
Chapter 249

His uncle was attentive but there was this calmness that said something about him knowing what had happened and he did watch amber burn as she was trying hard to kill their parents assailants and did nothing .

He wasn't happy with him and he would have a talk with him after this he assured himself .

As he looked around his eyes met with that of Roberts who had an asking look if he knew what was going on here ,is like she did have a lot of questions to ask too .

He shrugged to show her he wasn't in the know also and as he turned to look at the prosecutor who was now standing to make another case .

Judge Amy raised her finger and told him to go and sear back down and he did immediately.

And then the jury made their vote and after they all said guilty .

The judge then passed her judgment she began.

On the count of aggravated murder and murder of the first degree the court finds Antonio Giovianno and Philip Santos guilty .

And under the new yours penal law section 125.26 subsection A and 125.26, I hereby find the accused men  guilty and I hereby sentenced them to life imprisonment with the authority vested in me by the state .

And the clerk shouted all rise and they rise as the judge left the court in a hurry she had ended the case just as Kendall had come to plead with her ,she knew this case was already lost after she talked to Dan Mackenzie ,she did not want to lose her reputation with it do she did not want to speak ,she had asked the judge for this favour and Amy had agreed .

And as she left the court murmurs were rising from all angle,amber did not really care how it went down or not what made sense to her and as she looked around she saw that her uncle has stood and left with his wife ,she was glad he could make it ,he had told her he had a surprise for her on her birthday and he did not really give her any birthday gift and after her parents had been killed ,he had told her if she could find the killers he would make suret that they went to jail and for that he had coach her how to get close to Antonio when she suspected him and when she found out about philip and then Damian he had always been there to keep her company through all those times ,he did find the parents of Paul and also made the plan with the hospital .

Carl helping her escape was not calculated but it was just bound to happen call it fate giving him a role in all of this .

And as she looked to the side she saw Roberta walking towards her ,she had the look on her face that said "she was curious about the whole court thing .