
A Dream Life With You.

It says that in this cruel world, every once in a while a kind-hearted fool is born who is willing to leave everything aside just to give justice to others. Helson Victoria was also one such fool but she only cared about women and hated men. She ran away from her home when she was 23. Because she was choosing a path her family wouldn't approve of and because they were telling her to get engaged. Running away from home, she struggled a lot. Doing part-time jobs and all, she finally passed the Bar exam. Still, she had a hard time as she couldn't do everything as she pleases. Years later, she becomes a top women's lawyer who was known for fiercely defending women and at the same time, she was also famous as the Ceo of Victory Law firm. People worshipped her and admired her. They praise her for her bravery and kind heart yet they forget to see what's all behind it. It was just hell. Though she won the cases and saves the women, nobody saw the scars on her body. She did everything she could but still, she just gave the victims justice, she can't protect them from injustice no matter how hard she tries. Suicide and murders of the Victims left her an unpeaceful life that can't be peaceful with all the Victories she had won. But someone came, yet another man. Who proved to her that not all men in the world are bad. Who finally made that sickening feeling that doesn't let her have a single peaceful day disappear. He just came like an Angle for her who saved her from the misery. On a special day, holding a precious baby girl in her arms, Victoria cried her hurt out as the man embraced her...

Alencica · Urban
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42 Chs

Chapter 12: Stupid Love!

In the office, Victoria was working on the case of Ariana. She also filed charges against the man who beat up Ariana. After that, she read other files. In these two years, she found out that some people were willing to work hard and risk their lives for it. However, some didn't get the support while some didn't get the chance.

Victoria was very well aware of the fact that a person who is alone can only do so much. That's why, from the day she entered this industry, she has decided to open a law firm. She wanted to make a law firm that can firmly protect women without being a coward.

She also learned martial arts however, she was really harsh on herself.

For her, these cases were really easy to win now. If the opposition has a really strong background, only then would she face any problems.

For the normal goons or cheap men who committed this crime, it was as easy as it could be to win the case. She had 3 such cases today. She didn't always rely on evidence too much because she knew it could be manipulated, etc. But she had other moves for such situations. She also had the amazing ability to lead a person to confess subconsciously.

To provoke them and to make them cautious which instead led to more mistakes. She was simply amazing. No one would have said that Victoria from before is so talented because she really wasn't. This was all just her willpower and determination that led her to this height. Maybe God granted her these abilities after seeing her determination because she really was amazing.

She went to the high court for the cases and as usual, she won. She also didn't reveal herself until she stepped into the court so that the opposition would not be able to take countermeasures. After coming out of the court, she went to have lunch with her client.

After having lunch, she dropped her client at her house before driving back to the office. While fighting for the current cases, Victoria was also looking into the old cases so that she could get justice for the victims.

However, she needed much more than that to find evidence from the past. They were hidden so well or they could even be destroyed. For a long time she has been trying for that but unfortunately, she found out that there still wasn't much she could do.

As she was busy doing work, Hailey knocked on her door and informed her.

" Sister Victoria, there is someone called Oscar who wants to meet you. I checked your schedule. He didn't have an appointment."

Victoria thought about who could it be but then she said she will meet him to find out.

Hailey served him coffee and snacks as he waited for Victoria. Soon, her door opened and she walked out. She was wearing her white suit pants and peach-coloured t-shirt. She was looking as beautiful as she could.

She also had a beautiful and delicate branded watch in her hand. It was in peach colour with a chain belt. Everything about her was so gracious that Oscar felt like he was falling for her over and over again.

Victoria sat down in front of him. She looked at him carefully as she felt that he is familiar. However, their encounter was so short that she couldn't recognise him instantly. She folded her legs and put her hands on her knee as she asked him.

" Please speak up, Mr Oscar." Her voice was devoid of any emotions as usual. It was rather cold.

Seeing this, Oscar smiled. Finally, he spoke up.

" It seems like Miss Victoria didn't remember me?"

" Well, yeah. Can you please remind me of when we met before?"

" Of course. I came specifically because of that."

Victoria's eyebrow scrunched up as she couldn't understand his intentions. Honestly, she has never been in a relationship and because of her straightforward and frank attitude, she also didn't get many confessions.

Many had a crush on her but they didn't dare to face her. She was blunt and rejected harshly because she wasn't interested in falling into some stupid love that will disturb her peaceful life. Then, Oscar spoke again.

" I am Oscar. We met at the cafe yesterday. I am here to apologise for what happened. Please accept this as an apology." Saying that he passed her a carry ad which carried the logo of an international brand.