
A Dream Life With You.

It says that in this cruel world, every once in a while a kind-hearted fool is born who is willing to leave everything aside just to give justice to others. Helson Victoria was also one such fool but she only cared about women and hated men. She ran away from her home when she was 23. Because she was choosing a path her family wouldn't approve of and because they were telling her to get engaged. Running away from home, she struggled a lot. Doing part-time jobs and all, she finally passed the Bar exam. Still, she had a hard time as she couldn't do everything as she pleases. Years later, she becomes a top women's lawyer who was known for fiercely defending women and at the same time, she was also famous as the Ceo of Victory Law firm. People worshipped her and admired her. They praise her for her bravery and kind heart yet they forget to see what's all behind it. It was just hell. Though she won the cases and saves the women, nobody saw the scars on her body. She did everything she could but still, she just gave the victims justice, she can't protect them from injustice no matter how hard she tries. Suicide and murders of the Victims left her an unpeaceful life that can't be peaceful with all the Victories she had won. But someone came, yet another man. Who proved to her that not all men in the world are bad. Who finally made that sickening feeling that doesn't let her have a single peaceful day disappear. He just came like an Angle for her who saved her from the misery. On a special day, holding a precious baby girl in her arms, Victoria cried her hurt out as the man embraced her...

Alencica · Urban
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42 Chs

Chapter 11: Glorious Ruler!

Oscar called his assistant and told him calmly.

" XXXX, Find the car with this number. It is Audi R8. I want the information as soon as possible."

" Yes sir." His assistant replied respectfully.

After that, Oscar entered his car and drive off. While on the way, he called his father.

" Dad, if you don't stop hooking me up with these weirdos, then I swear I won't take my responsibilities seriously. I am a grown-up man and I have the right to choose my partner. Moreover, I don't need a woman to help me in the business. So don't try to hook me up with someone ever again." Then he hung up.

The next day, Victoria woke up early. She took a bath and walked out in her bathrobe. She had a walk-in closet as she walked down to choose her clothes. Then she picked out white pants, a peach-coloured t-shirt with a ribbon bow on the collar.

She also picked out white sandal heels. She let her short wavy hair down. Her bluish-grey eyes were so attractive that you would lose yourself in them. Finally, she stepped out of her house and entered the garage. There she took her Audi R8 and drove off to the office.

In the Lazslo Corporation...

Oscar sat in his office. He was the Chairman of the Lazslo Corporation. He was also the sole heir and as he had proven his worth, his father handed him the company. On his desk, his nameplate of glass was on the front. It was classic and beautiful.

His family name was not Lazslo. It was Sebastian. He was Oscar Sebastian. As for the name of the Corporation, it was given by their ancestor who founded the company. The founder was said to be a Hungarian as he named the company Lazslo.

Lazslo originated from Hungarian. It has a good meaning. The glorious ruler. As the name suggests, Lazslo Corporation has been a glorious ruler in the industry for decades. It was not to be underestimated.

Oscar was busy doing his work. He was currently reading a very important document. It was related to the deal which was worth billions. Soon, there was a knock on the door. As he was reading, Oscar didn't look up and just said come in.

It was the assistant. His name was Nike. He put down a file on the table and informed Oscar.

" Sir, this is the information you asked for."

Oscar was concentrated on his document. However, as soon as he heard that it was about the information he asked for, all his focus shifted to the file Nike put down. He put the document in his hand aside and picked up the file.

After opening it, the first page contained her basic information. The owner of the car is registered under the name 'Victoria Helson'

Her occupation: Lawyer. Her office a dress: XX division, X Road, plot no. X. Her home Address: Blank.

Her phone number: Blank. Her net worth: one million dollars.

On the first page, there wasn't much information. All the information is given there was something anyone could find. However, Oscar was not just anyone.

On the next page, her personal information was given. Her home address, her phone number, and almost all the information before she passed the Bar exam were there. Her actual net worth was also there. It was one billion dollars. Her one million dollar net worth was based on her career as a lawyer but this one was including her shares, etc.

She was one of the wealthiest women. They also found out where she lived while she was studying for the Bar exam. But they couldn't find anything about her family. Her birthplace or anything before she left home.

She hid her origins so well that even Nike, one of the most capable assistants couldn't dig it out. However, if Oscar truly wanted to know, he had a way to find out but he thought it would be better to stop at this. Her past didn't matter. He also understood her hatred for men and her will to protect women. Therefore, he gave a long sigh as he thought.

' It is surely not easy to gain someone's love. Especially of the one, we desire but well, I guess it can't be helped. she is someone I can never give up on.'