
A Drifting Whirlwind.

Awakened into a new world with little memories in mind, only coarse collections of misty events and his single name, Diacrao is thrusted into this new world that is foreign to that from a world that he supposedly once called home, but he is not alone in this endeavor, along with him are a few individuals who shares a similar fate. He, and the others would find out that this new world is larger then life, and are to witness a new dawn that would change their lives. エエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエ The cover picture is a modified picture that has been modified using an anime filter. Credits to the original user who had taken the original picture. This story would be a slow burner, a real slow burner, and updates would be inconsistent given my schedule. I apologize for any inconvenience. This work will be rife with grammatical errors and mediocre writing. Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. !! Chapter revamps are taking place, so there will be plot altercations. !! エエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエ Hello Everyone, my schedule has been tight and my uploads has been inconsistent, i apologize for the slow delays everyone.

Karaoni_a · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 17: A Hearty Meal.

 The earlier commotion in the town square sure made Dia and Conrad hungry. One can't deliver a great and awe-inspiring speech without an empty stomach! They are either fed by food, or by ideological emotions that fill their appetite. Either way, the duo were not feeling revolutionary at all. They were just looking for some grub.

"Say, do you think taking this food detour is a good idea? Wouldn't Aitana and the rest be worried about our whereabouts?" Diacrao asked as he followed Conrad to a supposed location that he deemed to have served the tastiest and juiciest meat that he had ever had in years. "And why do I have the feeling that you are exaggerating the quality of this meat?"

"Aw come on man, you're always soooooo skeptical about many things, learn to loosen up and have fun, Stiffy! Besides, we can take our time, it's not like we are rushing or something." Conrad replied with advice pointing out Diacrao's stiff and assuming nature. "And trust me bro, you would not regret this meat, its big, cooked, and juicy, you WON'T, I repeat, WON'T ever regret tasting this fine beast."

"Stiffy? That's a good nickname." He can't help but giggle at the name Conrad hurled. He was right, he's got to be less skeptical and just enjoy the little things in life, which Diacrao hasn't done much. "So what kind of meat are they preparing? Beef? Mutton?"

"Beef, not just any beef, a special beef bred and brought over from the Zanziyin homelands from the West. It is called Ankore-Matusi and by the HEAVENS aren't they amazing! The couple that runs the stall sure knows how to charge right because the meat is worth the price!!!" the rogue blurted with deep passion, something Diacrao was surprised to see. Conrad has always been the energetic one within the group, but often it would be in negative ways such as him complaining or making sarcastic remarks, but to see his passion and energy to describe something he likes, the swordsman was only surprised.

"Ankore-Matusi? Huh, interesting name. So what makes these cows unique than other cows?" Diacrao asked, curious to know more about the breed.

"I don't know man, I never seen the breed when they were alive, only when they were cooked and grilled! But I heard that they have really, really big horns. They aren't rared by the commoners here but in their special farming districts from what I heard."

"Special farming districts?"

"Yeah, the owners of these breeds don't wanna share their knowledge with the other farmers, considering this breed is costly and they don't want no competition."

"Ah, mercantilist behavior, classic."

"Precisely. Now hurry up, they ain't too far away, you can smell that marinated aroma if we get closer! Hell, I can smell them right now!" Conrad exclaimed excitedly as he sped up his walk, forcing Diacrao to match his speed by speedwalking at the same pace. The exotic scent of spices and cooked meat pierced through the noses of the Rogue and the Swordsman. Although they had not seen it, it was a flavorful aroma. They can feel the taste of the spices at the tip of their tongue, and their appetite was rumbling. Conrad wasn't exaggerating when he said that the meat is good, perhaps Diacrao shouldn't question his picks when it came to choosing the right food.

It was a moment's walk, but they made it to the stall. It was a modest stall, and there were a dozen people seated on the chairs that were provided. It is jointly managed by two young-looking individuals who might be a few years older than the duo, the couple Conrad mentioned, a Zanziyin woman, and a Saqari man. The woman was in charge of handling the spices and vegetables. There were a few baskets that contained various spices, a few plates, a bucket of water, and a chopping board where she prepared the vegetables which mainly consisted of cowpeas, potatoes, carrots, cabbages, and cassava, from what he observed on their stand. Beside her was a sizzling pot of lentil soup with spices, and it smelt delicious.

The Saqari man was in charge of the meat, he boasted a cleaver knife, etched in local Zanziyin and unknown inscriptions, and a small butcher's knife with a similar design. He handled the meat with care and precision, carefully cutting off the meat and shaping it into sizable portions before marinating the meat with spices. The marinated meats were then placed onto the grill, sizzling vigorously and letting out hot steamy, and scented smoke that further made the duo hungry. What's there to wait? The lads raced up to the stand, and thankfully, there was no one holding them back.

"Svatozar! and Ayana! I am back for that meat! This time with a friend!"

The couple turned their head to a familiar voice and simultaneously smiled at the duo. "Ahoi Conrad! been some time since we have seen you around! and you must be Conrad's friend! I am Ayana, and this is my husband, Svatozar! and you are?" the Zanziyin woman introduced herself in a friendly, bubbly tone, giving a sweet smile to the duo.

"Diacrao, it's nice to meet you. My friend told me many things about your stall and delicacy."

"Hoho he did? well, we shall not disappoint you with our food! Take a seat and we will bring both of you our cooking! Will you like some cold milk with your meal?" the hearty, Svatozar asked the duo.

"Yeah that would be cool." Diacrao agreed, followed by Conrad who gestured with a nod. With a smile, Svatozar and Ayana begun their preparations, while the duo took a seat nearby the stall. Diacrao was personally excited to feast on the meal, although, his feelings does not translate well into his visage, displaying the usual mood of indifference.

"You won't regret feasting this baby Dia! though it's sad that Kadun isn't here to join us." right, where is Kadungon? Curious, he decided to ask Conrad about the warrior's whereabouts.

"Since you mentioned his name, where is Kadungon? Is he with the ladies?" Diacrao asked.

"Oh nahhhhh, he is in the outskirts, he said he wanted to explore beyond the walls of Manda."

"Outskirts? isn't it dangerous?"

"Not as much as it was, I mean, bandits don't frequent much around Manda, and the reserves are usually safe from what I've been told."

"Oh, makes sense. I've noticed, Kadungon is much of an outdoor guy."

"Pfftt, took you long to notice that."

He punched Conrad's shoulder as the rogue laughed. "C'mon I ain't out of touch, I'm just a little.."

"Emotionally dead?" the rogue teased as he burst out into laughter, much to the swordsman's annoyance, but he smirked and eventually laughed as well.

"See? Loosening up ain't bad man, it shows that you ain't all stuck up or a feast bummer."

"Ack, I am just like this man, I just haven't been great at showing what I feel, nor do I feel comfortable in expressing much, personally."

"Well, you can start being chill around your bros, besides, we have been to a party for a few weeks, don't tell me you ain't comfortable being yourself around us."

"Heh, of course, I am, I just often keep things to myself, I guess."

"Boooooooooooo, you're such a bummer. I take what I said, you FEAST BUMMER."

"C'mon give me a break!"

"I'm just kidding bro!"

"Conrad? Diacrao?"

A familiar voice was spoken behind them, startling the duo as they turned their backs to look who that person was. It was none other than their friendly, gentle giant, Kadungon. On his back were a few wooden branches strapped on a makeshift basket that Kadungon had made by himself.

"Kadu!!!!! We were just talking about ya!"

"Hello Kadu, been out at the forest reserve?"

"Hello, guys! and yes! I was out at the reserve, how did you guys know?"

"Well....it was a lucky guess on my part."

"Great Job Dia! Mind if I join you guys?"

"Of course buddy! take a seat!" Conrad pulled in a chair as Kadungon sat down, putting down his lumber stack.

"Want to get some grub man?" Conrad asked as he pointed toward the sizzling meat at the stall. Kadungon gestured his hand and declined the offer. "I don't eat beef."

Diacrao and Conrad just stood in silence as they gave a thousand-yard stare to Kadungon. "You don't eat beef!?!?!" the duo simultaneously asked with great shock present in their tone, getting the attention of a few patrons. Kadungon flustered in embarrassment, and this brought the duo back to their senses to not be obnoxious.

"But why?????" Conrad asked, with a softer tone, yet with the same tone of shock present. "I just never noticed that! Have we been this blind??"

"Don't tell me you're vegetarian."

"Heh, I just feel it's not right. I don't know how to explain it, it's just instinctual."

"Instinctual? I don't quite follow."

"Yeah...this confusion is making me more hungry!"

"Well, it's hard to say. I just happen to bear this feeling even when I came to this world unknowingly. Don't you guys have any similar feelings?"

The duo paused for a moment, recollecting back the memories of any similar feelings that they had during their stay in this new foreign world. Now that Kadungon had pointed it out, Diacrao personally did feel an instinctual memory that sipped into this world. 

"I did feel this, especially when it came to training as a swordsman. When I held my sword and practiced, it felt like It was not my first time, but it was just another day for me. Granted, I was not an expert, but I was far from a newbie, either, I had some experience, but I can't recollect any memories of me doing so."

"Weird, I barely had any instinctual feelings, my dudes, maybe my hungry appetite could count?"

"Pfffft, but I just wonder, what were we? or who were we before we came here? I am convinced that we might have been otherworldly beings, from another world. What if we were different people from our world? Is this some sort of divine punishment or a realm by the gods? The locals seem rather indifferent about our presence, and that bothers me sometimes too. Aside from a few stares, of course." Kadungon asked, clearly he was deep in thought about their existence in this world, and what was their purpose even to be sent here? Who, or What, brought them here? no answers could be given, even the locals could not have an answer to this weird phenomenon.

"I assume the earlier parties that made it to this world had made an impression to the locals. It's not like we are beasts or anything, we're just lost people, in a lost world." Dia responded.

"Hm, makes sense, maybe the locals of the Mkasi republic are indifferent, but how about the others the Axeyriaan Realm?" Kadungon wiped off the sweat dripping from his forehead.

"I don't know, only one way is to venture beyond the borders of the republic," Diacrao pulled out a cloth and offered it to Kadungon, the latter accepted it and used it to wipe off his sweaty face.

"I don't know too, but I am sure all this talking is making me hungry! and you should be hungry too! care for some stew and milk buddy?" Conrad offered the warrior some food and water, to which he agreed, stating that he was hungry after a long day of outside activities, but still, he was deep into the thought about his existence. Diacrao noticed, and he didn't want his friend to be bothered by this thought.

"Don't dwell too much on our existence and purpose here Kadu. Our entry might be a mystery, but we are here, in a new world, and with a new life. Whatever we might leave behind, we may never know, but this is our world now, and this is our life, we should make do with what we have, and not leave behind with what we have here. What matters is, that we are here, together." Diacrao gave his advice to Kadungon. 

"Heh...you have a point, it would take some time but I will get over it. Say, where are the ladies?" - Kadungon.

"Not sure, probably doing lady stuff." - Diacrao.

"I wonder what you meant by lady stuff... you think they'll be talking about us?" - Conrad.

"Maybe? maybe not!" - Kadungon.

"Why'd you ask Kadu? you interested with any one of them?" - Conrad.

"What? no! It's not like that...!" - Kadungon.

"C'mon Kadu, me and Conrad know you and Chia have been pretty close these past few weeks. She's a good girl y'know? kind, charming, patient, she looks like a good fit for you." - Diacrao.

"Dia not you too! She's just fun and bubbly to be with, pretty sure she is the same with everyone." - Kadungon.

"Oh yes she is, she's just extra with you." Diacrao sneered at the flustered warrior.

"But hey, real talk here, which of the ladies do you guys fancy?" Conrad hurled a serious question at their group, which gave pause to the rest of the members.

"I'd rather we have an unreal talk, Conrad." - Diacrao.

"C'mon, you look like you could be matched with Zemfina, Dia. All strict, no emotions and all, both of you clearly, will live very interesting lives together." - Conrad.

"How sweet, with your energy, you can make beautiful babies with a female gnoll, after all, you bark just like her." - Diacrao.

"Pffffffft, bold of you to think a gnoll woman might fall for him." - Kadungon.

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuch, that was not cool at ALL bud!!!" Conrad playfully kicked Diacrao on the leg as the trio burst in uncontrollable laughter, Kadungon almost falling from his chair from the joke.

"Having fun, aren't you? well hope you're hungry! food is served!" the large Saqari man and his wife brought a few plates and bowls and served them on a table. It was an assortment of food, there was stew, milk, and veggies decorated on the meat that Conrad had been talking about. It was well-cooked and grilled, and it's aromatic scent made everyone hungry, even Kadungon himself. The patrons thanked the couple, before jumping on the feast.

"Oh meaty meaty, here I come!" Conrad took the piece of meat, despite it being quite hot, and gnawed on the flesh as he ripped it off. 

"You know Dia, maybe you are right...A gnoll lady might love how he chomps on that bone." Kadungon poked fun at Conrad.

Diacrao couldn't resist the scent, so cut off a piece of the meat with a knife, and gently placed it in his mouth. As the piece of meat touched his taste buds, his brain just paused for a moment, his body froze. It was, probably, the most unique and tastiest meat, that he has ever tasted, so far. Unable to control himself, he cut off another slice and ate the meat. "You aren't lying Conrad, this meat is awesome! I ain't judging your taste in food anymore!" He complimented his comrade's taste as he proceeded to feast on the juicy meat and the veggies.

Kadungon was unable to share their joy, but he tasted the stew, and soon he understood what they felt, even if his dish wasn't the meat. It was a flavorful stew, rich with veggies and spices, and it was slightly tangy, having a refreshing taste that freshened up the warrior. It was a good meal to give him some energy, and just like his comrades, he dived into a feasting mode.

They stayed over at the stall for a solid 30 minutes, and afterward, they paid their due for their food and proceeded to wander around the city for the remainder of the day. Tomorrow was about to be another routine for them to scavenge around the ruins of Azawe again. Some of the members have expressed a change of view was needed, and that they were getting comfortable, but they weren't strong enough, to head anywhere else, not yet at least. Diacrao, personally, still struggles to take on some of the gnolls and their changing war tactics. However, that is a worry for tomorrow, a day that they can, fortunately, see again. But the following day would be an uncertain future.