
A Dream Life With You.

It says that in this cruel world, every once in a while a kind-hearted fool is born who is willing to leave everything aside just to give justice to others. Helson Victoria was also one such fool but she only cared about women and hated men. She ran away from her home when she was 23. Because she was choosing a path her family wouldn't approve of and because they were telling her to get engaged. Running away from home, she struggled a lot. Doing part-time jobs and all, she finally passed the Bar exam. Still, she had a hard time as she couldn't do everything as she pleases. Years later, she becomes a top women's lawyer who was known for fiercely defending women and at the same time, she was also famous as the Ceo of Victory Law firm. People worshipped her and admired her. They praise her for her bravery and kind heart yet they forget to see what's all behind it. It was just hell. Though she won the cases and saves the women, nobody saw the scars on her body. She did everything she could but still, she just gave the victims justice, she can't protect them from injustice no matter how hard she tries. Suicide and murders of the Victims left her an unpeaceful life that can't be peaceful with all the Victories she had won. But someone came, yet another man. Who proved to her that not all men in the world are bad. Who finally made that sickening feeling that doesn't let her have a single peaceful day disappear. He just came like an Angle for her who saved her from the misery. On a special day, holding a precious baby girl in her arms, Victoria cried her hurt out as the man embraced her...

Alencica · Urban
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42 Chs

Chapter 28: Disguising Herself.

These past few days, Victoria didn't see Oscar. The last time they met, she told him off brutally. He didn't say anything and was frozen as she walked away. Since then, she didn't saw him. Maybe he gave up on her.

Victoria was actually a kind person. Speaking such harsh words and telling him off like that was really cruel. She didn't realize it but since then, she occasionally thought about him.

Oscar received a shock when he saw Victoria that day. Her words were so told he felt his heart freeze. As someone who has gone through a lot, Oscar was not afraid of anything. However, since she come into his life, there were many things he was afraid of.

He was afraid of her hating him. He was afraid of losing sight of her. He was afraid of letting her go. But when he comes to know about the serial murderer, Oscar was more afraid than ever to let her go.

When he saw that she went alone and started investigating the murders, he wanted to go to her and kick some sense into her. But then, he remembered her words.

" If you come in my sight ever again, I will finish you." Recalling those words sent shivers down his spine. He wasn't scared of her. He was just afraid of being hated by her.

As he was worried, he secretly followed her without letting her know. Victoria's skills were good overall. If a normal thug or something followed her, she would be able to detect it. Even if a specialized person followed her, she would at least be suspicious and stay alert but she couldn't detect Oscar at all as if he disappeared since then.

As he got some emergency at his company, Oscar had to leave. However, he left his assistant there. The assistant was not as good as his boss. Therefore, he wasn't aware of the news that Victoria had clues about where the killer may appear next.

By the time Oscar finished his work, Victoria was already at the designated place. When he called his assistant, he reported that Victoria was at that place still investigating the matter. Both of them didn't know that she wasn't just investigating the matter. She was planning on entering the tiger's den while disguising herself.

Oscar missed her so he went there. When he met the assistant, he send him back.

Victoria found out while investigating that all the victims had some specific things in common. She tried her best to become like that victim. It was basically like serving herself on a plate to the killer.

Victoria was surely strong but that didn't mean she wasn't afraid of anything and would be alright with everything. She was just braver and kinder enough to take this route that anyone else wouldn't.

Victoria waited. After a long time, a man comes towards her. He was dressed like a casual white-collar employee. His looks were alright and he matched the description but it wasn't confirmed if it was really him. He tried to make her go with him somehow. To others, people would just think he is a playboy or something. The thought of serial killers wouldn't even come into their minds.

Since Victoria wasn't sure, she decided to wait and watch. She pretended to be hard to get type. He lingered around for a while but after that, she saw he started hitting on other women around there. She carefully kept her eyes on him. It looked like he gave up on her. She really thought that.

Soon, it was night. Victoria saw he went off to a nearby restaurant. He finally managed to hook up with a girl and had dinner with her. Victoria tried her best to not get noticed.

Meanwhile, Oscar was still waiting for her outside. He was keeping an eye on her for safety. However, when he saw her coming out, he was able to see her properly. While she was inside, he didn't notice it but now that she was out, he noticed that she was looking a bit different than usual.

While he was still thinking about it, he saw Victoria enter a restaurant. He contemplated whether he should go in or not. If he went in, she may see him but if he didn't, he would be worried.

After a while, he decided that he would go in if she didn't come out until an hour. Finally, he realized what was odd about her today. She was acting a bit suspicious but what caught his attention was that she was concealing her identity.

He didn't think much of it and thought she wanted to hide her identity so that she would be able to investigate without worry. Or maybe she is gonna meet someone but didn't want to be noticeable. After all, she was pretty attractive when she dressed normally. She would be popular wherever she goes.

However, he didn't realize that he just missed the main point. He overlooked it slightly and that was the biggest mistake he made that he would die regretting. She wasn't concealing her identity, she was disguising herself.