
A Falling Wings

credits of photo: Kelseydragon17(user on pintrest) A Falling wings needs change, and a huge makeover. It wont only be a long break, but a sad one to know my viewers will wait for a long period. Hopefully every viewer can be able to fly strong, until then, goodbye! Sadness and tragedy are too early for a teen, well that's not really the case with Violet, the fifteen-year-old who will always figure out a way to deal with grief whether it will be on earth or not. We are introduced to the main character in A Falling Wings, who is a fifteen-year-old girl from a dysfunctional family. Violet is forced to live a life that is entirely meaningless and without any explanation as to why she is living it in this way. Nevertheless, Violet is both awestruck and terrified when she discovers, at the age of fifteen, after she throws her fifteenth birthday party with her mother and two friends, that she has beautiful but terrifying wings. Her friends confront her with the question of who she is and as a result of their investigation, she comes to the conclusion that she is not human, but she is also not a spy either. This one event that started as a fun story turned into a very bizarre one. Violet is from a planet of peace, a sacred one, that had once been at full war with earth after a catastrophic crisis had occurred between the humans and the people of the unique planet "Kahilis" and all the rest remains history in the book known as "A Falling wings"

DoveyBunny · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 16 (There is no answer)

What are you even talking about, Violet just enter the room, he won't hurt you I know Garridan well. -Darius

He will?- won't he? -Violet

Viol, sorry I mean Violet, don't act this way, just get inside and just-

B-But I- fine- fine then I'll get back to the room-

Stop acting like a child. -Darius

Sorry, but- I already pointed out that I won't get in. -Violet

Fine then. -Darius

He pushed Violet disrespectfully into the room as if he had no time to waste, while Violet tried to retain a typical expression with Garridan. Darius shut the door behind him, walked toward the gigantic coffee table, grabbed a chair, and sat on it while bearing a perfect posture with soo much confidence. Meanwhile Violet was indecisive about just sitting and uttering openly with each of them.

Sit down. -Garridan

I- I will, but an-answer my question, what exactly do you want? -Violet

To talk, in addition, I want to also thank you for being able to convince Darius to join in as well. -Garridan

I'm not convinced, I'm more pressured than convinced, now can we just get to the end of whichever you want? -Darius

I will, can the fleik just sit down? -Garridan

Garridan couldn't manage his laughter, couldn't contain showing off his shining white teeth. Violet just glared at both of them feeling mortified and furious, she went ahead and took a seat politely.

I, 'Violet' sat down, what else should I do? -Violet

Answer. Do you remember me? -Garridan

Violet looked at him questioning what he means, she couldn't stop herself from giggling at the question, for a wink she thought he was just fooling around, but they both were dead serious for an answer.

You're serious? -Violet

He nodded with a very fixed expression drawn on his face.

Then. You are Garridan, the psychopathic person that wanted to leave me on earth, and the same person which almost turned me into a-

Well, what did you earnestly expect Garridan? Don't get your hopes up too-

Can- can you try? -Garridan

If that will stop your circulating wanting then I would, hey Viol- Violet who am I? -Darius

Violet stood up furiously out of the chair and screeched it on the floor.


No, I'm serious. -Darius

You're Darius, the soulless creep that would rather kill and torture me with your bare hands than see me alive. -Violet

"They both- look disappointed? They both are trying to get under my skin, right? they are I am sure" she thought in puzzlement, Darius smiled barely, and was still a bit glum, Violet looked at them in a bit of sympathy, and then selected to leave the room without speaking a word. Garridan and Darius were both left in the room, Darius spoke to Garridan in an irritated tone.

Very smart of you Garridan, just how mindless are you? As if that would have any outcome, just go back and rest. -Darius

Do you think it's easy? -Garridan

Give me a break, your acting that you're sorrowing alone is mirthful, Azazel you should probably get back and learn more about what happened over the years. -Darius

I know what happened just as much as you do, and even more. -Azazel

Haha sure, I think you should stop whatever you're doing because I'm not unsuspecting of what you are trying to do. -Darius

Darius left the room like he had accomplished or done nothing. Violet went to her room, in surprise, their inquiries were ridiculous, it was as if a child just learned how to speak and is trying to. she placed her hand on her forehead feeling a small headache in her head, a very annoying one, tickling her thoughts. She felt something trying to strangle her, stronger and stronger the pain touched her throat and neck, it was abnormal. Her breath became shorter and shorter. She tried to head to the balcony that was located in the room she was staying in, she unlocked the door and hustled outside, she sniffed the air that she was able to inhale in relief at the situation, right when she was feeling the peaceful air floating around and the lovely current gliding her hair around, she remembered that this balcony had been the same she purposely jumped off. It was like taking a glimpse at a murderer scene, insufferable to determine, she remembered the misery once again, it was discouraging, just her admitting that hundreds of the people who she shared all her devotion with decided to remove what she thought was the reality of her life. She looked down again to rethink whether everything was worth living for, but she ignored all those thoughts, all of those little voices in her head that want to distract her from the truth of her life. Someone came from behind and grazed Violet's shoulder, it sent terror down Violet's spine, it had just been the maid Jessica holding a packed tray with mouth-drooling desserts, pastries filled with white vanilla cream, cakes that looked like they had been fake on the fancy diamond tray with unrecognizable fruits on the top.

Hello! Look at what I have here! these are freshly baked and made desserts. -Maid Jessica

That explains a lot *Laughs* they look really scrumptious, actually wait a minute. -Violet

Violet held the fork that was on the tray and poked a little hole in one of the fakes, Maid Jessica just stared at Violet was a very afraid expression on her face. Violet was as red as a tomato once she realized that she doubted Maid Jessica's words, she was entirely disconcerted by the situation.

Are you okay? -Maid Jessica

I-I poked a whole into you-your dessert. -Violet

It's alright! those desserts took me less than voristerd lirs, that's only three minutes. -Maid Jessica

Well Thankyou for offering me them, but I'm not really hungry. -Violet

DON'T YOU DARE SAY THAT! Once you taste the Aquene delicacy your life will be a delicacy. -Maid Jessica

What flavors are the-

That's chocolate, the one on the left is strawberry flavor, this one right here is flavored as apple, and not to forget the famous Akerjadies is cherry flavored. -Maid Jessica

Akerjadies? What is that? -Violet

It's a very famous dessert that is made out of cookie crumbs, blue mint leaf dust, and to top it all off, cherry zest. -Maid Jessica

I'll- I'll take a tiny nibble, and n-not more. -Violet

Go on, it's delicious. -Maid Jessica

Violet slowly took a bite from the Akerjadies which had the formation of a blue cookie in the shape of a bird. To her surprise, it tasted exactly like her favorite drink, a cherry soda. Her eyes shone with stars, one nibble turned into two nibbles then three then to the whole cookie! it brought back some nostalgia about her time on the planet that she cherished her life in, earth. She then wiped the cookie crumbs from her mouth using a tissue maid Jessica handed her.

It seems like you haven't eaten for a while now. -maid Jessica

It is- but your Akerjadies tasted like they were out of this world! Thank you. -Violet

You are most welcome, I should be going now-

No, don't, stay here with me for a moment. Does it seem like you don't ever rest? -Violet

Of course, I do, but just not until it's midnight. -maid Jessica

And why is that? -Violet

The royal hexirel is a family of Sirinqe, which is a royal family of four. If I leave all the chores and jobs to the others, then I'm not doing my job squeaky clean. -maid Jessica

Then just do it average, if everything is perfect then doing something normal would be very-

You are right, although you are, your sentences shouldn't be portrayed to a royal hexirel. -Violet

Violet snatched the tray away from maid Jessica's hands, and instead of maid Jessica suggesting desserts, Violet did.

Here you go. -Violet

I shouldn't really eat those, you should enjoy them. -maid Jessica

Have you ever tasted your own baking and cooking, since you really seem clueless about how addictive they are? -Violet

Maid Jessica cut a piece of chocolate cake hesitantly feeling that it would be wrong to do.

This isn't for me to eat though. -maid Jessica

Your name is Jessica, right? -Violet

Y-yes I am. -maid Jessica

Jessica, the royal family probably doesn't always finish what you make, so why don't you share the rest of what you make with yourself and the rest of the maids you grind with? -Violet

It's wrong of me to treat myself If I can't treat them correctly. -maid Jessica

You are treating them, and so are the other maids, so you deserve a break. Now come on try it. -Violet

She finally took a bite without complaining, and a sound was made from Jessica, a sound of enjoyment "hmmmmmm" Violet smiled sweetly, and stood once again facing the picture the balcony was giving, Maid Jessica did the same, and spoke.

Did you see Nidra? -maid Jessica

Violet didn't respond for about three seconds, thinking all about that day.

If you mean the librarian then yes. Do you know her? -Violet

It also took her a moment to respond, but longer too. She had a teary expression drawn on her face, she sighed and then replied

Yes, I did, it only took a couple of years for us to separate paths, she became a spy, and I as you can see, a maid. -maid Jessica

Why did you choose to be a maid and not a spy like her? -Violet

We suffered lots, we both were a part of a group, following four other classmates. We were inseparable until fate selected to destroy what bond was left. -maid Jessica

Who were the four other girls? -Violet

I can't share who they were, but one thing I can share is that they were loyal, kind, and caring. It seemed almost like a dream, but dreams fade eventually, correct? -maid Jessica

Where are they now? -Violet

What is the point of asking when there is no going back? -maid Jessica


Nothing, right aren't I? -maid Jessica

Sort of. -Violet

"Sort of?" How come? -Violet

It's not always fate that ruins the desires and dreams of a specific person, we all are alive at this point, if fate is all that we leave our decisions on, then how will we be able to choose for ourselves? -Violet

But fate is there for a reason, and that is to choose what our-

You're wrong, god brought us here, not to follow fate daily, it's to know that our actions might have an influence on our fate. -Violet

I don't understand, what exactly do you me -maid Jessica

Um, oh take this quote as an example: Life is like a car on a road, you have to keep your focus to reach your destination. -Violet

A part of it you can't quite understand Violet, but once you mature in age, and in wisdom, you'll understand the actual meaning of your quote. -maid Jessica

A person doesn't need wisdom, or to have passed adulthood to completely understand how life tries to-

Oops, it's time for dinner, I'll get your tray back with your dinner. -maid Jessica

Oh- okay thank you, but did you understand what I meant? -Violet

The real question is, do you know why this quote was told? -maid Jessica

Yes to be able to-

Guide who is in help, but why? -maid Jessica

So they aren't as lo-

-Lost in life, but how can they get lost in the first place? -maid Jessica

Because no one was there to help-

-Them in accomplishing what correct was, but why is everyone always aiming for the best? -maid Jessica

To expand the world in-

-All that's necessary. I'll leave you with this question, answer it once you fully think you have got hold of a valid solution, why is everyone aiming to expand this world with all what's necessary, to be more exact why are humans always thinking how to get more? -maid Jessica

To help everyone-

That is in need, that isn't the correct answer, don't you realize that all your answers are now looping? there is something that you just can't find the answer to, Now I have to leave. Goodbye. -maid Jessica

Maid Jessica left Violet with a question that seemed easy but was hard to figure out as a mystery, Violet had one question for her: "Why can't you let me complete a sentence" As Violet was thinking more in-depth and about everything, her mind sprung back something she skipped, normally the maids and everyone would regularly do anything to grab Violet to have food with the queen, and king even if it meant to pull her out of bed. The king was very mad when Violet came back from earth, so everything was already linked without putting effort, as Violet was busy still on the balcony zoning out, the journal rang bells in her head. She still wanted to know more, even if that directed her to the untried hazards of this new world.