
Chapter 250

Congratulations she said

Thank you amber replied 

I see you have grown quite tremendously you have successfully sent them to jail so now what ?

Now I leave you in peace and go my own way while you go your own way she says .

Roberts wasn't going to buy this talk she wanted to know every single detail .

Your grand father was quite the antagonist she says to amber ,you are just like him ,reeking havoc without a care in the world who gets affected by what you do .

Amber smiled she wasn't going to be affected by whatever Roberta had to say.as  she picked up her hand bag and made her way to her car she did not have time for any drama .

As she turned and left she did not look at Antonio even once she did not care what was running through his mind .

Even though she could feel his eyes on her as the cops pulled him away ,she did not care .

Antonio who was Now a realising that he was all alone amber had not cared what happened to him ,he was trying to lol at her but she would not look at him.

He was not going to talk about Kendal who say on her away all the while she did not say or do anything on his behalf,he should have changed his lawyer evenhanded she was becoming soft on him.

This actually felt like a slaughtering the Judas had been Philip ,who was trying to protect him after telling on him in the court .

As they are being shoved into the van and driven to a maximum security prison .

He was still not as worried as he should be as the matter on ground was he is going to prison but he could not go to prison not for life he muttered to himself .he needs to watch Paul grow into a man and hand him his businesses .

But he was content he had given her all he had maybe not all but all he has in new York is here and now so he wanted to talk to her and he would want her to visit him for now until he would break free .

He would not stay behind bars he has enough wealth to live as a fugitive .

Once he got to his destination he would make sure he found a way to break free but for now he needed all the love he could get but she did not love him the way he loved her he was now feeling strange and a certain urge to read the letter she had given him ,the feeling was now resounding in his body .

He looked at the cuffs surround his hand he could not use it now to open the letter in his chest,

he knew it would not be long before he threw this away but for now he would wait till he got to his bed in jail before he reads the letter