
a different kenshi

some neet reborn as kenshi

TheCrimsonKnight · Video Games
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6 Chs

Chapter 2: From Ramen Noodles to Revenge Menus (Continued)

As Kasumi's countdown droned on, Kenshi explored the remnants of the dojo. He stumbled upon a hidden chamber beneath the charred wood, pulsating with an otherworldly energy. This was the source of the activation, a portal shimmering between realities, leading to… somewhere.

"Master Kenshi," Kasumi's voice cut through his musings, "behold your Newbie Pack, courtesy of yours truly and the Trans-Dimensional Shirai Ryu Network."

A holographic platform materialized, showcasing a collection of items:

A sleek black katana with glowing orange runes: "The Whisperfang," hummed Kasumi, "forged from a fallen star in a universe where ninjas ride flaming dragons. Sharp enough to slice through Sub-Zero's popsicle pops." Opens in a new window openart.ai

katana with glowing orange runes

A sleek black trench coat with hidden compartments: "Think of it as your personal armory," Kasumi quipped, "loaded with smoke bombs, flashbangs, and enough shuriken to make a hedgehog jealous." Opens in a new window www.amazon.com

sleek black trench coat with hidden compartments

A pair of high-tech combat boots: "These babies boost your speed and agility," Kasumi winked, "perfect for outrunning your enemies, or delivering a dropkick to Sub-Zero's frozen ego." Opens in a new window hi-tec.com

pair of hightech combat boots

A holographic wristband: "Your personal cheat code terminal," Kasumi explained, "Grants access to basic Shirai Ryu skills like invisibility, elemental manipulation, and a killer uppercut combo." Opens in a new window aac.com.au

holographic wristband

Kenshi stared at the gear, a nervous tremor tickling his spine. "Wait, you mean this isn't just Earth's arsenal? This is… interdimensional ninja stuff?"

"Bingo!" Kasumi chirped. "The Trans-Dimensional Shirai Ryu Network operates across countless realities, sharing knowledge and resources to keep the flame of vengeance burning bright. Think of it as a cosmic UberEats for assassins."

Kenshi, still trying to wrap his head around the interdimensional aspect, strapped on the gear. The trench coat felt like a second skin, the boots hummed with a low energy pulse, and the Whisperfang sang a silent song in his grasp. It wasn't just his own skills anymore; he held the combined knowledge and fury of countless fallen Shirai Ryu.

"Alright, Kasumi," Kenshi declared, a newfound fire flickering in his eyes, "let's get this activation finished. It's time to give Sub-Zero a taste of his own icy medicine."

The countdown reached zero, the chamber thrumming with power. The portal blazed, revealing a swirling vortex of energy. Kasumi's voice boomed, "Welcome to Phase Two, Master Kenshi. Your ninja training starts now!"

Kenshi, heart pounding but resolve firm, stepped into the portal, leaving behind the smoldering ruins of the Shirai Ryu grounds and embracing his destiny as the interdimensional avenger, the embodiment of a thousand fallen warriors, the one and only Golden Finger.