
A Distant Land

Willow is a princess who has been sent to a distant land to be married as a war breaks out in her own homeland. The King to which she has been sent has three sons who are yet to be betrothed and Willow has no choice of who she is to marry. One brother claims her as his own, but he will have to fight to keep her for himself.

Maggie_Grubb · Fantasy
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10 Chs

~Chapter 4~

When Willow arrived in the dining hall, the members of the royal family were already seated. Charlize motioned to a chair beside one of the king's young daughters and she quickly sat down.

Across from her, James smirked knowingly. She blushed deeply with embarrassment and anger. No man had seen her naked body before then, and that was certainly not how she had envisioned it happening.

Plates of food were placed in front of everyone and they all began to eat. Willow was starving but she ate slowly as a lady should, and because her corset was so tight she thought it might burst.

"Princess Willow," Queen Esmay said, "is your room to your liking?". The queen wore a dark burgundy dress and a lipstick to match. She was stunning, but her voice had an intimidating tone to it and her eyes were sharp like daggers.

"Yes, your majesty, it is wonderful," the princess responded. She wondered if the queen disliked her for some reason. Esmay smiled coldly and continued to eat her meal.

There was silence afterwards until the princes began speaking of a hunt they were to go on the next day. They would be riding out at dawn and be gone for much of the afternoon. Willow was somewhat relieved for it meant she wouldn't have to see James. The daughter who sat next to her spoke up.

"Perhaps while the men are away, Mary and I can show Princess Willow around the grounds some more," she said shyly. She had a sweet voice that matched her delicate face.

"I think that sounds lovely, Esther," said the King, smiling at his daughter. Mary, who was the older of the two daughters, looked displeased with her younger sister's idea. Her brows furrowed and she pursed her lips. However, she said nothing.

Dinner ended and Charlize escorted Willow back to her room. One of the girls from earlier joined them. She removed her dress and released her from the tight corset. Charlize then removed the pins from her hair, allowing the blonde curls to tumble down below her shoulders. "There is a bell on your nightstand, just ring it if you need anything," said Charlize as she and the other servant exited the room.

Alone again, Willow put on a nightgown and climbed into the bed. She wondered what was happening back in her home land. Were her parents alright? She was so worried about them, but she also felt some resentment towards her father. Had he known what sort of men King Harold's sons were? Did he even care?

Sighing, Willow blew out the candle that lit the room and rested her head back on the pillows. The moon shone through the window, dimly illuminating the dark room. Closing her eyes, the princess began the drift to sleep.

Suddenly, the door opened and someone walked in quietly. Willow's eyes opened to the sight of James standing above her. He had a menacing look in his eyes.

"What do you want?" Willow's voice squeaked.

"Oh I think you know," James responded darkly. He began undoing his pants and walked towards her. Climbing on top of her in the bed he ripped open the front of her night gown, exposing her chest. Willow began to scream, but he covered her mouth with one hand as he felt her breasts with the other. He traced her nipples delicately and then began to run his hand farther down her body.

He stopped just as he reached her underwear and instead of going inside them, he grabbed her thigh and squeezed it so hard it was sure to bruise. Looking into her terrified eyes, a sick smile formed on his lips. "I can have you any time I want," he stated. He then stood up and walked out of the room.

Tears flowed from Willow's eyes. She cried quietly to herself and wondered if this horrible man was truly to be her husband.