
A Falling Wings

credits of photo: Kelseydragon17(user on pintrest) A Falling wings needs change, and a huge makeover. It wont only be a long break, but a sad one to know my viewers will wait for a long period. Hopefully every viewer can be able to fly strong, until then, goodbye! Sadness and tragedy are too early for a teen, well that's not really the case with Violet, the fifteen-year-old who will always figure out a way to deal with grief whether it will be on earth or not. We are introduced to the main character in A Falling Wings, who is a fifteen-year-old girl from a dysfunctional family. Violet is forced to live a life that is entirely meaningless and without any explanation as to why she is living it in this way. Nevertheless, Violet is both awestruck and terrified when she discovers, at the age of fifteen, after she throws her fifteenth birthday party with her mother and two friends, that she has beautiful but terrifying wings. Her friends confront her with the question of who she is and as a result of their investigation, she comes to the conclusion that she is not human, but she is also not a spy either. This one event that started as a fun story turned into a very bizarre one. Violet is from a planet of peace, a sacred one, that had once been at full war with earth after a catastrophic crisis had occurred between the humans and the people of the unique planet "Kahilis" and all the rest remains history in the book known as "A Falling wings"

DoveyBunny · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 19 ("Drama Alert!")

Violet gritted her teeth, not striving to confer anything with bothersome Aconite, as she moved to take the seat she first sat on, Aconite stood up and pushed Violet lightly and said

Oh sorry! This place is taken. -Aconite

And? Whoever took it should initiate noting a seating chart. -Violet

Violet then smiled at Aconite. Essentially hinting that she has no control, Violet was still fragile, but not fragile enough to let someone possess her thought and life.

Oh, honey! Those rules are only made by humans! Oh, wait a moment *laughs* you were on earth weeks ago. Maybe you can alter my words if I am incorrect! -Violet

What Aconite had said left Violet with a dubious smile, "Who even notified her?" She asked herself, she was pretty sure that Alice wouldn't declare such intimate info, retaining in her questions, she replied

realistically with a question and a tiny laugh

And who told you that? -Violet

Oops, I can't share that! Cause that was a pledge! It doesn't seem you know how to own one, so I will try to memorize your mistakes. -Aconite

On a rate of one to ten, how would you rate your miserable mood? Because I give you a nine and a quarter. -Violet

It's not "one to ten" its Linsterif to Marufrete, you love earth till this rate? HOW MUCH OF A LOYAL DECEIVER ARE YOU? -Aconite

Violet couldn't take it anymore, she turned the open-hand figure she would've used to slap Aconite, into a punch figure, other students besides Aconite and her group were mumbling, gossiping over the situation, boys glancing at Violet, and her face, she was able to persuade herself to stay coolheaded, it wasn't fitting to cause issues already.

Which seat is empty? -Violet

Do you see that reeking girl, right over there? -Aconite

Aconite pointed to a girl wearing the same uniform, but her hair seemed like it hadn't been combed for months, and her shoes looked like they had been drenched in mud, she was a bookworm, reading a book with a navy cover written on it "the flooding humans" Violet was indeed not going to agree, and so she responded saying

Are you sure about that? Because I'm pretty sure that the smell is from you. -Violet

Maria interrupted the little conversation, entering the classroom. She didn't even notice that Violet was there, she sat on her seat observing the class for a couple of seconds until her eyes plunged to Violet. She pounced on Violet, clutching her and screaming In joy "YOU'RE KIDDING ME! YOU ACTUALLY CAME!" Aconite just stared thinking about how annoying that would've been if she was in Violet's place "Thank goodness I don't get in contact with any flower kahilis, ew" her reflections ratted out loud, she went ahead and moved back to the group of her friends.

"I knew that you would come-" Maria said walking back to her seat, to bump into Axel unwittingly, following Lufian and Darius, and Darius of course gaining the whole class's attention, while his black hair, velvety as feathers, his blue eyes even more softly colored, Violet pulled Maria by her shoulder, afraid from anything Darius would presumably do, his two other friends seemed more like fans than any actual friends.

SORRY! -Maria

Hey sunflower, how about you give me a ro-

Not up for sale, go grow your own. -Maria

I want a proper souvenir from a flower kahili. -Axel

Would you like 'my' souvenir? it's a proper punch! -Violet

I would love that, but switch that with a crystal. -Axel

If Aconite wasn't the one to mark the last straw then it would've been Axel, Darius went ahead to this desk, and sat proudly on it, while Lufian tried to stop the trouble, and Axel still tossing utterly cringy praises, Violet pulled Maria away from annoying Axel not able to hear another word thrown he reminded her exactly of Luke, the same guy that was as foolish as his whole life. The students begin joining the class as fast as cheetahs, Maria tapped Violet's shoulder kindly and said

We'll talk later, Ms. Kate will probably come in after a few lirs. -Maria

Sure, I won't be able to sit in that pl-

Yes I know, Aconite publicized yesterday in a lengthy, extended, argument that you would sit next to Galena, and for your safety I accepted, now, talk later! -Maria

Maria and Violet would be split for mostly everything, but that would be a miniature problem, Violet still hasn't established anything meaningful, yet she has to meet new kahilis in order to occupy her social circle. She went ahead and sat by the girl Galena, the seats were in the first row of the whole class, Aconite consciously did that to have all eyes put consecutive on Violet, it would be a tiny bit of change to speak with new kahilis.

Hello, how are you? -Violet

No retort, the girl was still reading the book closely, caring about each and every detail offered, Violet began a new conversation, since it seemed like she would still be ignored.

What is the book about? -Violet

*it took her a couple of seconds to respond*

It's named "The flooding humans" you should really consider reading it, it has been one of the only things that made me look into school even more. -Galena

That is cool, your name is Galena, right? -Violet

Oh, yes, yes it is, you must be Violet, the kahili which had traveled to earth. -Galena

Yes, I am, and about that, who displayed that I had gone to earth before? -Violet

You didn't realize it yet? It's the prince, Darius, and Garridan the boy that is-

Just right about that sentence was almost going to be completed, Garridan entered the classroom with a calm aspect on his face, and his white hair, whiter than snow at some point. He took a seat behind Violet, which reminded Violet of something she glimpsed while attending the academy for the first time, all seats were full except that seat, it just reminded Violet of how dopey she is to connect that just now. Ms. Kate began the day with a strong clap and started to share all the exam papers, Violet has never been this scared of an examination, even on earth she was a straight A student, and she would get hundreds of certificates, all saluting her exertion. Was it hard? Yes, very hard, a sudden plot twist was added: "MATH WAS INCLUDED? WAIT WHICH PAGE" Aconite yelled in distress. Violet solved each question in order, not skipping one, and she eventually handed over her paper, to her shock she seemed like the only one who found the exam harder than the others "I passed this exam, I tell you" "I will get a full pass as my result" Violet was like on the verge of crying, she never failed an exam, and failing this one, is like failing a pop quiz, NOT WORTH THE EFFORT! The day resumed with boring subjects and topics that were as unentertaining as a lullaby. But also had that effect of tension counted, surprisingly there were some things very similar to humanity, poets, and authors of different things, but there was a hint of distinction: writing, and even working as a teacher meant that you must use your powers to ensure both the protection and the ethical manners of Aquene. Everything became interesting when this one event occurred, it was in the cafeteria of the academy, the cafeteria wasn't any ordinary or untidy one, it was like Violet exited from a sludgy school parade to a proper dinner with the royal family. The cafeteria was two hundred times as immense as the cafeteria in the school Violet used to attend, it seemed like only students within the sophomore stage were supposed to head there. Violet met up with Maria, and naturally, Maria was as humble as ever, handing sunflowers to Violet, A BOUQUETS OF THEM! They sat on a shiny uninfected bench, once they did, food already arrived, "We didn't order yet though?" Violet said questioning how that even happened. "Sir Garridan asked me to continue cooking this for you, and axel ordered me to-"

"Tell that 'sir Axel' that he should eat, it seems like he completely had lost senses." Maria said interrupting the beautiful waitress, Violet was not really sure if this was Maria or not, the Maria she has known for the past couple of days wouldn't even dare hurt the feeling of a worm by cutting its leaf, the waitress said coolly owning her composure "Ms. Maria you know the food policy, tossing food is against it, so please tolerate it as it is, and so should you Ms. Violet" Violet didn't want to accept it all. Garridan darted at her from the corner of the cafeteria, with a pair of friends, Violet just thanked the waitress, and so she left.

Is there something that Axel did in particular for you to-

Finally, you noticed, I have been pausing until you ask, because if I start blabbing about it without you asking me, you would give me a weird look signaling that I'm annoying, but anyway, it all happened yesterday after I visited you. -Maria

Although she didn't want to ramble, she was. Maria's flashbacks began playing like a record on its machine, by the narration of Maria of course. "It all happened yesterday, night, Kursisf, my mother tasked me to get ready for a general and economical meeting with the animal kahili society, I, the standard excited me listened to her" Maria was wearing a sophisticated outfit, with some flowers peeking out of her peachy-Ginger hair. The meeting room contained a long table positioned in the center of the room, diverging eight chairs, a long distance from the eight chairs was present. Maria's mother looked equivalent to her! same hair color, same eyelash length, and same lip shape.

Good evening, would you like a cup of-

No thank you, but if you can garnish and put some freesias, that would be my appeal. -?

Right on it! Madam Frederica, sir Harvey will be joining you soon with his son Axel. -Worker

I know that, can you get the closing seats for Maria? - Ms. Frederica

Closing seats? Mother is there something wrong? - Maria

No, well, both you and Axel will be requiring it. -Ms. Frederica

Why though? -Maria

That question was barged upon by Axel and his father Harvey, joining the room with an eagle badge on both their clothes and a huge dog following the by their side, they head to sit down, and the worker brought back two special chairs, handcuffs attached to them, were they getting confined? or just restrained? Maria stood up from her seat, both chairs that she and Axel had been sitting on were changed with the untried chairs, and they both went on to sit once again, quietly, not even a snap of air made a sound.

Hello, my name is Frederica I'm a part of the FKS, you must be sir Harvey, and you are his son, right? -Ms. Frederica

Well yeah, and your daughter is pretty much the-

His father smacked his neck, cautioning him to quit, it was an urgent meeting, and any misleading topics undoubtedly would have Mr. Harvey in embarrassment.

Now let me begin, we called you here because we wanted to discuss the flower lands your mansions have-

What?- M-Mother. You're not taking away that bit of land we have left from our ancestors *laughs* r-right? -Maria

Speechlessness, not a single answer, the taint on Ms. Frederica's face was strongly shown, "The- the land, our land, my grandma's land, the flowers, IM NOT GIVING IT AWAY" she considered. Her mother patted her on the back, alleviating her down, she whispered to her a procedure to silence her "count backwar-" but for sure Maria wouldn't have shut her mouth, she got up presently, her eyes shone red, with a glance of terror, Axel jumped as well from his seat, it was like a protest, none of them were accepting each other's reasons for this action.

I decline, as the heiress of the flower-

Who are you to decline? It's your mother's choice and not yours. -Axel

Wrong. I am assumed to be a component of those alternatives, hear me clearly, IM NOT FORFEITING THE LAND I LIVED WITH FOR ANY REASON. -Maria



MARIA! Sit down, NOW! -Ms. Frederica


Havoc was going to begin, Maria began summoning multiple poisonous flowers right from the ground, and Axel giving bird calls, eagles and birds entering through the tiniest cracks in the wall, Mr. Harvey and Ms. Frederica were taking fright, they looked over at each other, and nodded. The next thing both Axel and Maria didn't see coming, was being pulled down to the chair and having their hands strained with handcuffs, and Axel had a small cloth in his mouth, that stopped him from talking, or from constructing bird calls.

Sorry for all this *points on the flowers* -Ms. Frederica

It's alright, they are strikfkens, so you'd anticipate soo much from them. Now back to the topic, our animals, are dying, we want to trim the grass and some unnecessary plants, but the corpse of the animals can't be moved, smells, and waste are drowning lands. -Mr. Harvey

So you can steal a land, but can't remove the corpse of animals? Give me a break. -Maria

We aren't stealing a land, nor provoking it, the animals, are a part of nature, Ms. Maria, imagine if the field of flowers begin to wilt, and you need another field to keep more flowers alive, what would you do in my, and my people's place? -Mr. Harvey

I would resolve the case on my own, if you are the head of animal kahilis then you should understand that an authentic leader must know how to repair a problem on their own. -Maria

The corpses are decaying through the ground, they are stuck, and no amount of ice, fire, breeze, lightning, or any domination can thrust them anywhere, you must understand that we can't do this or do anything. -Mr. Harvey

That is your prob-

Axel halted the fight by spitting out the cloth and finalized the conflict on his father's and the people's behalf.

To explain deeper, animals are important to us as much as flowers are your number one primacy. -Axel

Are you earnest? flowers and plants help animals, without them, animals wouldn't survive for a whole day. -Maria

Darling, the same goes for flowers, flowers depend on all animals to plant and blossom. Again, you should presumably go discover more about what you treasure before you clash. -Axel



MOTHER CAN YOU JUST- THIS IS THE LAND GRANDMOTHER OFFERED ME, IT'S OUR LAND, IT'S THE FIELD- Hold on, is this why father was engaged in the field? He wasn't picking flowers for the vase, HE WAS PICKING THEM OUT TO-

Mrs. Frederica relinquished her temper, she went ahead and slapped Maria across her face, Maria scarcely opened her mouth, as she didn't predict that to take place, it damaged her, emotionally.