axe." She spent two minutes thinking clearly until an idea bubbled up in her head. "THE SWORD!" She remembered the sword that once appeared from her wrist when she was on earth, but the inquiry was "how would will I be able to make that happen?" she can try to grow her nails like Garridan, still that would be inoperable, and that said because they most likely won't be sharp enough for use. Making ice was the only durable option to count on. "Here it goes," she said steadying herself, she held up her left hand, and began to move her finger, but nothing. "Wh-" she was confused, how come wasn't it working at all? she gave it another try, looking like a total fool although she was sole. She had no more patience she held it out once more and squeezed her forearm using her right hand in annoyance. Until a little knife made completely out of ice was formed floating above her hand, "I don't think I'm going to get the hang of this anytime soon." she said sighing in disappointment at the tiny knife that she certainly didn't want. she bent her knees on the grass and started to dig the soil away from the area she wanted to find. Her hands, dirty, and some small insects walking peacefully on them, before Violet squealed in disgust, wanting to flick them away, she observed them closely. They weren't even coming close to pecking her, in sympathy, she set them on the grass by placing her hands on the plants. She carried on, digging, some minutes passed by. Seconds before giving up she found an area of bark shining a pretty white pearly color, it was attracting Violet, it must've been an indication, right? The color was a fady white, but shining like a star, before Violet slashed anything with her icy knife, she had a double check through using the book. " *WARNING* If you find any unusual color that seems to be fading and winking closely, then beware since the colors: white, green, and pink are all classified as deadly solutions." Violet was thankful that she got the book along with her, god knows what could've assumably happened, the book completed by saying " Finding any of those colors, means that you should aim for what is by its left" Violet marked the area using the knife, stood up, and gasped, she concentrated then immediately sliced it with zero indecisiveness and with the full prospect, Sky Blue liquid squirted all over the soil and roots. Violet jumped in cheer, and dropped the knife on the ground forgetting all about it, she closed the book and analyzed the liquid " It looks unreal, RIGHT! I NEED TO GO BACK TO GAVIN" she quickly bucketed her hands and dipped them in the deep puddle of fluid, and slowly applied it on her brown-chestnut hair. Her hair became wet as a towel, with blue colors intersecting through her brown chestnut hair, the liquid seemed as magnificent as it reeked. She clutched the book and quickly flew to the castle entering through the garden, running while her hands were dirty, and her hair was soaking, she opened the kitchen.

I-I got the syrup. -Violet

Gavin was pouring out the streas he had made while crying heavily. Violet approached him and stood on her knees to be able to reach his height.

MY GRANDMOTHER- She-she isn't breathing, AT ALL. -Gavin

Give me that cup. -Violet

Violet snatched the cup of streas and twisted all the syrup from her hair and into the drink. She took a random spoon from one of the drawers out of the other thousands and mixed the streas until everything was entirely melded well.

Can you please show me where her room is? -Violet


Just show me the room, I'm sure she will be doing just fine once we help her drink the- the streas. -Violet

F-fine I- I'll show you where it is. -Gavin

Violet followed him patiently, while her heart pounded slowly in dismay, not because of wasting time and exertion to find the syrup, but for the little boy, who she had no idea who exactly he was, using her own logic she guaranteed that his grandmother must be a maid in the castle. The boy opened the door that led to his poor grandmother, she had been sleeping on a bed covered in a blanket and had her body facing upwards, and her wings unfolded colored grey. Violet walked toward her. Violet placed her index and middle finger at a specific angle under the jaw to catch a pulse. She did, the pulse was very opaque though that was probably why Gavin the young boy hadn't heard it. She was no doctor but using some knowledge she had caught from earth, that being movies. she opened her mouth and began pouring slowly some of the streas, little Gavin, biting his nails. *coughing, coughing* the old woman awoke.

GRANNY! -Gavin

Oh sweetheart, is there something wrong-

Gavin jogged fast to his grandmother and cuddled her with soo much love, his tears dropping on his grandmother's arms. While Violet grinned at them feeling for the first time actually happy as if butterflies were infesting her body, for the first time she felt like doing a kind accomplishment.

Who is the gorgeous girl? Gavin? -Gavin's grandmother

She is Violet, she helped me with the blue chlikoro streas. -Gavin

He-hello Violet, my name is *coughs* Athena, I-I'm a maid *coughs* -Maid Athena

Violet's theory was right, she is a maid, but that made Violet confirm how cruel the treatment is, this maid, Athena, was on the verge of dying, "Doesn't anyone have morals? The woman is as old as the trees that are in the garden." And the room was awfully given, the scent of mold was there, and the room was definitely not bigger than one meter and a half, she thought all that in bitterness, she couldn't leave Athena with no reply

Hello, please take care of yourself. This isn't okay, you were almost going to be dea-

Don't even stress about it, it sometimes happens. -Maid Athena

We'll talk about this later, Gavin please take care of her, did you see what I did to check whether she was healthy or not? -Violet

Yes, I did, you directed both of your two fingers down her jaw. I did the same before I went down to the kitchen, but I felt no lurosnices. -Gavin

H-How come? -Violet

Violet translated that as "no pulse" but couldn't even process what her ear detected, that was impossible. The pulse was present once she was the one trying to catch it. her head stopped summarizing anything that she had details of

It's very late, I don't want to be the reason for both of your sleep deprivation, Goodnight! -Violet


Violet left their room, making sure to close the door behind. "What is going on?" she thought and head to her room to sleep, finally after a long day of labor

*Not related to the story at all* I want to thank all of you, my viewers for sharing your support, I really appreciate your efforts to keep up with the story. Thank you!!

If you have some ideas about my novel? Comment it and let me know :)

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