
A Dragon ball System With A Cultivation World

I got Bad Grammer

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

What do you love most?

"is this another memory? what's the point as I'm about to die." Sora said softly while standing on what seemed to be a battlefield. Sora guessed that he would enter these memories when he faints or something, but he was dying, so what was the point of all of these?

Sora looked around and saw his uncle walking on the battlefield with what seemed to be his father. before they seemed like a wave of monsters that all had ink-black skin which came in all shapes and sizes,

But what caught Sora's attention was his father. the armor his father was wearing seemed to be made out of hardened armor. it even smelled like blood

"The person who takes out the monster of these things can get 1 thing of the others." Sora's uncle said with a smile, to which Sora's uncle just ignored him, not in the mood for such childish stuff.

"scared? As expected, my little brother is scared. Don't worry, big brother will hold your hands." Sora's uncle said making a vein pop on Sora's father's forehead, a hint of killing intent leaked out, making a chill run down Sora's spine. the killing intent took the form of something one might mistake for blood mist.

"haha," Sora's uncle laughed before he stepped forward, the step he took used killing intent to lunch him forward, it was a step of killing which instantly caught Sora's attention.

he quickly looked towards his father and saw him infusing the killing intent into his feet, with him now forcing, Sora saw how with a step, the concept of distances shook under such killing intent, allowing him to move at speeds that against common sense.

Sora quickly noticed that before such levels of killing intent distances were not the only thing affected. space, time, and many other rules were greatly affected and suppressed, allowing him to not only move at instant speed but go beyond that.

Sora's attention was hooked on such a unique way to use killing intent, he watched as his father slaughtered the waves of ink-black monsters before the image went dark, when a powerful aura appeared, slamming towards the two.

Sora opened his eyes only to find himself flying half-dead on the ground, his eyes were growing heavy, and he was seconds away from death. but as he neared his death, time slowed down, and the image of Giga Chad going to face the incoming arrow appeared before him.

Giga Chad's bones were all broken, but he had to hold them together using his energy and try to withstand this arrow

'that arrow will destroy the whole lower region.' Sora thought feeling the power behind the arrow. it was weird, his senses seemed to be so sharp at this moment, to the point time seemed to have frozen

"So you're going to allow that to happen?" a deep voice sounded, and within Sora's line of sight, his uncle walked over. Sora couldn't tell if he was real or if this was him seeing stuff, but what was the point when he was going to die?

"you're just going to give up? are you just going to let the one true friend you have died?" He asked stunning Sora who thought of Fang Mei. int his world, Sora only had one true friend, that being Fang Mei. She has stood by his side for the longest and even rejected her own family to stay by his side.

She was even daring enough to form a whole fake story to fool the empires to protect him. In this world, the one person he cared for most was her, and now her life was in danger.

With Sora's past actions, he didn't value his own life all that high to protect it at all costs. if that was so he would be more careful with his actions. but something he valued highly was a true friend, that was something he would to great lengths to protect. So, hearing Fang Mei was in danger, and Sora's blood boiled.

"she would not even have the chance to reincarnate, her soul and body would be destroyed. What a pity," He said softly, Sora gritted his teeth, and his eyes began to boil. One eye pupil was red, and the other one was normal, but they both began to turn red

Sora sat up, his body enduring unimaginable pain. that arrow which exploded within his body had destroyed his vines and dantian. yet at that moment, a strange power gathered within his body, rebuilding them. the pain form which caused his pupils to disdain,

"Haha, You piece of shit." Sora laughed at the pain, almost driving him mad. his killing intent exploded out, gathering around him to form a dense blood aura around him. Giga Chad who was about to clash with the incoming arrow was shocked to see Sora could move, he was even more shocked sensing how Sora was rebuilding his dantian and destroying vines... no, some strange power was doing it for him,

'he isn't normal.' Giga Chad thought with a deep frown, but at this moment Sora was not his enemy, Sora was his ally so of course he wouldn't attack or anything of the king. eh alone couldn't stop the arrow, he needed Sora's overwhelming power, or else the arrow would be too fast and powerful for him. Right now, all he could do was use the white tiger sword as a shield after swinging at the arrow.

Blinded by the pain and killing intent he felt, Sora gathered all that killing intent into his feet, before shooting forward at an extreme speed which shocked Giga Chad. under such a berserker-like state, Sora killing intent was fused into his body, heart, clothing, and so on. at this moment, all Sora wanted to do was kill whoever made him feel such pain.

Sora roared like a mad ape. the aura he gave off exploded, shooting Giga Chad flying backward, along with the incoming arrow. the aura spread out, causing cause all over the western region, countless would have died, but the heavens suppressed such overwhelming power.

Giga Chad watched on in shock as the berserker Sora. without the clothing to hide his fur, Giga Chad was able to see Sora's black fur which was flicking with a golden light. all of Sora's hair was flicking from black to golden.

Sora's power level was increasing at a scary rate, his flesh melted away to reveal silver armor, a metal piece formed to cover his face, leaving only his glowing red eyes, long golden hair, and fur covering parts of his body. his size grew, reaching 9'10. like a wild ape, Sora crawled on all for before disappearing,

Giga Chad was left horrified by the sight, such overwhelming power was something no one at the 3rd stage of cultivation should be able to withstand. even Sora, Sora had lost control and the power had overtaken him, leading to his body growing to handle such power.

Far away in the northern region, the man in the wheelchair watched Sora rushing towards him like a wild beast. his calm aura had disappeared ages ago, and he was now seriously as he pulled the bow back, and began shooting arrows at Sora.

the arrows shot towards Sora, but Sora simply ran through them, all breaking upon contact with his body. the man in the wheelchair was shocked seeing this, he was a level 9 Diamond rank expert, and those arrows held a power level of 4 trillion fists before Sora had to push his body to the breaking point to show a power level of 1 trillion and even more so to show just a bit more. and now Sora was showing such power that he ignored his arrows?

The man in the wheelchair panicked slightly, he quickly gathered his most powerful attack, the laws gathered forming a glowing golden arrow. with a breath, he let the string go and an arrow shot out, instantly appearing before Sora's forehead,

such a powerful arrow held a power level of 6 trillion fists, but to the man's shock, Sora let out a roar, while shooting a fist forward. the fist and arrow clashed, creating an overwhelming shock wave, which destroyed the land for dozens of thousands of miles

Sora let out a pained roar as the arrow pierced deep into his fist, but he pulled the arrow out and continued running forward. the man on the wheel hair eyes almost popped seeing such a scene, how could something like that even be possible,

6 trillion fists were the power behind that arrow, adding its piercing capability, it should have been impossible for someone like Sora to take the attack head-on. Such a freak of nature was rushing towards him at this moment, he had no choice but to awaken all of the experts within the heavenly law Place, the strongest power within the 4 regions.

but just as he was about to, he froze as he noticed something about Sora. this was only a quick burst of power, Sora was already tired from his battle with Giga Chad, and now to forcefully unleash such power, he was losing energy quickly, the more energy he used the more power he wasted.

seeing this, he quickly began firing more powerful arrows at Sora, and Sora tanked all of them head-on, like a while beast who didn't know how to dodge. Injuries quickly filled Sora's body, but he quickly arrived before the huge mansion where the man was at.


the barrier surrounding the place shattered like glass, and Sora came falling towards the man in the wheelchair. but before he could near, a sword ray shot towards Sora. but it was met with a fist from Sora.

the sword ray shattered but Sora was sent flying back. a middle-aged man with a long sword in his hands appeared before the man on the wheel hair and coldly looked at Sora. Sora seeing someone else getting in his way roared in rage, before opening his mouth, unleashing a huge beam towards them.

the beam shot forward, destroying everything within its path. the middle-aged man and the man in the wheelchair quickly countered with their own attacks, with the two working together, Sora's attack was quickly overpowered, leading to Sora suffering a huge cut on his chest.

Enraged by the injury, Sora shot forward in rage. against one, Sora could have won, but against these two working together and within in this berserker-like state, he was no match. he was quickly suppressed and knocked out of that berserk state, returning him to the base form.

"Don't kill him, we need to study his body to find his secrets." The man in the wheelchair said softly. Sora's strength was too scary, to skip so many levels that he could fight the top experts like them, that was a bit too much. so if they could find out what was so unique about him, what did they have to fear?

"First you awaken me and now you order me around, do you think because you're the law ancestor personal disciple I will not cut you down?" A man with the sword said coldly, to which the man with the wheelchair gave him a calm smile.

The man in the wheelchair was quite handsome, everything about him was perfect, it was a pity he was in a wheelchair. He was called Bu Xing, the personal disciple of the Law ancestor.

the law ancestor was a powerful expert who was the one who created the powerful formations which allowed the world to communicate with each other almost instantly, the law ancestor was considered the strongest human to have ever existed, reaching a point where he had comprehended so many laws he was given the title law ancestor.

With a sword, the man with the sword stepped forward toward Sora's body. he looked coldly at Sora's body, but just as he was about to seal away Sora's cultivation, he froze as Sora's eyes suddenly popped up. Sora's recovery capability was shocking, but what allowed him to awaken so quickly was the Freiza race bloodline and the Undying Soul cultivation art. which allowed his mind to quickly awaken.

"so you're awake, but what can you do with such heavy injury? you even burned through your lifespan." The man with the sword said with a snort, seeing how Sora couldn't even more and could only throw a hateful glare at him.

"the north region is too dangerous to be kept, to think it was held two monsters." Bu Xing Said as he formed an arrow and aimed toward the western region. seeing this, Sora gritted his teeth.

"Your biggest mistake was not killing me." He said as killing intent filled the air, a senzu bean suddenly appeared in Sora's mouth, which he quickly swallowed. before the two shocked eyes, Sora's injuries disappeared as if they were never there, and watching shocked them, even more, was that Sora broke through, reaching level 6 Core Formations, Level 6 Infant Soul, and level 8 Silver rank.

Quickly, the man with the sword moved, not wanting to allow Sora to transform. but a staff suddenly appeared in Sora's hands, and within an instant, it expended, sending Sora with it. the man in the wheelchair quickly turned to aim toward Sora, they couldn't allow Sora to transform, but Sora with a simple thought transformed into the true Saiyan state,

Sora had been within this form for so long, that he only needs a thought to transform to and back from that form. now within this form, Sora let out a laugh feeling the power he had to call upon. be it his eyes which were so sharp that the world seemed to be moving slowly, increasing his mind, and allowing him to see things like the blood flow of a target, his power was too shocking now,

"You know... I have never been enraged before. this is the first time someone enraged me, and got my blood boiling to such a point." Sora said as his red eyes locked onto the two, who were ready to work together to face Sora,

"When I'm mad... I become a devil. no, the devil is nothing compared to me. now, what do you love most?" Sora said coldly, his will to make these two suffer was felt by the two, making them feel a boundless chill. they knew that if Sora could get his hands on what they held dear to them, he would make it suffer to inflict the worst pain upon them.

What scared them was that Sora had not transformed into that state, yet he was making them feel such pressure. well, that was before Sora in every cultivation system had a based power level of 12,000.

Now he had a based state of 27,500. his power didn't simply increase, it more than doubled, now with his newly awakened eyes, that power level reaches 275,000 fists, a shocking increase of 10 times,

don't forget the True Saiyan State which increases his power level by 1,000 times, giving him a power level of 275 million fist.

his energy control dropped to only increase his power level by 12 times, increasing his power level to 3.3 billion,

his energy merging capability increased to power level by 10 times, increasing his power level to 33 billion.

once all 3 energy are merged, plus the killing intent, Sora's power level increases to 132 billion,

Drawing upon the power of the 2 pedals, Sora's power level would increase by 10 times, and with the 8 times increase to his power level from the Kai Ken, Sora's power level would reach over 100 trillion.

The biggest reason for such a power level was thanks to his eyes evolving, or else his current power level would be 10 trillion.