
A Distant Land

Willow is a princess who has been sent to a distant land to be married as a war breaks out in her own homeland. The King to which she has been sent has three sons who are yet to be betrothed and Willow has no choice of who she is to marry. One brother claims her as his own, but he will have to fight to keep her for himself.

Maggie_Grubb · Fantasy
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10 Chs

~Chapter 6~

Back on the white bench, Willow sat and waited for Percy. In a short while, he arrived and took a seat beside her. The warmth of the sun shone down on both of them.

"It is a beautiful day out," Willow stated shyly, unsure of what to say to him.

"Yes, it is," Percy responded, looking up at the clear blue sky. He stayed this way for a moment. "Are you enjoying yourself here so far, Willow?"

"I am," she lied. How could she enjoy herself with James tormenting her?

"And what of my brothers and I?" He asked, "Are you pleased with your suitors?".

Willow hesitated a moment. His forwardness intimidated her. "You are all quite handsome, my lord," she finally said.

"Percy, my lady, please call me Percy."

"Of course, I am sorry."

Willow eyed her hands nervously and looked to change the subject. "That is an unusual name, Percy, why did your father choose it?"

"It is short for Percius, and actually my mother chose it," he explained, "he allowed her the honor for gifting him with a third son after James. As it turned out, she would only bare him sons!" Percy chuckled. He went on to tell Willow that his grandfather on his mother's side had come from a land far away where they worshipped many gods. Percius was one of their great gods who represented love and prosperity.

As Percy spoke, Willow gazed at him dreamily. He had such elegance about him and his words flowed melodiously from his lips. She felt that she could listen to his voice forever. An hour passed, and then a second one as the two talked together. However, Percy paused when he heard the sound of horses approaching.

"I'm sorry, I should go," he said apologetically, "I'm sure that is my brothers and father. They will be angry with me if they find out I lied about feeling ill." He turned and began to leave but stopped. "I would like to spend more time with you like this, Willow." He smiled at her and then hurried away.

The princess' heart skipped a beat as he left. A huge smile broke across her face and she nearly squealed with joy. She had to restrain herself from skipping as she made her way back to her room.

In the coming days, Percy and Willow would meet throughout the castle to talk in private. Percy did most of the talking, but Willow didn't mind. She loved to listen to the sound of his voice, it didn't matter what he spoke of, and to watch his soft lips move. He took her mind off of all her troubles.

For a reason that Willow was unsure of, James had not been back to her room since her first night in Hoenford. However, at meals she could see the look in his eyes as he watched her. She felt that he was toying with her mind, like he wanted to keep her guessing when he would return to take her body for himself. Her meetings with Percy were all that were keeping her sane from the fear.

One day, after several weeks of living in King Harold's castle, Willow had just finished eating lunch and was making her way to the garden to meet Percy. He was already on the bench when she arrived. Normally he would smile at her, but today his face looked grim as he greeted her.

"What's the matter?" She questioned.

"It's James. He told me..." his voice trailed off. Willow's heart began to race.

"What is it? Please tell me." She begged.

"He told me he plans to take you as his wife"