
A Drifting Whirlwind.

Awakened into a new world with little memories in mind, only coarse collections of misty events and his single name, Diacrao is thrusted into this new world that is foreign to that from a world that he supposedly once called home, but he is not alone in this endeavor, along with him are a few individuals who shares a similar fate. He, and the others would find out that this new world is larger then life, and are to witness a new dawn that would change their lives. エエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエ The cover picture is a modified picture that has been modified using an anime filter. Credits to the original user who had taken the original picture. This story would be a slow burner, a real slow burner, and updates would be inconsistent given my schedule. I apologize for any inconvenience. This work will be rife with grammatical errors and mediocre writing. Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. !! Chapter revamps are taking place, so there will be plot altercations. !! エエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエ Hello Everyone, my schedule has been tight and my uploads has been inconsistent, i apologize for the slow delays everyone.

Karaoni_a · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
27 Chs

Chapter 16: The Din in Manda.

 A few days had passed, perhaps it was two, three? maybe four days. Firstly, Diacrao was lucky enough to get a replacement for his sword. It was of no different quality from his previous sword. It was a Kushite-styled sword, made with the famous Zanziyin Iron which is known for its quality and durability. Even the "low" quality Zanziyin Iron was said to have been of good quality in comparison to other Iron qualities from regional and imports. Though charitable, he was informed that the next replacement would require him to pay 5 silvers for the next replacement.

 During their forays into the ruins of Azawe, they did not repeat the mistake of straying into the interior of the ruins, the mistake they made last time, almost costing them their lives and forcing Diacrao to lose his sword in the process. Straddling around the non-dangerous parts of the city did not yield great results in a short period, but it did yield something. They were able to take down enemies in smaller numbers, perhaps in a groups of two to three, and in the process, learn more about the tactics of the city gnolls they did encounter. Their observations of their new enemies were noted.

 Aside from donning more armor and having the benefit of numbers in an urban environment, the city gnolls were drastically different from their forest counterparts in terms of their tactics, organization, and social hierarchies. These gnolls have military organizations akin to the republican army of Manda, bearing their dedicated formations and war parties that often serve in defensive roles rather than offensive ones. With the aforementioned role in mind, they often rely on the element of surprise by launching ambushes from the ruins, while employing traps in blind spots to impede enemy movements within their territories.

 Despite their advanced tactics, they still had their flaws, as far as the group's observation had yielded, the gnolls were not tied to a central command, being led autonomously by regional warlords and captains who in turn gave much autonomy to smaller parties to function. The level of autonomy ensured that the gnolls were not tied to corrupt commands, but this also enabled some groups to isolate themselves and not coordinate with other groups when it came to their own operations. The lack of cohesion among some gnoll parties allowed for Aitana and her crew to take down these small groups and salvage whatever goods they can garner.

 The loot they gather, while not much, was still beneficial, and from their trade, they discovered that used armor and metal were highly sought after by the local Zanziyin traders who seek out these items for their metal workings. They were dipping their hands into what could be a lucrative business.


It was a bright afternoon, booming with activity as usual. Diacrao was waiting by a food stand that sold meat on skewers, sprinkled with exotic curry spices from the eastern world that provided a savory scent. His stomach was rumbling, and he can't wait to gnaw on the meat once its done cooking. The price wasn't too expensive, it was 3 coins for a 2 medium sized sticks, a fair price for a hearty meal.

It took a while, but his portion was done cooking, and after payment, he did not hesitate in eating the meat. As he took a bite, he couldn't help but phase out, the taste transcending his senses as it completely took over his mind. He was in a state of trance, though it lasted for a while, and he went into eating the meat.

He was waiting for the rest of his party members who said they would meet him by the square, but its been a while, and he was growing hungry just from waiting. As he savored the meat, there was a short commotion in the town square, a yell that caught everyone's attention, including the swordsman who was curious.

"We should be hear, we MUST be heard! We will not tolerate this suppression anymore, hear ye all from the voices of the shadows, the oppressed, the unfortunate." An opening statement from the rabble-rouser which certainly got the attention from Diacrao. He shifted his view to the noise of the commotion. Over there, a crowd of people has formed, and Diacrao joined the crowd to take a look at who this individual might be.

It was a local man, dressed in worn leather armor, bearing a military sigil that indicates that he is part of the army, or at least, was, and his beard was unshaven as he don a Nubian-styled helmet. He was not alone, he was accompanied by a few men, chiefly Zanziyins and a few Saqari's. They shared the same shabby, armed outfit. They must be his cohorts. Some of them worn eye patches, while others had scars etched on their skin. They were, a shabby lot, to say the least.

"Is it justice to not look after the warriors, the veterans who fought for this land? We spilled our blood, lost our brethren in war, and families when we came back, some of us suffer eternal damages, and yet when this is how we are treated when we come back? Abandoned to the side of the streets, to the outskirts, and left to rot! This republic needs to treat us as normal humans, not like beggars!"

The speaker in the middle yelled out his, nay, their concerns to the crowd. It was an evoking moment for the bystanders who stood by and listened to his speech. "Do not let me down, do not let us down, how come that the Auxiliaries had gotten better treatment over us? are we no different then them? are we the lowest in this hierarchy? I can't stand for this discrimination, We can't stand for this discrimination, Manda! Will you really turn your back on your own people? Will you make us rot after all we had done!!" He yelled his lungs out, his speech getting louder and louder as his cohorts cheered his words, causing a din that certainly attracted more people to the crown, including the guards, who stepped in to intervene.

"What is the meaning of this? Rufaro, are you preaching about your unfortunate state again?" A guard questioned the preacher. This was certainly not his first time dealing with this situation.

"Preaching? its the truth! I speak for the rest of us, the rest of our people who has been sidelined. What happens if that happens to you?? Wouldn't you be here to complain like us foul lot that you claim us to be? I only ask that we receive a basic treatment, at least a shelter to call home! instead of letting us rot outside of the walls while you let FOREIGNERS like the Auxiliaries to stay with comfort!"

While Diacrao did feel bad for Rufaro, he didn't appreciate his xenophobic attitude, especially when he mentioned the auxiliaries with a bitter tone of disdain and hatred, but to some extent, he rationalize that it was the economic situation that has led the man to develop such attitude towards anyone who is better off then him, especially towards outsiders like the swordsman himself. 

"Watch your tongue, Rufaro, you will be exiled if you continue this habit, but perhaps, you might not be complaining anymore, and your ruckus might even end here."

"Huh?? What do you mean?" The puzzled Rufaro asked the guard. "Am I gonna be executed? Are we gonna be off to the gallows?"

"While some of us wish for that, no, the consul have decided to allocate shelter for you veterans and grant you some land for your efforts. It might not be much, but they hope that their citizens will be provided with the best welfare. After all, you have spilt your blood for us, and in return, they believe this was the bare minimum they can do."

"Bare Minimum? This is the greatest thing the republic can offer me! This cannot be a dream right? Someone please tell me this isn't a dream!" Rufaro yelled, thinking if it was all not real, until someone from the crowd threw a slipper on his head. "Ouch! Yup, I am not dreaming, finally boys, we have a place to call home!"

His cohorts were as equally overjoyed at this new outcome. The lot cheered, while the guard stood in the middle of the square, taking the spot of the speaker. He took a scroll and opened it and he begun reading from the paper. The guard was not a mere guard, but a speaker, the town crier who will share the news at the square.

"Greetings Citizens of Manda! I bring new laws from the Consulate and the Grand Prince himself who had passed down a few laws for the republic. As mentioned earlier, war veterans who fought for the republic and the empire will be given shelter and housing grants within the town of Manda and its peripheries. This only extends to local warriors only, foreign Auxiliaries are not provided this benefit, as of yet.

The next law would have taxes be reduced for all citizens of Manda, the Grand Prince hears your concerns about the high taxations that has been a burden to those who weren't able to pay due to the high rates, so the Grand Prince reduced the rates to ensure that taxation does not burden the well being of Manda's People.

Last but not least, by the end of the week, the town of Manda will gather around to clean the town and dispose the waste's accordingly. The Grand Prince and the Consul have noticed the hygiene issues and the growing waste's in the town compound, so to prevent this from being an issue, the town will engage in this public activity to ensure cleanliness is maintained within the town's compound. This extends to all people present in Manda, Citizens and Foreign Auxiliaries Corps are expected to attend this, because the Grand Prince and his consort will be present in this activity. Foreign Merchants are exempted from this activity, but are allowed to volunteer.

This is all from the Grand Prince and the Consulate. Good day everyone, and remember to spread the news to the rest of the people in this town. I will bid you all goodbye. Kwa kutukufu na wamhuro na watu wake." The crier ended his speech and left, signaling the veterans to follow him. As he left, the crowd dispersed as well, talking among themselves about the new changes. Some seemed happy, while others felt a little annoyed at the upcoming cleaning activity that will soon be compulsory, but nonetheless, the reception from the crowd seemed positive.

Diacrao didn't feel much affected by this, aside from the fact that the Foreign Auxiliaries Corps will now be used as janitors on a weekly basis. It made him wonder, what will it take for him to be a citizen of this republic? he has never thought about it until now, but in the long run, he had plans to settle down in this town that he considered picturesque, and its community are fairly welcoming and helpful among one another, a byproduct of its cosmopolitan culture. But again, he has yet to explore the lands beyond the republic's territories.

"Man...free Janitor work on the weekend!?!? Ugh I hope they pay me!" The voice of dissatisfaction was awfully to familiar for the swordsman. "Conrad?"

"Oh, DIA! Hello! Do you see the audacity of that Grand Prince!?! He thinks he can use us as free labour! how evil of that cruel tyrant!" The rogue went on rambling.

"Were you here this whole time?"

"Yeah! Had you not noticed me??" And Diacrao shaked his head to say no. He had not noticed the rogue's presence earlier. Either Conrad's stealth has gotten better, or Diacrao just lacked situational awareness. 

"Man you are such an old timer. Come on bro, I found a favourite spot where we can dine in some pretty good meat! It's some exquisite stuffs. Now come on, let's not be late Slowcrao."


"C'mon, it is a Conrad original!"

"Whatever you say Conbrat."

"OOF, didn't need to do me dirty like that!"

"I added some salt to make it salty."

"Well that felt like a pinch, anywho, keep up bro!"

"Alright, alright, lead the way."

The duo left the scene as they made their way to the stall that Conrad promised. He wasn't sure what to expect with Conrad's taste, is it going to be terrible or cheap, or was it gonna be great? He was gonna find out soon.

Hello everyone, I apologize again for being late and inconsistent with my uploads. Schedule and health have been holding me back. Nonetheless, this section will translate what "Kwa kutukufu na wamhuro na watu wake" means.

It translate to "For the glory of the Republic and it's people" in the local tongue. It is modified from a Swahili translation.

Karaoni_acreators' thoughts