
a different kenshi

some neet reborn as kenshi

TheCrimsonKnight · Video Games
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6 Chs

Chapter 3: From Noodles to Ninja Network

The alien bazaar buzzed like a hive of angry bees. Kenshi, still reeling from the interdimensional jump, adjusted his trench coat, the hidden compartments brimming with the tools of his newfound trade. Kasumi's voice, a comforting whisper in his ear, guided him through the throngs of tentacled creatures and holographic vendors.

"Master Kenshi," she purred, "welcome to the Nexus, a hidden crossroads where realities collide and destinies are forged. Here, you can hone your skills against the best warriors from across the multiverse."

Kenshi's eyes widened. The Nexus? A training ground for interdimensional assassins? This was like an all-you-can-eat buffet of vengeance, and he was starving.

"And how, pray tell, does one train in this… buffet?" he inquired, a hint of excitement in his voice.

Kasumi chuckled, her voice echoing in his mind. "Simple, Master Kenshi. You enter the Grid, a digital arena where simulations of legendary warriors await. Each victory unlocks their secrets, their skills, their very essence. Choose wisely, for the path you forge will determine your destiny."

He stood before a shimmering portal, the Grid pulsing within. A holographic display flickered to life, showcasing three figures: a shadowy Shirai Ryu ninja, a stoic Lin Kuei cyborg, and a grizzled Special Forces operative.

"Your first choice, Master Kenshi," Kasumi announced. "The Shirai Ryu, masters of stealth and fire. The Lin Kuei, cold and calculating, with cybernetic enhancements at their disposal. Or the Special Forces, adaptable and resourceful, veterans of countless conflicts."

Kenshi stared at the choices, his heart pounding like a war drum. Each path held untold power, a unique dance of death to master. He looked at the Whisperfang in his hand, its orange runes glowing with a familiar warmth. The Shirai Ryu coursed through his veins, their legacy a burning ember in his soul.

With a resolute nod, Kenshi stepped into the portal, the Shirai Ryu symbol emblazoned across his chest. The world dissolved into pixels and polygons, the Nexus giving way to the Grid. He stood before a darkened figure, a katana glinting in the digital moonlight.

"Welcome, Kenshi," the figure rasped, its voice a chorus of whispers. "Prepare to face the legacy of your ancestors. This is where your true training begins."

Kenshi drew the Whisperfang, a grin splitting his face. He was a NEET no more. He was Kenshi, the resurrected Shirai Ryu, and the Grid was his proving ground. The dance of blades had begun, and he was ready to learn every step, every secret, every drop of vengeance this interdimensional buffet had to offer.