
Chapter 151


Dante  was walking towards his car when he heard his name from behind him it was Carl who had been calling him and as he stopped and liked at his own body in admiration as he liked the suit amber had bout for him ,he was sweating it to their victory hearing .

He had wished the kids hot to know before the death of Vicente and had taken care if the old man themselves as he is the reason all this was happening and he had killed his sister and also his close friend Carlo ,he hated the man for it and that was why he did leave seven years ago after the old man killed his son ,he could not take it as he knew none of them was safe ,so he left and decided to take care of the kids his sister had left .

As Carl came in front if him he asked him angrily,you knew who the killers were all this time and you said nothing ?

It was not as easy as you think Carl I tried to protect you and your sister all those years ,if I had said or done something you too would have been in the orphanages and I will not be able to forgive myself ,at least with you two I did a good job an God know it is not easy catering for you both but I did my best.

Yes you did your beat and now look at me lol what I have become ,look at amber too,she is now a killer and does whatever she can to survive it seems like your best is not as good as you thought he says as he turns and walk to his car .

Emilia who was standing by the side walks fast and follows him she had saw his outburst and as he did not know why she was sad because all she had see n in the court was the two men who had killed his parents sentenced to life on imprisonment .

She filled him hurriedly and only nodded to Dante as she rushed behind to get to Carl who went to the car and sat ,it are him up that don Vicente had ordered Philip to kill their father and as he sat in the gmc he screamed fuck !!!!

As familiar entered the car and sat quietly without saying a word ,she let him cry to his full before patting him on the back 

She did not say anything she just let him grieve so he would be able to let the pain in his chest go away .

Even as she parted his back she did not say a word as she says there and just thought about how long he had bottled the pain he is feeling ,how long he had wanted this to come and pass.

Only to find out that his grandfather had masterminded it all and he could not even ask him why he did it ,or bent or curse .

All he could do was cry his pain out and she sat by his side all through