
Chapter 248


Amber was stunned when she heard her grandfather had killed her father , he had so much emphasised in family that she felt Philip was lying but she knew he had no reason to she knew she had taken all reason from him as a show of her fiscintent of his actions against her famil5 seven years ago

She had also taken from Antonio a son he never had and she was even with the two , all they have to do now is complete those punishment and rit in prison , it was the least they could do.

Antonio stole glances at amber occasionally, he was still in love she could tell , he did not read the letter she thought.

It occoured to her that he has been thinking all yh8s while that the letter is a love letter and that is the reason why he was still thinking about teasing it , she pitied the state he was in , he has not yet figured out that he was being played she thought he was smart , did his affection for her blurr his reasoning.

She wishes he had not killed her parents , she wished she did not hate him this much ,he wished she could have lived him even if it was just a little because of how his eyes were still burning with the desire to be by her , she could tell and that hurt her.

It hurt her bad that tears ran down her face even in her nigh of victory why was she this sad.

Did she actually send the only man that might ever love her this much to his own end.

She knew there was nothing she could do for him , she knew there was nothing that would be said now as all the power to salvage his lost societal credit lies in the hands of the judge and the prosecutor who will possibly make a career out of this.

As tears were rushing down her face her brother had noticed and. Put his hands around her , he kissed her forehead and she rested her head on his shoulder.

He too was shocked that his grandfather was the one who had sold those father to his assailants.

He killed his own son to actually stay in power , power which no one presently in New York could wield except them.

He did not blame the old launch he blamed gos father for being sloppy, he could not put an old man behind bars and kept giving small tips to the feds whom did kit care about them.

As long as he was consigned the feds too had aided Philip with their incompetence.

But no body would judge them for it as his sister here had done all the work which they were all now taking the glory for.

They had all killed those parents and only Philip and Antonio we're taking the fall for it.

As he looked over to uncle sante for the first time he noticed that his uncle wasbt surprised about the whole news .