
A Falling Wings

credits of photo: Kelseydragon17(user on pintrest) A Falling wings needs change, and a huge makeover. It wont only be a long break, but a sad one to know my viewers will wait for a long period. Hopefully every viewer can be able to fly strong, until then, goodbye! Sadness and tragedy are too early for a teen, well that's not really the case with Violet, the fifteen-year-old who will always figure out a way to deal with grief whether it will be on earth or not. We are introduced to the main character in A Falling Wings, who is a fifteen-year-old girl from a dysfunctional family. Violet is forced to live a life that is entirely meaningless and without any explanation as to why she is living it in this way. Nevertheless, Violet is both awestruck and terrified when she discovers, at the age of fifteen, after she throws her fifteenth birthday party with her mother and two friends, that she has beautiful but terrifying wings. Her friends confront her with the question of who she is and as a result of their investigation, she comes to the conclusion that she is not human, but she is also not a spy either. This one event that started as a fun story turned into a very bizarre one. Violet is from a planet of peace, a sacred one, that had once been at full war with earth after a catastrophic crisis had occurred between the humans and the people of the unique planet "Kahilis" and all the rest remains history in the book known as "A Falling wings"

DoveyBunny · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 15 ( "I'm trapped ,aren't I")

WHO CARES ABOUT ACONITE? you shouldn't be afraid of what she has to say about me, and someone who keeps trying to scratch someone's life off the list is a nobody. -Violet

Well yes, you are right on one part, but I know Aconite as well as the back of my wings. She would not stop dragging someone into torment and problem with almost everyone in the academy until they were on board with it, and started doing "unsafe things". -Maria

Listen I have dealt with those sorts of people hundreds of times in my school, and it isn't ideal to have, but kneeling for them is the worst choice you can possibly pick to do, and let that be also something you should know, everyone has a boundary and for sure she also does. -Violet

Forget her, it would be fun to do this together I never had to do this before. So you and I working on an adventurous performance would be nice. -Maria

Fine- I'll do this with you as long as no one else joins in. -Violet


No problem, what will it be about though? -Violet


I- I appreciate that idea, but why don't we present a show of the history between earth and Aquene? -Violet

That is a great idea since we can be flexible with the theme however don't you think it would be a bit controversial? -Maria

I'm not sure, but we are presenting the Kahili identity. -Violet

And the human identity as well, reludustances will start speaking about it. -Maria

And why would they? whoever they are, this is a school- I mean an academy performance, right? -Violet

Not exactly. People from the academic education community will be handing out feedback for each performance. -Maria

Then if it's very sensitive we can just work with what we learn in the academy. -Violet

That is also risky. -Maria

Why though? isn't what we learn correct? -Violet

I think so, but my parents always told me that those who operate the government have inner mysteries as well, so not everything is told, which makes it risky to work with what we know, it might just lead to incorrect information. -Maria

Well, it's their concern. We are at an academy we must learn everything to be able to pass it on to the next eras. Doing that isn't a good move for them, so we can't be accused. -Violet

A flower show is more unique, no one else in the academy will likely do it. -Maria

I don't mind doing it, but we can add something like flowers in a different act. -Violet

Alright, we can talk about this later in the academy. -Maria

Fine. I wanted to ask you, is there a student in the academy named Garridan? -Violet

Of course, he is a part of the welimarest family. Be careful though he isn't safe to deal with both he and Darius were basically partners of crime. -Maria

"Were?" What happened between them? -Violet

I-I'm not allowed to say. -Maria

Why? Didn't we say that we trust each other? -Violet

W-we did, b-b-but this is a private matter I shouldn't speak about, just stay away from both of them, they take authority of every ignorant and desperate person in the academy. OH, I ALMOST FORGOT, here are some notes I wrote for you, we might get quizzed about them tomorrow so study well!! -Maria

Oh- alright what lessons are included? -Violet

Do you mean resturicks? They are all contained in the notes, so don't bother, but the lessons are a bit- triggering and not very great. *small device rings* my mother is contacting me, that's assumably my cue to go back home, Goodbye see you tomorrow! -Maria

Oh- your leaving? -Violet

Yes. Are you okay your sweating and biting your nails. -Maria

Ye-yes I'm just thinking- about- some-something. -Violet

Hopefully, it's about the flowers, Goodbye! YOU BETTER COME TOMORROW!! -Maria

Let's expect so. -Violet

Maria left the room, and as soon as she left Violet felt that her energy was leaving her body. She fell on the fluffy carpet and wept her heart out until she was only hearing her cries, the unknown woman was watching her calmly with no response. Violet took the notes that Maria gave her and placed them on the desk that is located in the corner of the bedroom. Dried her tears and recollected herself. The notes had lessons and topics that were parallel to human and normal studies, despite that they were definitely things that seemed extravagant to Violet they were raising questions to her as to why are humans still blundering to figure out how to enhance technology, while Aquene knows how to cure numerous diseases done with a snap of a finger, or how they can be able to revive distinct extinct creatures without refreshing a panic around the world. For a weird reason, it was pretty doubtful, the thought of how the minds of unknown beings that have been separated from what humans brag about knowing, have contained the most massive things that humans don't know from the truth. Violet's inquisitiveness raced through the hundreds of notes and papers Maria provided, hours unexpectedly passed like the speed of a lightning bolt, "beep" "beep" "beep" sounds were traveling through the entire castle, she awoke from the nap she took on the cold icy glass desk "What is that sound? What is that smell?" her thoughts were revolving all around her. Darius entered the room in hurry and screamed "CAN'T YOU HEAR THE SOUND?! YOU HAVE TO GET OUT! NOW" she got up from the chair oblivious to what was corresponding in the castle. Nothing about the hazards poked her care, it was only the journal that did, She ducked down the bed in search of the journal, "Nothing? It isn't here?" flames were all in the hallways, Darius pulled her by her hair, and held her hand, she let go of his hand and back to the room and closed the door to stop him from hampering.


I'LL- I'll catch up with you thereafter. Just go. -Violet

VIOLET *coughs* -Darius

The journal was Violet's number one priority to find, she moved from under the bed and began flipping the bed's sheets over and over "I NEED TO FIND IT, who took it? Maria?" it was very unclear to Violet who snatched the book away, the unknown woman summoned right before Violet's eyes with a smirk on her face "Sorry it's not yet the time" she pivoted her hands and fingers to Violet. Violet was pushed by a powerful power from the unknown woman to the door that opened suddenly, and into Darius's arms. He was shocked and ununderstanding what was going on, but saw nobody in the room. This time he wrapped Violet with an invisible string around her stomach and tugged Violet fiercely by it, something that looked similar to a dragon, but much more realistic and huger than what fantasies draw to look like, was behind Violet making eye contact with her while its saliva was dripping on the white marbled tiles, and ran behind them targeting Violet only, Darius was running in an unreal speed without even stopping to take a short breath, Violet pulled the string to stop him for a moment and speak to him.



The- Klifer? I didn't know what it looks like till only seconds ago. How would I even do that without leaving my room? -Violet

Listen well, that dragon is not like any other. If it wants to kill you it can skip the part of burning you alive and head without hesitation to eating you. -Darius

Where is everyone? Why aren't you out of the castle? -Violet

The knights are all in the hospital in intensive care, they almost lost their last breaths, we all left the castle until the Klifer gets back in its shelter inside the room. -Darius

Is Leanor okay? is king Angun and Queen Iris alright? -Violet

Yes, they all are healthy and safe in the Sinrd castle. -Darius


Yes, we can and that's for everyone's safety, now let's leave. -Darius

No, I won't leave. -Violet

She left Darius's side and flew high up to find the Klifer once again and try to understand adequately what happened. The Klifer was weeping? with an enormous wound located on its belly, Violet remembered something she had read and studied from the notes handed by Maria, when any Klifer has a wound covering an area in its body it means it has activated a mechanism in its body where the brain is manipulated in thinking that danger is sensed around its shelter, so it's not the Klifer reacting on its own, it is someone which is causing this, someone in the castle had done something or is plotting something. Darius found Violet and flicked his finger on her face and yelled.


Darius, the Klifer isn't attacking us it's warning us. -Violet

Violet, it isn't time for your assumptions, we need to-

DARIUS! I don't think you studied any of anything that you took in the academy and for the examination tomorrow, when a Klifer has wounds covering an inch of its skin or body, it means there is danger in coming to its shelter. -Violet

What? Danger? who came to the castle recently anyway? -Darius

....Me. -Violet

We can discuss this later but are you sure about all this since right now we are betting all our bets on you. -Darius

I-I think I'm correct, but getting "that" back will be like a mission, so I need you to focus on me. -Violet

I will if you figure out what can we do. -Darius

I'm not sure what I think, but I think we should remove the danger which might be me. -Violet

That makes no sense why would you be the- *he cleared his throat and fixed his sentence* Well maybe you are, however, I can't work on this on my own- Wait a moment Maria came today and-

IT ISN'T HER! -Violet

Biased opinion. -Darius

It probably is me- I'm so-sorry- It is my fault. -Violet


The Klifer came from behind Violet ready to attack. "Knock, Knock" the door knocked and woke up Violet from the nightmare she was experiencing, she woke up gasping for air. Darius was the one who entered which made Violet speechless whether it was real or not, she ran toward him and stood forward to him while her eyes were a bit teary and watery.

I-I'm ready, the Klifer is still wounded, right? -Violet

What are you talking about? The Klifer is in its cage, locked well. -Darius

How come- Didn't- it escape? -Violet

No, It- did not. Can you come with me for a moment? -Darius

Why- is there something bad- it's not Maria's fault I swear-

HOW IS MARIA EVEN INVOLVED?- Just follow me. -Darius

Where? -Violet

WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS LIKE THIS?- I mean just stop asking questions. and come with me. -Darius

Violet tagged along with him, in the question of what his motive was. "Did I do something wrong?" she keep thinking and thinking, he stopped in his position, brushed his hand accidentally onto Violet's hand, sighed, and then said

If he says something that annoys you give him a piece of an ice cube to roll down his throat. -Darius

Who? -Violet

You'll know who. -Darius

He opened the door of a huge room, that was glistening with gold and luxurious colors, golden plated certificates, and statues, gold was not where the gems stopped at there were also: pearls, and gems carved on each inch of the room with a big glass coffee table in the middle of the room covering almost half of the room, beautiful chairs were also scattered around the table, Garridan was on one of the chairs seeming to wait for Violet to talk with, Darius started to stroll away, but Violet pulled on his sleeves while shivering and looking pale white.

What do you want? -Darius

Can- can you please- don't leave, I'm- I don't want to be left alone with- him. -Violet

Why? did he do something? Violet? answer me is there something he did? -Darius

Violet was fearing Garridan for a reason Darius couldn't properly detect, but she still had a very sensitive reaction, Garridan stared at both of them waiting patiently. Darius just looked back at Violet while wondering why was she acting in such a way?, why was she acting very tense and scared? her eyes were fixed on the ground. She said softly to Darius.

I- I won't be sent to earth again, r-r-right? -Violet