

Jake and Irma have been friends since childhood and Jake has always had feelings for Irma, but he never had the courage to tell Irma. Irma decides she can no longer be friends with Jake after she discovers, he has feelings for her.Their relationship is no longer the way it was. As they are constantly fighting and quarreling. Jake is hurt by Irma's decision to no longer be friends with him but he is finally able to move on. He finally falls in love with Nebula. But after he spends A day out with Irma, trying to help her, he starts having the feelings he had for her all over again. This leaves him in a confused state.

mubang_chia · Fantasy
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Nebula and I started dating, Chloe was happy for me, but Irma couldn't stand the fact that, Nebula and I were dating, she stopped talking to Nebula and became more mischievous, with Kyle by her side. Nebula wanted us to play the same way they were playing but, I decided we could not stoop so low. Nebula was a very nice person. Our relationship was amazing, she complimented me, and she made sure I was well styled since, she was a stylist. She was good at putting clothes together and that's exactly what she did to me. She made sure I was always well dressed. Everything became good, Nebula and I were slowly taking over Kyle and Irma as the power couple. Irma was very competitive, so she couldn't stand the fact that Nebula and I were doing well. What made her angry was the fact that I was doing well and I was happy, she thought leaving me was going to make me miserable but she got jealous when she discovered I moved on.

Nebula started replacing Irma's place in my heart very slowly. She never only affected my fashion life but she affected my feelings. I started falling for her heavily, eventhough I knew I could never forget about Irma completely, she was always going to have her place in my heart.

So I decided to visit Nebula's parents one day, I was nervous and scared because her parents were super rich. I don't know why, but I seem to attract a lot of rich girls to my life . Nebula picked me up in her car that evening, and we drove over to their place. Their house was big and beautiful, it was bigger than Irma's. I got scared but she re-assured me and told me not to be scared and that her parents can't wait to meet me . Before we got into the house she told me.

" Just be yourself, my parents are super nice people. " She said giving me a subtle kiss.

"I don't really do well, with parents , but don't worry " I said taking a deep breath.

We got into the house, which was very beautiful. It was a modern building, with the front part covered in glass and one could see an array of colorful cars, on their parking lot. The blue color of the swimming pool brightened the compound. My jaws dropped when we finally got into the house. I could see the million dollar paintings on the wall, those paintings were more expensive than my house. Nebula laughed at my facial expressions, telling me to keep my cool, which I couldn't, cos the house was just so amazing. She gave me a seat, and moved into the kitchen. The moment she moved in her dad came out with a tray of food.

"You guys are right on time, dinner is ready" he said looking at me.

I couldn't believe the man was Nebula's father cos he was a very young and handsome man, he looked like someone in his thirties.

"How are you doing? son" he said placing the food on the table.

"I'm I'm fine sir" I said with a very feign level of confidence.

He never said anything, he moved back into the kitchen and this time around, they all came out carrying dishes. I was invited to join them on the dinning table. I sluggishly went there, one could here my heart beat in my chest. I was so nervous, that Nebula had to tap my lap for me to calm down. After a prayer from her mother who was exquisite and young as well, we started eating. I was asked to serve myself. In order not disgrace myself, I served just enough for me, eventhough, deep down I wanted to serve more than what I actually served but,I respected myself.

Half way into the meal, Nebula's parents started questioning me.

"So, what are you doing with your life, boy" Nebula's father asked.

"I'm a student sir" I answer in a confused state not knowing if I should tell him I'm into cars or I'm a student.

"So that's all you do ?" he asked again.

"Hmm!! no sir, I'm a mechanic, I fix cars" i answered this time with a high head.

"I know what a mechanic does." he replied with an attitude.

"So what do you like about my daughter?" asked Nebula's mother.

"I like the fact that she is smart and knows what she wants and since I met her, she has always keeps it real with me" I answered looking at Nebula with a smile.

"I hope you not like all this boys I see moving around with no purpose." Nebula's dad said this time looking right into my eyes.

"Jake is not like that dad, he is a nice person " Nebula said trying to defend my honor.

Nebula's parents asked me a lot of questions about myself and my family, I won Nebula's father's heart when I told him about my best car which wss actually his best car too.The dinner went on well, and after the dinner Nebula took me to her room, upstairs.

Her room was very big, so she turned, one side of her room into a photo studio cos apart from being a stylist, Nebula also loved photography. She forced me into posing for a few pictures with her and it was amazing.

After the photo shoot, I sat down on bed, then she sat on my laps and we cuddled up for about 5 minutes, without saying a word to each other, we just enjoyed the heat from each other's body. I could feel her breath on my neck as she slowly kissed it.

"I'm in love with you Jake" She said into my ear.

"I mean it." She said, again.

"I love you, Nebula" I whispered into her ear too.

"Should we do it?" she asked, placing her forehead on mine.

"Do what?" I asked pretending not to know what she meant.

"This " She replied, pushing me to the bed and started taking off my clothes.

I could feel a sudden rush of excitement as she rushed her warm fingers through my chest and started going down towards my pants. She succeeded in taking off my clothes, while I did the same for her.

"This is my first time" I said, looking into her eyes as she sat on me with nothing on.

"Don't worry it won't hurt" she responded with a lot of confidence.

I could feel her flesh against mine and the feeling was nothing, I have ever felt before.

"What if your parents walk in?" I asked.

"Don't worry about that, my mom and dad are doing the same thing right now. So just enjoy the ride." She said.

Nebula took charge of everything, I knew this was not her fist time, cos she knew exactly what she was doing and I on my path made sure she enjoyed what I had to give.

That night was one of my best, I could feel the bond between, Nebula and I grow stronger. When we were done, we laid on the bed like earth worms wearing nothing.

"judging from your performances, I find it hard to believe, it's your first time." She said trying to reignite the feeling.

"it is, seriously." I said, with a lot of excitement.

Nebula and I sealed our bond that.

My relationship with Nebula became interesting, I saw myself doing things I normally wouldn't do. Like making out in a car or going on road trips. Irma stopped trying to stop our relationship and her relationship with Kyle was going South. I heard rumors that he cheated on her With Sereyah one of Irma's friend. I don't know how true that was but I'm sure it's true, because I had seen photos of the two of them kissing. I had some sympathy for Irma though. Nebula was gradually taking over Irma's place in my life. But honestly, I never wanted to stop loving Irma, cos she was part of me, and I really wanted to fix things with her.

Nebula became part of my life and my mom loved her.

After months of not talking to Irma, something crazy happened.