
A Dragon ball System With A Cultivation World

I got Bad Grammer

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

12 Heavenly Dragon

{Congrulation Host, You gained...

1. Trunks Sword

2. Senzu Bean

3. Zarbon Bloodline

4. Instant Transmission}

'Not bad, now I just need a year to be stable enough to plant the seed,' Sora thought as he arrived within the western region, he went on to accept the rewards, and instantly he felt his bloodline growing stronger. Zarbon's bloodline was not that powerful or anything, but it still allowed Sora to improve upon his already great strength.

Upon arriving, Sora walked up to Giga Chad who was healing his injuries. all his bones were shattered, and unlike Sora, he had no senzu bean. Sure he had the 3 heads And 6 Arm Diagram, but the injuries he suffered from were infused with the power of the laws, and with his current strength, healing from such injuries would take some time.

"... you became his disciple as well?" Giga Chad asked with narrowed eyes upon sensing the aura on Sora. Sora just shrugged at him,

"you are now too weak to be a real challenge for me. I shall wait for you to grow stronger and then beat you up for touching my pet." Sora said lazily and simply walked passed Giga Chad, leaving Giga Chad frowning deeply.

Giga Chad looked at himself for some time, before sighing deeply. it would take some time for him to reach his full potential, not in cultivation but in his full capability, once he gains enough resources to awaken his physique which came with him to this second life, thanks to his soul, he shall catch up to Sora, even with Sora overwhelming strength, he was more than sure he could do so.

"Sora, what happened?" Fang Mei asked as she finally arrived, to Sora only a few hours had passed, but to the outside world, it had barely been a few minutes.

"Nothing, just some ants within the northern region seeking to be slaughtered," Sora said calmly, stunning Fang Mei for a moment, but seeing how Sora was alright, she relaxed. but her eyes landed on Giga Chad, and seeing his condition she looked at Sora.

Before she could say anything, a little girl shot past them and rushed to check on Giga Chad, seeing his condition, she threw a hateful glare at Sora.

"He didn't do this... by the way, who did this?" Giga Chad asked while turning to look at Sora, and holding his little sister back from doing anything.

"A power called the Heavenly Law Palace," Sora said lazily, to which Giga Chad nodded with his killing intent flashing across his eyes. but hearing the name of the Heavenly Law Palace, both Lu Chad and Fang Mei's faces paled.

"Thats the strongest power in the world, with over 5 experts at the peak of the 5th stage." Fang Mei said in worry, such experts were at the peak of cultivation, but there might be more as no one would give away all the information they have to the outside world,

"Seems about right, I had to fight like 5 experts a level below that, and nearly died. their formations are just troublesome, do you know anything about that?" Sora asked with a frown,

"formations? The army formations? thats when a group of experts comes together to become one, turning their energy into one, and forming an avatar. It's the peak of teamwork, and almost every power in the northern, southern, and eastern regions has armies like this. only the western region doesn't thanks to no one capable of reaching the 4th stage of cultivation." Fang Mei said

"how many of these formations do the average force in the northern region have?" Sora asked calmly, to which Fang Mei pulled out her communication tablet, and quickly found the information

"the weaker focus would have about 1 to 2, training an army to reach such high never to teamwork is hard. for a power like the Heavenly Law Placance... they could have 10 or more, how many did you face?" She asked softly,

"3... and form my instincts, thats not everything they have," Sora said with a deep frown, he didn't dare to be reckless and fight against an army at their level of power, the only thing he could do was run. injuries at this level were extremely deadly and hard to get rid of.

Sora needs a force, a power to back him. Sora needed trump cards, Sora needed an army to face this army. with people capable of looking into heaven's secrets, they could find out about his movements, so he couldn't try and secretly enter the heavenly law palace and try and destroy it from the inside out.

But to try and get an army to face them... now that was going to be a pain, having to train them, and raise him. it would take years,

"what was their power level?" Giga Chad asked calmly.

"the avatars I faced had a power level of around 150 trillion, most likely not their main force," Sora said calmly,

"then let's team up." Giga Chad said calmly while standing up, making Sora's eyebrow raise slightly at him,

"There should be many powers in this world wishing for the downfall of this power, we unite them and destroy it and loot everything they have. I don't know about you, but I'm not willing to let this slide." Giga Chad said to which Sora thought for a moment

"you do know I will kill your right?" Sora asked calmly to which Giga Chad snorted,

"you can try." Giga Chad made Sora laugh slightly, but in the end, he agreed, he knew his limitations and he didn't want to be that person who would underestimate an army that has existed for millions of years.

"Why do you two want to kill each other?" Fang Mei asked with a frown, to which Nu Chad agreed, why must they be enemies?

"He attacked the prince, I will not stand towards you attacking a friend of mine," Sora said calmly making Giga Chad speechless, was Sora not calling the prince a dog and a pet a moment ago, why did he suddenly start calling him a friend?

"He started it, he's lucky I didn't kill him." Giga Chad said coldly, making Sora's eyes narrow, but before he could say anything Fang Mei stepped forward, wanting to know what happened, and to which Nu Chad explained. but before they could, Sora disappeared getting the prince. he would not stand for a one-sided story.

Nu Chad threw a disgusted glare at the prince before she went on to explain the whole matter. they were at the restaurant enjoying a meal when the prince entered and found that the restaurant was filled with people,

Displeased he looked around and his eyes landed on Giga Chad, stunned by Giga Chad's looks, he grew jealous. so he walked over to their table and told them to leave as he needed a place to stay. of course, Giga Chad refused and ignored him. making the prince angry, but when he saw the beauty sitting opposite Giga Chad, his heart skipped a beat.

Such beauty which rivals Fang Mei's caused him to lustfully look at the beauty, and wanted to take her away for himself, this was Giga Chad's bottom line, leading to him getting up and giving him some good slaps, and beating up his guards

"you want to defeat this?" Fang Mei asked as she threw a glare at Sora, who was speechless as this was the first time he heard what happened.

"shameless, the guy was simply admiring your beauty and you had such an overreaction? girls get compartments right and let, meanwhile I never once had anyone admire my beauty. I would have been happy in your shoes, yet you turn the story around, turning his admiring gaze into one of lust?" Sora said righteously, making everyone speechless as Sora's words sounded to be... the truth.

"Sure he was wrong for forcing you to try and move, but you didn't just use over-the-top strength, you turned him into a pig head? what you did was going too far, as the stronger person you should have been the bigger person, yet what was this?" Sora said while pointing at GIga Chad, ignoring the glare Fang Mei was throwing him.

"So you saying I should thank him for all time times he had been eyeing me?" Fang Mei asked causing Sora to freeze for a second before he turned to look at the prince with boundless killing intent, but upon seeing the disdainful look in Fang Mei's eyes, he realized he was a trick.

"you got me," Sora said with a sigh, making Fang Mei sneer. She looked towards Giga Chad, but seeing the look in his eyes, she clicked her tongue, they were the same, they just went about it differently. they both wanted to fight and were using the accident as a reason to fight each other.

"Haha, want an interesting bunch you 4 of you are." a laugh sounded from the side, causing the pupils of Giga Chad and Sora to suddenly shink. the two instantly flash, shielding Fang Mei and Nu Chad behind them.

they looked at the person who seemed to have been there all this time, an old man who was sitting at a table with 5 chairs, looking at them with a cup of tea in his hands.

"I couldn't help but overhear you two speaking about taking down the heavenly law palace, what an interesting goal you two have." the old man said with a smile, making Sora and Giga Chad's hearts drop.

"what about it?" Sora asked while getting ready for a fight, the old man's eyes narrowed slightly while sizing Sora up and down before he laughed.

"What is instantly kid, to have such power at such a young age, one mount and river," he said softly while looking at Sora, in shock at his power. Sora's eyebrow raised slightly, this was the same thing the immortal said, but he had no idea what it meant.

"Moutain and river is the power level used by immortals to scale their strength, 1 quadrillion fist equals 1 M.A.R. or Moutain and River." the old man explained, Giga Chad's lips twitched slightly hearing this, it seems like it would take some time to catch up

"... come and sit down, you two are prodigies never seen before. I believe you are wants needed to turn things around in this war we have against the demon race." the old man said with a smile,

Sora sighed for a moment and after some thought, he stepped forward and sat down before the old man. He was not sure why people kept saying his power level of 1 M.A.R. one should know when fighting against the heavenly law palace, the only reason he could show a power level of 100 trillion fist was because he had the law of destruction. without it, Sora would have been only capable of showing a power level of around 10 trillion fists.

Similar to energy, the laws can be treated the same way, controlled, and merged with oneself, giving Sora that 10 times increase in his energy. there was no side effect as Sora only learned to do that when he was berserk, within that state he infused the law of destruction into himself to increase his power.

Sora after calming down didn't know if he could still do that without injuring himself, so he could show such a power level, but he was not sure if he wanted to. plus, he wanted to take some time to check his physique and find out what that form he had entered was.

GIga Chad went on to sit down, followed by the others. they all looked at the old man with unguarded looks, all but Sora who was too tired of this for the day. he was already near death 3 times today, that was enough for a week.

"... so, by your words, you don't sound like the enemy." Giga Chad said seeing as no one else was going to speak. the old man smiled slightly and nodded,

"I'm called the Seeker. you two caught my attention once you were the quickest people to comprehend the 3 Head and Six arm diagrams. Giga Chad was most impressive, you only cultivated for 10 months, and your cultivation is so high. Sora cultivated for a little over a year, yet his strength is so high. you two are freaks of nature." the old man said with a smile before looking at Fang Mei and Nu Chad

"Fang Mei has the Golden Phoenix Physique, while your twin sister has the Heavenly Frost Phoenix Physique. two physiques which would show their true power when united... and Nu Chad, you have the purple mist-devouring physique, although yet to be awakened. you 4 are extreme talents, ones capable of reshaping the world as we know it." the old man said with a bright smile,

"I want to help you all reach that level... you have gained 1 out of 4 inheritances left behind by the immortal, I know where 2 others are located. sadly, the one in the northern region is one even I don't know." the old man said with a sigh,

"thats good enough... but what do you want in return?" Giga Chad asked calmly, to which the old man smiled slightly.

"destroy the heavenly Law Palace, and swallow the demon realm. agree to this small deal, and I shall support you all." The old man said with a smile,

"I got a question.... how is someone at level 7 Saint realm expert capable of appearing and catching me off guard?" Sora asked calmly, the 5th stage of cultivation for the Qi Cultivation system was called Saint. it went Qi refinement, QI Sea, Core Formations, Core Shattering, and Saint realm.

"You have sharp eyes, that not the Shining Dragon Eyes? no, those seem to be a bloodline ability." The Seeker said with a smile, the Shining Dragon eyes, gained from the 3 heads and Six arms cultivation arts would give a person to see miles away, seeing through all illusions, transformations, and disguises. it of course enhances a person's eyesight, thinking speed and even strength once activated

"The reason why no one could sense me is simple... my understanding of the law of divination allows me to suppress others' knowledge of me. meaning I could suppress you from knowing where I am," he said with a smile,

"so you can see the future?" Giga Chad asked, to which the old man nodded slightly, he could foresee many things, his death, danger, enemies attacks, and so on. so he walked freely in this world, even though he was wanted by many.

"I accept the deal... under the condition, you agree to flow by my side," Sora said with a smile, such a guy capable of seeing the future was someone who he wanted to keep near him.

"... My old bones can't keep up with someone as lively as you. but I do have a disciple, more capable than me." the seeker said with a smile,

"deal," Sora said with a smile, to which Giga Chad threw him a weird look, why couldn't Sora just comprehend the path? like him, he was about to get ready to comprehend the path of academy, blacksmith, archery, and so on. he planned to comprehend every law,

"I will accept the deal as well." Giga Chad said calmly, Fang Mei and Nu Chad also nodded causing the Seeker to smile.

"thats good, then I shall welcome you 4 to the 12 Heavenly Dragon Sect." The Seeker said with a smile, catching everyone off guard for a moment, but they didn't mind joining a sect. seeing this the seeker went on to explain about the sect.

"the sect has 12 positions, such as information gathering, assassination, healing, and so on. starting with the 3rd dragon, the fire dragon, Fang Mei do you wish to take up the position of the fire dragon?" The Seeker asked stunning Fang Mei who looked towards Sora, and seeing him done, she nodded slightly.

"Good, then form now you, you are Fang Mei the fire dragon. responsible for watching over the 3rd hall." the seeker said before looking at Nu Chad

"the 5th Dragon, the Air Dragon. Nu Chad, do you wish to take up the position of the Air Dragon?" The seeker asked, to which Nu Chad nodded after looking at Giga Chad.

"Sora, and Giga Chad... do you." the seeker hesitated not knowing what to do with these two, each one has the quality that could make them the leader. Sora was stronger, but Giga Chad was more skilled and sharper than Sora, and even had more experience,

"strength speaks longer than anything else... for now, Sora is stronger." Giga Chad said calmly, to which Sora smiled slightly.

"than... Sora you shall be the first dragon. The Heavenly Dragon is the leader of the other 12 dragons, do you accept?" The Seeker asked to which Sora nodded calmly

"Giga Chad, what do you say of being the second dragon, the star dragon? the second in command of the heavenly dragons?" the Seeker asked, to which Giga Chad just nodded, with a smile, the old man threw a token towards them, which they caught.

Sora had a golden token that had the image of a bright golden dragon. Giga Chad also had a golden token, but he didn't shine like Sora's token, at the same time the dragon was different.

Fang Mei had a burning hot token that had a fire dragon on it, while Nu Chad had a blue Token which had an air dragon on it.

"Where did I feel this aura?" Sora said with a deep frown, to which the old man smiled slightly,

"you talking about the soul dragon, you two have stumbled upon her. She had a high talent for the way of the soul, and I personly took her in. She is the 9th dragon. She is training here to overcome the side effect of that cultivation art." the seeker said, to which Sora and Giga Chad nodded slightly,

"I'm the 10th dragon, the Divination Dragon. 3 others out there rummaging the world," the Seeker said to which Sora and the others nodded slightly, in total only 8 members were in this sect, meaning it was missing 4 members who most likely died somewhere,