

Jake and Irma have been friends since childhood and Jake has always had feelings for Irma, but he never had the courage to tell Irma. Irma decides she can no longer be friends with Jake after she discovers, he has feelings for her.Their relationship is no longer the way it was. As they are constantly fighting and quarreling. Jake is hurt by Irma's decision to no longer be friends with him but he is finally able to move on. He finally falls in love with Nebula. But after he spends A day out with Irma, trying to help her, he starts having the feelings he had for her all over again. This leaves him in a confused state.

mubang_chia · Fantasy
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Irma had made it clear to me she wanted nothing to do with me. So the summer holiday for 8th grade I basically spent my time learning everything I could learn about cars. I was mostly interested in old school cars that were rare to find. Everyone in the neighborhood kept asking what happened to Irma and I, when they did, I always told them we had our personal problems. During the holiday I learnt a lot about cars, their different parts and all that was helpful. I was becoming good in it. The holidays went by fast and the school year started. Irma and I were going to high school. Irma had made it clear to me that, she will not be there for me in high school. I was good with it. I decided to move on and forget about Irma. So I got close to Chloe. She was someone I had been talking to but we were not that close. So I decided to get close to her. It was during lunch of the first day that I moved closed to her. She was sitting alone on her table, so I decided to join her. Everyone was surprised that I wasn't going to sit with Irma as usual and I was tired of students staring at me or asking what happened. So I sat with Chloe, she was surprised that I was sitting with her.

"Hmm!! shouldn't you be sitting with Irma?" she asked looking surprised.

"yes, I should but I want to sit with you" I responded with a smile.

"why me?" she asked again.

"let's say Irma and I fell out and we are no longer friends and I want to be your friend" I answered her confidently.

That's how I started a new life in high school without Irma in. As time went on I stopped thinking about her. I guess she wasn't thinking about me too. She was busy having fun with her boyfriend Kyle. Irma and I crossed paths one day at on the hall and I tried talking to her as a friend but she acted like she don't know me.

"Hey Irma, how you doing?" I asked with a smile.

" Don't you think your girlfriend will be jealous" she responded in a very rude tone.

"was just checking up on you, you don't have to be an ass hole" I responded and quickly left.

"Cos, I refuse to date you, that's why you are calling me an ass" she shouted and the students started laughing.

" Chloe, has he told you he loves you yet?" she shouted again.

Kyle who was standing right by her side took advantage to make a mockery of me as always.

" Guys if you are lost, what's happening here is that, Jake here Loves Irma but Irma doesn't love him." he shouted and all the students started laughing.

I never saw any sign of Irma and I ever reconciling because it had become a total war. I have always been laid back and quiet and Irma knew that so she took advantage to drag my name through the mud, while she became the girl Everybody in school wanted to be like. Chloe has never really liked Irma.

After my mom found out about us, she decided to organise a meeting between us to make peace but Irma refused to came and rather told lies to her parents about me. I knew her parents never really liked me, the only reason they liked me then was because of Irma but now that we were no longer friends I started seeing their true colors. So Irma's parents invited me to their house, although my mom, told me not to go, I went there either ways.

When I got there, her parents welcomed me with hospitality. I was given a seat and they sat down and listed all the things Irma has said about. Irma told her parents that I bullied her in school and spoke bad about her name because she refused to date me, she also told her parents that I trolled her online and I got people threaten her boyfriend. I wasn't surprised with this Irma's character cos, I've always known, she was one to go to any extent just to get what she wanted. And in this situation she wanted to make me look bad in front of her parents. After Irma's parents had finished telling me all those lies, they started telling me what they wanted. Her father started.

"Young man, I used think you were responsible but it turns out you are just like all the other guys"

Mr. Esperanza said.

"I'm really disappointed in you Jake" Said Mrs. Esperanza.

"So how much will it take for you to leave Irma alone?" She said taking out 500 dollars from her purse.

I was surprised by their reactions .

" Irma, I hope you find what you looking for. I know I was a good friend to you and you know it. Look Ma'am I don't need your money, with all this wealth 500 dollars is how much your daughter is worth." I said with confidence and a very broad smile.

"You should take the money that's more than what your mom makes a week" Irma said mockingly

"I know, and I'm proud of it. I hope your money buys happiness" I said and I walked out peacefully.

"I hope you are Irma" I shouted from the door.

I could see the frustration on their faces when I walked out on them. I knew Irma was never going to be happy because I had the last laugh which was what she wanted. I knew she was always going to come at me.

A couple of months passed by, but Irma's anger towards me just kept growing cos anytime she tried to disgrace me, it backfired because I was really never affected by it so I just join them in laughter. I learnt never to let her see me vulnerable again.

Chloe and I became very close and most students became close to me since I would fix their cars at very low prices, so Kyle and Irma's crew couldn't really bully me again. I fixed cars in school and I was earning up to 500 dollars in a week which went long way to help my mom.

I never really had girlfriend but, that changed when I was invited to a party at Kyle's place. The reason I was invited was so that Kyle and Irma could mock me. I was supposed to use Chloe's car but she had somewhere to go, so I used my bicycle. On the way to Kyle's house I saw someone parked by the road side trying to fix a car and decided to give her helping hand. So I parked my bicycle and moved to her. To my greatest surprise it was Nebula, Irma's new best friend. I thought of going away but I was bigger than that so I decided to help her.

"You should let me help you " I said sounding uninterested.

"You, why would you help me? How am I sure you won't just make it worse " She responded in doubt.

"I mean, I never really wanted to help anyway, I'm sorry for disturbing " I said and turned around to leave.

"Please don't go, I'm sorry, I've been here for close to an hour" She responded desperately.

So I looked at her car and it never had a serious problem.

"Do you have a rubber?" I asked with a smile

"what you need that for?" She asked in shock you.

"Do you want your car fixed or not?" I asked.

She pulled out a condom from her hand bag which I used to tie the two parts that separated together.

" So this is temporal, come by the garage tomorrow, I will fix it. You should try it."

She tried the car and it worked. She was so happy that it worked and in the moment, she gave me hug. Which surprised her.

"Thank you so much, I should give you a ride."

"Hmmm ok yea."

So Nebula gave me a ride I put my bicycle in her boot.

While we were in the car,we spoke about a lot of things. She asked me about Irma and my relationship and she apologized for her rude behavior towards me, in the past. We made peace and everything was OK between us. I personally discovered that Nebula was a nice person, maybe mean sometimes but deep down she was nice.

We got to the party late. Nebula drove in, playing very loud hip hop music to get everybody's attention and as soon as all eyes were on us, we stepped out the car, and I opened the door for her since we had switched places on the way, she let me drive her car. So, I stopped opened the door like a gentleman and held her hand. I could see that everybody was surprised and cheered for us in a good way except for Irma who I noticed was jealous.

I went to the party with Nebula, we went inside, looked for a place to sit and had a couple of drinks. Irma walked up to us and asked to speak to Nebula alone. So they went to the side.

" what the hell are you doing?" Irma asked

"You were wrong Irma, Jake is a nice guy. Can you imagine, he fixed my car with a rubber?". Nebula responded

"What did we agree? we agreed to disgrace him today." Irma said trying to convince Nebula.

"ehhhm about that, we can't go through the plan, he helped me and I can't do that to him and I won't allow you do it to him either." Nebula responded

"You know what, we are going to do it without you." Irma said angrily.

"You know what this party is lame, we are going somewhere else." Nebula said walking out on Irma.

Nebula told me about their plans and we left the party, I could see how Irma got angry. Nebula dropped me off at my house and when I got there, she was so greatful and kept telling me thank you.

"You really saved my life today and I want to thank you." Nebula said looking right into my eyes.

" You are welcome, don't forget to bring the car by the garage tomorrow." I reminded her.

"I won't." She said getting into her car.

Nebula left and for the first in a while I really felt like I had forgotten about Irma. I never thought about her again, cos Nebula was all I was thinking about for a reason I can't explain.

Nebula was a super pretty black girl, with Dark coily natural hair and a very enticing body shape. I could feel myself crushing for Nebula.

I finally went to sleep with Nebula on my mind. I even dreamt about her. The next day was Saturday and I went to the garage every Saturday since it was my free day.

I got to the garage and to my greatest surprise Nebula was already waiting for me.

"You are late" She said giving me a hug.

"Wow, I never expect you will be here this early. Let me fix it, so you go."

"I have all day" she responded.

I gave her our working uniform to wear, so she doesn't dirty her clothes.

Nebula and I decided we were going to fix the car together, she was my assistant for that day which was amazing. We had fun the whole time, she asked questions about me and I asked questions about her, my boss was not there so we had a lot of time for ourselves. After an hour we succeeded to fix the car. She had to leave

"Why did you fix the car?" She asked jokingly.

"Now that we are done, I'm sure, I'm never gon see you again." I said in a sad tone.

"No, I will see you everyday, you are a nice person and I can be myself around you." She said and got into her car.

"Nebula, I want to take you on a date" I said knocking at her window.

"What, do you think this was?" she responded with same energy rolling down her window glass.

"I mean like a proper date." I said with more confident this time.

"OK, I will pick you up. Just send your location."

I added.

"OK , see you this evening." She said with a smile.

I was very happy and I was finally moving on from Irma.

I told my mom about, Nebula and I she was so happy I moved on from Irma. She willingly gave me her car, it was not a really fancy car but it meant a lot to me. I dressed in a suit and I took out 150 dollars from my savings and my mom gave me 100 dollars more. I felt like a king that day. I drove to the location Nebula sent me and I picked her up. She was dressed in a very nice gown. I felt so lucky that day. I took Nebula to a fancy restaurant.

"You know, you don't have to impress me right?" She said

"I'm not trying to, I just want to give myself a treat . And I decided to invite you." I said jokingly.

"Have seat" I said, pulling the chair for her.

"Thank you, gentleman" She said jokingly.

Nebula and had a lot of fun, I kept making her laugh.

The night went bye fast and our date was over, I decided to drop her over at her place.

"I hope you loved your first date?" I asked curiously .

"I did" she responded.

"Rate me on 10" I said walking her up to the door.

"5" she said with a laughter.

" I thought you enjoyed, your date" I asked

"I did, the score doesn't matter." She said standing against the door.

"So this is the end of our date." I said reluctantly.

"Where have you been my whole life? I mean you make me happy and I just feel like I can be myself." Before she could finish, I grabbed her and gave her very passionate kiss.

"Hmm, that was unexpected". She said grabbing me again for a kiss.

That's how I started dating Nebula, Irma's best friend.