
A Dragon ball System With A Cultivation World

I got Bad Grammer

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Break through

"... You're strong, but not enough to take down Heavenly Law palace." Bu Xing said coldly as he took out a bow, this time he was not using the laws to form the bow, but was taking out a real bow. the man with the sword gave off a sharp killing intent and was facing Sora, who only sneered at them before releasing his full power of a 100 trillion fist, causing their face to harden at the force,

But something happened which caught Sora off guard, many experts appeared to withstand the pressure. these were all of the hidden experts within the heavenly law palace... no they were soldiers.

they all got into a formation, forming a huge avatar with 3 heads and six arms. 10 people all with a power level of a trillion had gotten together, their energy merged into one, and they all acted as one to control such power. their power level was not as small as 10 trillion, no, it was 150 trillion. The man with the sword leads such a force, with him being the heart of a formation

"... this is your trump card? it's not enough." Sora shot forward to clash with the avatar, and the avatar quickly formed 6 weapons which it held within its 6 arms, and lunched at Sora. Sora and the avatar clashed, and Sora was at the losing end.

with 6 arms and 10 minds working together, Sora's marital arts capability was put to the test. but he had learned a lot from the battle with Giga Chad, Sora's instincts at the moment were sharp, allowing him to quickly react to danger even from his blindspots,

Bu Xing quickly moved and attacked Sora as well, with the help of that bow, his arrows were capable of injuring and even killing Sora, which was extremely troublesome, but Sora was too enraged to back down now.

With his sharp eyes, Sora quickly found a few openings within the formations, but the biggest openings were heavily guarded, forcing him to focus on those smaller openings and slowly break the formations down,

Like that, Injuries filled Sora's body, but at the same time, the power of this formation dropped. even with the injuries Sora had suffered, he could still fight at full power, allowing him to slowly get the upper hand in this battle,

"Your so-called Heavenly Law Palace has big balls to get on my bad side, but I'm a man who follows the rules of treating others the way I want to be treated... So, since you made me suffer such pain, it's only right I make you suffer it all but 100 times worse." Sora said as he punched forward, with that punch the avatar shattered, and Sora shot forward.

an arrow appeared before him, but Sora didn't care, taking the attack head-on, a huge hole appeared in his chest, causing him to cough up a mouthful of blood. but Sora didn't stop shooting forward, his arm reached out, grabbing the man with the sword who couldn't react in time. Sora grabbed him by the leg and began to use him like a sword.

"you want to use your sword against me? then I shall turn you into a sword>" Sora said as his killing intent infused into the man's body, and forcefully straightened him, turning him into a living sword. the man's pained and horrified cries filled the air, with Sora killing intent being infused into him, illusions of death filled his mind, and he was living all types of ways he could die,

Sora with his screaming sword shot forward and began beating the soldiers with the sword which he treated like a hammer. the man's screams filled the air, while his hair began losing its color, and his face began aging at a fast rate, scaring those watching.

"You have gone too far." Bu Xing roared in rage, Sora was stepping on the face of the heavenly law palace, something which he would not stand for...

"Such your bitch ass up," Sora said before snorting, gathering some snot which he spites at Bu Xing, his spit shot through the air at high speed and entered Bu Xing whose mouth was opened. unable to react in time to close his mouth, the spit was swallowed, leaving him frozen.

"If I don't turn you into my personal cripple bitch, I will spell my name backward," Sora asked before controlling the spit within his stomach to attack his spine. Bu Xing Suddenly let out a scream, before his hands fell to the ground, no longer listening to him.

"w-what did you do." Bu Xing roared at Sora, he wanted to heal his spin, but Sora's spit was enforced with the law of destruction, a powerful law, how do you bring back what was already destroyed? Of course with another law,

time, creations, and a few others could be used, but how many others there had such powerful and rare laws?

"A good dog doesn't bark at its master. but don't worry, this pain you feel is nothing compared to what you made me feel" Sora said coldly, the pain he felt from having his dantian and viens restored was unimagined, forcing him to escape such pain by going berserk.

this guy didn't just destroy his dantian, but also recreated it as a sick game to make him suffer? if he didn't get payback for such a thing, then he would not be able to rest in even his grave.

"what are you all doing? kill him." Bu Xing roared, seemly about to go berserk. Sora's eyes suddenly narrowed as he found himself surrounded, avatars appeared all over, pinning him in.

Sora's eyes narrowed for a moment, before he shot towards an avatar, with his move attacks launched at him, slamming into him and sending him rocketing through many buildings which caused Sora's pupils to disappear. these buildings were made out of high-grade resources, they made metal feel like clouds.

Sora fainted right there and then, and most of his bones were shattered. but the attacks didn't stop there, his body was sent shooting off once more, as he coughed up a mouthful of blood, he awakened him. but he couldn't do anything as from the back, a huge hammer shot down, slamming hard into him and sending him shooting down,

Sora felt like all his bones were shattered, but he forced himself from fainting. holding his body together with his energy, he landed heavily on the ground, causing his legs to cave in and open themselves. chaotic energy rampaged within his body, causing it harder for him to recover. this energy was the power of the law infused into those attacks,

Sora slapped the ground, shooting himself up, and allowing himself to barely dodge the hammer which landed on the spot he was just at. the shock wave from the hammer sent Sora flying, but Sora used this to escape

A sword appeared in the path he was escaping, Sora quickly flipped, slapping the edge of the sword to slap himself up. but the powerful sword Qi destroyed his arm, turning them to dust.

Sora forcefully straightened his legs which had caved in, and at the same time, he grew 3 heads and 6 arms, shocking all who saw such a scene. he created 4 destructor discs, one over each limb but the 2 arms were missing. with a spin, he had the 4 disc form a barrier in front of him, just in time as the sword had come around for round two.

the sword shot forward but upon contact with the discs, the sword was shredded, but the destructor disc's spinning speed showed, and in the end, it was destroyed, leaving the 3rd destructor disc to take it on, and this one was able to shred the whole thing,

Sora never thought of using the destructor disc as a shield, but in moments of danger, he seems to get creative with this ability.

Sora quickly threw the destructor disc out at the avatar around him, controlled them with his mind, while at the same time creating more. it was of course hard for him to control so many of them, but with 2 extra heads to think, Sora was able to control them.

With all of them quickly moving to dodge the destructor disc as they didn't dare to face it head-on, Sora quickly summoned the flying nimbus. with months going by, the flying nimbus's speed had reached a high level, but it was nowhere near Sora's level of speed, but it was the best Sora got.

Sora landed on the Nimbus and give it its energy, empowering the Nimbus and causing its speed to reach new heights.

"I cultivated only for a little over a year... by year 3, if I don't have the heavenly law palace and all who consider it, their allies regretting enraging me... Haha, let's face it, you will all be dead before then." Sora's voice sounded across the whole northern region, causing those of the heavenly Law Palace faces to darken at Sora's words.

Sora only cultivated a little over a year, yet has such a scary level of strength? who would not be uneasy after finding out they had made such an enemy? they all turned to Bu Xing, who laying on the side of his wheelchair, unable to control the rest of his body, only his head, not even his neck could be controlled.

his face at the moment was dark, as a cripple his life has been hard. he was born without the ability to use his legs, and in a cultivation world, one can imagine how hard it was. but through it all, he was not standing at one of the strongest experts in the world... only to be crippled. the despair and pain he felt at the moment could be felt by all the experts around him.

But had to explain and tell all of them who Sora was, with his statues, he can heal from such an injury. if Sora's comprehension of the law of destruction was higher, then it would have been impossible, but all he needed was to pay the right price.

So, he went on to tell them how he sensed Sora and Giga Chad's battle, and upon trying to look into them, he realized that one of them was most likely the one who slaughtered all the demons within the other world's battlefield, so he made the move to remove them. but Sora's strength truly shocked him,

"Set off to the western region and hunt them down at all costs." an old man said after throwing a cold glare at Bu Xing, how can someone screw up this badly. the old man flew down, landing before Sora threw away the sword... I mean the man sword man who Sora had turned into a sword,

Sadly, the old man couldn't do anything for the guy, as he had died with a horrified look imprinted on his mummified face...

"damn, at this right I will die from my injuries," Sora said softly while looking at the many injuries he had suffered. he didn't expect that place to be a holy ground for powerful experts, one expert was enough in his mind, but to have a handful of them, and those avatars which all had a power level of over 100 trillion, was just shocking.

"damn... hopefully I get another one," Sora said as he took out half a senzu bean, since one only needs to eat half of a Senzu bean to get its full effects, Sora of course didn't eat the one and only Senzu bean he had

as for why he was running away? it was because he realized that the Heavenly Law Palace was not normal, even if he recovered and got stronger, he had a feeling he might end up losing. which shocked and confused him,

if the peak power level for the average person was 50 billion, a power level of 100 trillion should be considered god-like. yet there were experts capable of joining to show a power level above that. was it impossible to imagine that there might be an even stronger army within the heavenly law palace? one capable of showing a power level of 500 trillion, or even above the trillions. So for now, Sora shall fall back. his strength was going to reach a point where he shall bitch slap everyone there,

eating the Sensei bean, Sora let out a deep breath as all his injuries disappeared. as if they were washed away, but just as he realized, he felt storm clouds gathering above his head. he was about to have a breakthrough into the Core Shattering realm and Young Soul realm,

Sora shot off of flying Nimbus, if it stayed with him then it shall be caught in the tribulations as well. the storm clouds which gathered quickly filled the whole northern region, as Sora had yet to leave, such sight caught the attention of every power across the northern region, but the clouds continued to gather, swallowing not only the northern region but also a good amount of the other regions land.

Experts all over the world who have been in deep slumber awakened, and all began to look towards Sora, who calmly stood on the mountain, looking at the heavens with a calm smile, not worried at all.


at shocking speed, speed so fast that if one were to blink they would miss it, lightning slammed down, holding the power level of 1 trillion fist. yet Sora seemed not to have been affected by such a blow, instead lightning danced within his dantian around his core.

In the core formations realm, a person forms a core, of course, there were grades to the type of core one can form. Sora didn't know the grade of his core, as all Cora were unique and can come in different forms and colors, one needed an item to grade it

Sora of course tried during the 3 months he was relaxing, but the test ended up in the item used to grade the core to shatter. So, Sora guessed he had a super high-grade core. his color took the form of a bloody ball, Sora had no idea why his core would take on such a color, and he didn't care much,

anyways, at this moment that core had lightning dancing around it, but this level of lightning power was not enough to cause it to shatter. on the other hand, Sora's soul was absorbing bits of lightning, allowing it to slowly grow and become a young soul. As for his body, it was absorbing that lightning to temper itself,

Sora was uneasy that the tribulation might not be enough to allow him to break through, so he was thinking of enraging the heavens, but he was worrying for nothing. moments later, another two lightning bolts hit him, although each held only 1 trillion fist of power, they were twice as good as the first one,

and so, as Sora went through his tribulations, 12 rounds of tribulations rained down upon Sora, each round having twice the numbers as before. By the 12th round, a total of 1,024 lightning bolts hit Sora. all combined was something Sora didn't dare to ignore,

Sora had to use the Kai-Ken and draw upon the power of the pedals within him, bring his power level to a new level, allowing him to withstand such a blow, and at the same time shatter his core, transform his soul into a young soul, and improve his physique,

{Name: Sora

Age: 19/100,000

Bloodlines: [Saiyan Bloodline] [Cerealian Bloodline] [Frieza race Bloodline] [White Tiger Bloodline]

Physique: [Saiyan Physique] [Cerealian] Frieza race Physique] [White Tiger Physique]


Qi Cultivation: [Level 1 Core Formations] (Power of 250,00 Fist}

Body Cultivation: [Level 7 Iron] (Power of 270,000 Fists}

Soul Cultivation: {Level 1 Infant soul] {Power of 220,00 Fist}


Abilities: [Zenkai Boost] [Transformation] [Cerealian eye] [Enchanced recovery] [three heads and six arms] [Shining Dragon Eyes] [Body Recreation] [Clone Creation]

Technique: [Technique Copy] [Destructo disc] [Kaio-ken] [Energy Shield] [Death Ball]

Martial Arts: [Wolf Fang Fist] [Pressure Point Attack]


Items: [Power Pola] [Flying Nimbus] [Goku Weighted Clothing]

Sora had reached the 4th stage of cultivation, with this the 3 Head and 6 Arm DIagram allowed one would be able to create a clone out of a single strand of hair. Naturally, these clones would be quite weak

The Undying Soul Cultivation allowed one to recreate their body so long as their soul remains. this meant that even if Sora's body was destroyed, so long as his soul remained, he could recreate the body given the time

The 9 Divine Lotus Sutra allowed Sora to complete the 3rd pedal, which was the element of earth. now, Sora had the element of wind, water, and now earth. now he was starting to create the element of lightning. drawing off these loti, Sora's power level can increase by 15 times.

Lastly, the White Tiger Cultivation art, allowed Sora to take the form of the White Tiger. which of course Sora was already planning on seeing if such a form can be fused with his True Saiyan State.

"Are you an instantly one... what do you think of being my 7th disciple?" time suddenly froze around Sora, stunning him slightly. Sora looked up and saw the immortal from the white tiger inheritance place walking toward him.

"7th?" Sora asked calmly, to which the immortal nodded slightly,

"Giga Chad is my 6th, he reached your level of understanding 3 months ago, unlike you who only truly comprehended the 5th level of the 3 head and 6 arms diagram right now." The immortal said with a smile, stunning Sora

"someone out there can do something before me," Sora asked as he looked at the immortal with a look that said, I don't believe you.

"Giga Chad is a capable talent, one I'm sure can rival you. sure you are a freak who is capable of showing a power level of over 1 Moutain and River, but Giga Chad had yet to awaken his true power." The immortal said making Sora confused. what true power could that guy have? Sora could just fart and he would drop dead.

"so, do you accept me as your master?" The immortal asked with a smile, to which Sora fell into deep thought, before nodding in the end. even he would need a teacher to help him out, it was the same for Goku, and it would be the same for himself.

"that's good. From this moment onwards, you shall be my 7th disciple," he a smile, to which Sora paid his respect, but he didn't kneel, his knees were made of diamonds. the immortal didn't seem bothered by this, and instead pointed at Sora, giving him the complete 3 heads and 6 arms cultivation art.

After which, he disappeared, leaving time to flow normally. Sora looked around for a moment, before infusing killing intent into his legs and disappearing.

"What an interesting kid... are you sure you don't want me to step in and interface with his growth?" far away, the immortal asked as he turned to look at someone,

"no male of the family is allowed to be helped, if he dies, then he dies." Sora's uncle said with a smile, the immortal looked weirdly at Sora's uncle for a moment, but he said nothing. it was family rules, after all, all males had to crawl themselves up from nothing,

Sora's uncle did it, and so did his father and many others. in a way, they were breaking the rules as Sora's uncle raised Sora, and even taught Sora. such things were punishable by death