
a different kenshi

some neet reborn as kenshi

TheCrimsonKnight · Video Games
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6 Chs

Chapter 4: Forged in the Grid

The digital air crackled with anticipation as Kenshi faced his first adversary, a shadowy figure cloaked in crimson robes. Its crimson eyes burned with a spectral cold, reflecting the Shirai Ryu symbol emblazoned on Kenshi's chest. This was no mere simulation; this was a phantom echo of his ancestors' greatest rivals, a dance of vengeance woven into the fabric of the Grid.

A montage of lightning-fast cuts ensued. Kenshi, guided by Kasumi's whispered instructions, parried, slashed, and danced under the assassin's relentless assault. He learned the Shirai Ryu's fluid movements, mimicking the graceful brutality of their ancestral combat. He mastered the sting of fire, summoning searing dragon-whips to lash at the enemy. He tasted the sting of smoke, vanishing into thin air, leaving the crimson phantom flailing in the emptiness.

Days bled into nights, the Grid blurring into a tapestry of challenges. Kenshi faced spectral Lin Kuei cyborgs, their icy blades clashing against the Whisperfang's fiery song. He battled Special Forces operatives, outsmarting their traps and turning their cunning against them. With each victory, a new skill unlocked, a whispered echo of forgotten masters adding to his arsenal.

He learned the secrets of teleportation, vanishing from sight and reappearing behind his opponents in a flurry of blades. He mastered the forbidden art of Soulnado, a whirlwind of swirling shadows that ripped through his enemies with chilling efficiency. He even unearthed the Shirai Ryu's forbidden legacy, the demonic power of the Oni Mask, its twisted visage promising him raw, untamed power at a terrible cost.

But Kenshi never faltered. The fire of vengeance burned bright within him, fueled by the memory of his fallen clan and the icy touch of betrayal. He trained until his bones creaked and his muscles screamed, pushing himself to the edge and beyond. He would be the instrument of his ancestors' wrath, the storm that would shatter the Lin Kuei and leave Sub-Zero shivering in the ashes.

Finally, the day of his ultimate test arrived. The arena dissolved, revealing a frozen wasteland, the icy wind whipping at his clothes. Before him stood Sub-Zero, his blue robes billowing, his face a mask of cold fury. In his gloved hand, he clutched the Frostmourne, its blade radiating with a deadly chill.

Kenshi gripped the Whisperfang, his eyes locking with Sub-Zero's glacial gaze. This was it. The culmination of his training, the moment he had sworn to live for. His fingers brushed the Oni Mask, a whisper of darkness tempting him with ultimate power. He knew the risk, the potential to become the monster he swore to destroy.

But as he looked at Sub-Zero, the embodiment of his clan's demise, a cold determination steeled his resolve. He would win, not through the darkness, but with the fire of the Shirai Ryu burning in his heart. He would be the storm, the vengeance, the legacy.

Kenshi drew the Whisperfang, its orange runes blazing against the frozen horizon. The dance of blades was about to begin, and the stakes had never been higher.