
A Distant Land

Willow is a princess who has been sent to a distant land to be married as a war breaks out in her own homeland. The King to which she has been sent has three sons who are yet to be betrothed and Willow has no choice of who she is to marry. One brother claims her as his own, but he will have to fight to keep her for himself.

Maggie_Grubb · Fantasy
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10 Chs

~Chapter 5~

In the morning, Willow was relieved to find that the men had already left for the hunt. She ate breakfast with Mary and Esther before they began to show her around the castle.

They took her to a grand library, filled to the brim with towering shelves covered in books. Esther proclaimed this was her favorite room in the whole castle with a sparkling smile. Walking up and down the many halls of the castle, they showed her where all the princes rooms were, as well as their own rooms.

"If you ever need anything, you can find me here or in the library," Esther said as they reached her bedroom. Mary, on the other hand, stayed quiet throughout the whole tour. Her lips remained pursed like the night before.

Afterward, they went to the garden. There were many roses and the air was coated in their sweet scent. The younger princess lead them to a white bench seated in the middle of the garden. Willow took a deep breath in.

"Your garden smells so sweet, it's like a fairy tale," she said in awe.

"It is quite wonderful isn't it, Mary?" Esther remarked joyfully.

"I liked it better before she got here. She brings a foul scent to the air," Mary said bitterly as she stood and stormed away. Willow looked to Esther in confusion.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what's gotten in to her," said Esther, "I think she may be upset because Father is sending her away to be married soon." Willow understood now. Mary saw her own situation in Willow's being there.

"You should go check on her," Willow said after a moment, "I found out the day I left that I was to be married to some stranger. I can understand why she is acting out". Esther nodded and went in the direction Mary had left in.

Alone in the garden, the young princess peered at the blue sky. It was a hot day and the sun warmed her skin. She liked to be on her own, sometimes it felt like it was the only time she could be her true self.

Her worried thoughts were beginning to creep into her mind, so she stood and walked through the garden. She brushed the soft petals of the roses as she strolled through the flowers and lost her worries in the beauty. Soon, she reached the edge of the garden and could see a stable a short distance away.

Willow had loved horses from the time she was a young girl and happily trod into the stable. Most of the horses were gone, but two remained. One was brown with a lighter colored main, and the other had black and white spots. They were both a sight to sore eyes for Willow. She found some hay and fed them while she pet their noses.

As she spent time with her newly found friends, she heard the thundering hooves of another horse approaching quickly. The princess listened as someone dismounted the animal and she watched as a figure lead it through the stable doors. It was Percy.

"Hello, Princess Willow," he said with a slight bow of his head. He wore riding clothes which were now splattered with mud. His shirt was unbuttoned to the point Willow could see his sculpted chest below.

"Hello, my lord," she replied bowing her head in return.

"Please, call me Percy," he said, brushing his his silky dark hair away from his face. The prince put his horse in one of the stalls and filled it's water.

"As you wish, my lo— Percy," Willow stuttered. He smiled at her with bright eyes.

"Are the rest of the men not with you?" She asked, fearful of James' return.

"No," Percy revealed, "I told them I was feeling unwell. I am actually not very fond of hunting, but my brothers would laugh at me if they knew." Willow was shocked he would tell her such a thing. He didn't know her, so why entrust her with his secret?

"Willow, I must get cleaned up from my ride. Will you meet me in the garden? I will be there shortly." Percy's question shocked her even further, but she was captivated by him. She nodded and he went on his way.

How could this man seem so different from his brother? Willow thought as she walked back towards the garden to wait for him.