
A Falling Wings

credits of photo: Kelseydragon17(user on pintrest) A Falling wings needs change, and a huge makeover. It wont only be a long break, but a sad one to know my viewers will wait for a long period. Hopefully every viewer can be able to fly strong, until then, goodbye! Sadness and tragedy are too early for a teen, well that's not really the case with Violet, the fifteen-year-old who will always figure out a way to deal with grief whether it will be on earth or not. We are introduced to the main character in A Falling Wings, who is a fifteen-year-old girl from a dysfunctional family. Violet is forced to live a life that is entirely meaningless and without any explanation as to why she is living it in this way. Nevertheless, Violet is both awestruck and terrified when she discovers, at the age of fifteen, after she throws her fifteenth birthday party with her mother and two friends, that she has beautiful but terrifying wings. Her friends confront her with the question of who she is and as a result of their investigation, she comes to the conclusion that she is not human, but she is also not a spy either. This one event that started as a fun story turned into a very bizarre one. Violet is from a planet of peace, a sacred one, that had once been at full war with earth after a catastrophic crisis had occurred between the humans and the people of the unique planet "Kahilis" and all the rest remains history in the book known as "A Falling wings"

DoveyBunny · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 14 (Wounds cutting deeper)

Enter your room, if you need anything the maids are available to abide by your orders. Knight one

Alright thank you, *she said quietly* there is a creature above us it's glaring at us and whispering verses. -Violet

The Lafria cell can give off that residue, so it would be good for you to rest. -Knight two

I'm sure I have gone to the Lafria cell before and I didn't suffer from any of those "residues" you are talking about. -Violet

We'll look into it. -Knight one

They were giggling in secret whilst walking off. Violet got into the room, feeling afraid of the unrecognizable creature, she took a seat on the huge bed and tried clearing her head. No one was in the room, the unknown woman was also unseen in the room, so she kneeled and looked under the sheets of the bed to find the mystifying journal once more. She hid under the bed this time to preserve the journal from everyone, everyone around Violet had broken the speck of trust she had left. Before she opened the book she reconsidered "Will this be safe? Or should I confide to someone, what will that help with? The answer to that is nothing." She opened the book broadly and flipped the pages ahead and read a new page.

"Dear diary, the academy is indeed harsher than I expected it's only my Voidrd lefliexs here, and I already have had to go to the hospital Fizs times and have been mostly diagnosed with breaking a bone or a joint, but I am fine. Alice has been guiding me with new techniques mainly to "swing?" I don't have the trim of idea about what that even is. Two new students came to school a week ago I still don't bother trying to remember people, but one was named Harmony and the other was Nidra I think? they both are very unusual, but in a great way, of course, they both are dissimilar from me, I assume they all are different from who I am. New students have been joining a lot! Why though? The Warrior Academy is very problematic it's like you came to a different planet to learn unknown ways to pin a person a HUMAN! on the ground, 'seemed ironic in Violet's perspective' We learn strange specialties about the weirdest beings and their weirdest habits, it's very strange", and I'm skeptical about the reason of learning about them, they do many imaginative things and delightful things we don't get to do they also seem like such kind people. Am I being prepared for war? Or is it just how every single warrior is readied? Most notable is I'm not doing this unaided, although I have some by my side, I may also have the opponent by my side, I'm sure no one would hurt the innocent because it's always justice that finds a path to prevail for its volunteer."

Violet was more confused than ever, when was this journal written, and by who since everything seems unclear. "Should I scan another page? Or is this enough, any more things I must learn from this? Or will this be a waste of time?" She presumed. Before she assured her selection she found the creature right by her, she turned herself and slid out the bottom of the bed while puffing in wonder, she abnormally turned her hands while her brown silky hair began turning slightly black and a flame was floating on her palm as protection, the creature transformed into people she misses, people who she loves, it was Scarlet and Jake side by side.

Hello!! -Scarlet


*stillness was in the room while they held stares for some seconds*

Nothing more, we- we longed for you Violet- we pledge you we need one thing, just come back to us! -Jake

Maybe- I suppose it's enough I- really do believe that it is enough. -Violet

The words Violet said had dumped her in despair, she had been burnt out both mentally and physically, "What did I do?- do I apologize?- I-" the thoughts were like tiny gunshots interfering and harming her mind, they both pouched while their anger with obvious.

Friends are friends aren't they Violet? -Jake

Yes they- they are for sure they are, but I just- I WON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO! I- I need to settle my mind for a moment. -Violet

Say it. -Jake

Wh- What do you mean? -Violet

Be frank with us and say it. -Jake

Say what? -Violet


She pulled the small little pearls on her dress in discomfort and looked up to the luminous chandelier to disallow those tears from intruding in the discussion, to disallow her emotions from taking a toll on her fractured emotions, at the same time those tears weren't tears of sadness nor anger nor were they tears of joy they were tears that were desperate to flow down.

I- I can't do this anymore, I- can't stare once again into the eyes of the people that don't want me. -Violet

Who lied and said that? -Scarlet

If that is a lie then everyone around must be lying, are they? -Violet

Come! come for a hug. -Both Jake and Scarlet

before she progressed, she admitted that she fell for a lure, that she fell for a trap, she lost her senses and thought that she was communicating with her best friends, but it was her mind tricking her to point out to her how pathetically dopey she is.

No, did they both send you here? -Violet

Wh-what? of course not, we are Scarlet and Jake why would we lie to you? -Jake

I know why, because I'm Violet, and I'll always be "Your friend" that must suffer and take all that grief in. -Violet


I'll complete it "Loathe". Who sent you here? since I'm sure whoever did doesn't know anything about me and them. -Violet

Violet was unruffled once the creature returned to its original shape and appearance

*Laughs* Let me be direct with you, they don't intend for you to go back to earth. -exotic creature

Tell them this: I won't be returning to earth, nor do I want to see you both stepping foot in Aquene. You both destroyed chances for me to recover, to recover from the hell I lived in for weeks, "friends are friends no matter what?" *laughs* what makes this funny is that I have been told that sentence by a person which doesn't confess the meaning of friendship. -Violet

Done! I'll just get out of here-

Who said I want you to go back and tell them, I know that they can hear me without a doubt. Hello!! how are you all? -Violet

Violet was correct, the creature that seemed like one had been sent by earth to Aquene to take a deeper look at where Violet had been living while in Aquene.

Next time you send a creature to aquene and use me as an assistant for information note this down!:

Number one: I know my friends sufficiently to understand that they want me to stay away, and WISH GRANTED!! I will, not because all of you wanted me to do so, but because I think it's time to drop your lame act.

Number two: You both destroyed your only news transmitter. -Violet

Scarlet and Jake were surrounded by teachers and students all while Violet spoke through the tiny camera inputted into their weak creature's skin. Everyone's eyes were widening in fear and confusion just glancing at Violet's Purple colored wings and listening to her firm words.


Th-Thats Violet Rowen, she used to- attend the school. -Jake

A- a traitor? no- Violet is a human. -Mr. Paul

No, she isn't, within her blood and veins, she was a Kahili living on earth. -Jake


WE CAN'T- She is on Aquene, she figured out the idea. -Jake

We- shelt- sheltered a Kahili?, where is Ms. Charlotte? -Mr. Paul

Before we conducted this plan, we wanted to question her, but she was nowhere to be found. -Scarlet

Violet's eyes turned orange, and her hair red. Her hands began taking hold of a sparking hot flame, and her cheeks were inflamed red.

You ruined my vitality, and you ruined my well-being, but I still thank both of you for the few years you cheered me up, chortled with me, and entertained me. -Violet

She threw the flame as if it was a bowling ball, and the talking creature burned alive, they all were horrified just hearing those sentences it sounded more like the revival of an inner beast.


We ca-can't she melted both of them, She obliterated them as if they were nothing, SHE MELTED THEM TO THE GROUND OF AQUENE. -Scarlet

What a twist, a stunning human was a treacherous kahili. -Luke


Violet examined how the creature that she completely killed was being absorbed by the ground, Violet ducked down under the bed once again placing her hands on her mouth while sobbing in sadness and surprise at how her hypothesis was correct, someone hugged Violet presently it was the woman.

It's alright, don't cover your mouth just let it out. -Unknown Woman

Violet removed her warm hands and began weeping loudly in regret and heartbreak, the woman hurriedly lifted the journal and concealed it behind her back.

WHAT DO I DO NOW IN MY LIFE, *says softly* I've lost everything, and I blame myself for everything. -Violet

You're wrong, whoever hurts someone's feelings with full knowledge is the person which lost a glittering treasure. -Unknown Woman


A kahili isn't just a being who has hatred towards humans or is a being who began a war with anyone. A kahili is the marvelous being of power, the being of morals, you don't need to fit into those descriptions, but there is always one description every single person should be able to fit with and that is appreciative of who you are. -Unknown Woman

The door began banging. Violet started to search for the journal as quickly as she can, she quit and rested on the bed once she was in the full idea that the journal was taken and hidden somewhere, she covered herself in the blanket, as if she had been sleeping.

Violet- VIOLET!! -Maria

Maria pulled the blanket that was covering Violet and pulled her off the bed and clutched her a very warm hug and cuddle, and was crying tears of happiness and joy. Maria's hand grew a pretty flower.

I missed you soo much, its been lefliexs since you came back to the academy!! do you want a Carnation?-Maria

M-Me too, come to have a seat, thank you for the Carnation. -Violet

Violet and Maria took a seat on the bed.

YOU HAVE TO COME BACK TO THE ACADEMY, it's been soo lively lately, they have been teaching us how to do astonishing techniques with our wings, planting flowers! and soo much more! -Maria

Oh, that seems- interesting. But- I- don't think I will be returning. -Violet

You're the age of a strikfken what will you be doing, dancing with butterflies? -Maria

No, but it's just useless. -Violet

Since when was learning pointless? Violet hear me clearly, I will never leave your side as long as fate links us together if you are tense about that. -Maria

Don't say that, you never know when we would have to let go of this friendship. -Violet

I just annihilated some time for you to tell me the densest thing heard and that. I am your friend because I trust you Violet! And I hope you do as well. -Maria

Violet's heart was touched, "A true friend?" She felt as if she is a child which made a new friend, she heard a whisper "A NEW FRIEND YAY!"

I do trust you, but I- might end up leaving you hurt, that isn't something I want. -Violet

VIOLET! don't be a party wrecker even if you do there would be a reason for that, a true friend is a person which is ready to sacrifice the world and prized possessions for their dear friend. Now I know you will be attending once again and that is why I am completing a normal discussion. GUESS WHAT? THERE IS A TALENT SHOW AT OUR ACADEMY

. -Maria

A talent show? I'm not-

WE SHOULD JOIN IT TOGETHER! we can throw a flower show! -Maria

A talent show? I would never. -Violet

Well- it is kinda late now. -Maria

No- you didn't- Maria don't tell me that you-

I ENTERED BOTH OF US IN THE TALENT SHOW since I thought it would be fun, AND THAT ACONITE KEPT MAKING A FUSS ABOUT YOU BEING A FREAK!, so I- just signed us up to perform something on stage. -Maria

Oh no. -Violet