
A Boring Journey

A story of someone who seeks peace and...Well, retirement? Can he find what he is looking for? Read to find out lmao. (I don't really know what to put here cuz this is my first time doing this.) (Author: Hello everyone! This is my first novel, and English isn't my mother tongue. I am only writing this for fun and might drop in the near future. I do hope that you enjoyed reading the first chapter! If you have anything to ask me, please do so. If you find any errors, please inform me so I can fix them. Thank you for your time.) (Disclaimer: I don't own anything. Everything is that is being shown in this fanfic is from their respective owners/authors.) (If you are the owner of the cover picture, please tell me if you don't want me to use it so I can replace it with another one.)

chickenwear · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

I got a mission!

After taking a bath, Elzar went to the dining room to have dinner. He was wondering what would happen if the phone was unlocked. He never expected that there were other universes. Because as far as he knew, only secret realms exist. For example, The Demon Realm, The God Realm, and The Primordial Realm.

As he was eating his dinner, a red circle glowed not far from where he was. The red circle is full of runes and various unknown text.

After a few seconds, the glowing stopped. Two figures can be seen standing above it. The other is a man, and the other is a woman. Of course, they were none other than Elzar's parents. Venelana Gremory and Zeoticus Gremory.

His mother, Venelana Gremory, is a beautiful woman in her early twenties. She has flaxen hair and violet eyes, much like the natural-born members of the Bael Clan. She appears younger than her actual age because of her devil heritage. While his father, Zeoticus Gremory, has the appearance of a middle-aged, handsome-looking man with long crimson hair that is tied in a loose ponytail with a black hairband. He has bright blue eyes, just like his first child, Sirzechs Gremory. He also has a short and red beard.

After seeing his mother, Elzar stopped eating, wiped his mouth, and hugged his mother.

"Oh my, did my baby miss me?" Venelana asked while ruffling Elzar's hair and returning the hug.

"Un!" Elzar responded while smiling brightly.

'Just act like nothing ever happened.' Elzar thought while recalling the memories of this kid. Elzar Gremory, the youngest son of Zeoticus Gremory and the future heir of the Gremory Family. He was a very cheerful child. He never questioned anything. He knew that in the end, nothing matters anymore. So why not enjoy things while he can? It's not like it'll kill him.

'This kid is quite talented.' Elzar praised. It was true. The kid was smart. He viewed things differently than others.

"El, Edward said that you were interested in magic. Is it true?" Zeoticus asked with a slight smile.

"Yes! I want to be strong like big brother!" Elzar responded.

"While that's good, you are but a child. What if you get hurt?" Venelana asked worriedly. She was happy that her baby wants to be a strong person like her older brother, but she was also worried about his well-being because he is still a child.

"Edward said I was only practicing the basics, so I didn't think it was dangerous. I'm sorry if I made you worried." Elzar said with a downcast expression.

Seeing his downcast expression, his mother immediately said:

"Oh silly me, it's fine now. Mom was only worried that you might get hurt." His mother consoled him.

"Alright, that's enough now. Dear, I will tell Edward to always observe him whenever he is practicing magic." Zeoticus said while seeing the servants prepare food for them and continued:

"Come on now, let's eat."

After hearing his husband, Venelana sat down and carried her son on her lap. She then asked:

"Do you want me to feed you, El?"

"Eh? I can feed myself, mom." Replied Elzar while moving to the next chair.

"I see... My baby doesn't like me anymore." Venelana said with a downcast look.

"No! It's not like that! I can feed myself now! Please don't be sad." Elzar said while hugging his mom.

"Ufufu, I was just joking. There's no way that my baby doesn't like me." Said Venelana while returning the hug.


Just like that, the family of three had their dinner full of smiles.









In a king-sized bed sat a child. The child had scarlet hair and violet eyes. Of course, this child is no other than Elzar Gremory. He is currently looking at a strange rectangular object in his hands. It was the <Dimensional Phone> and only a few minutes left before it will officially unlock itself.

(Author: Yes, I know. I messed up his looks, and I'm sorry. His looks won't matter anyway. It was just weird how he got emerald eyes while his parents have blue and violet, so I changed it.)

'Just a bit more, and I can finally see what this thing is.' Elzar thought while waiting for the countdown.

-A few minutes later-







[Hello, Elzar Gremory! I am your AI and also the object that you are holding! You can call me however you want!]

"Then I'll call you Vee." Elzar said while typing the words 'Vee' on the phone.

[Thank you for the name, owner. Now, let me explain what I am and what I can do!] Vee responded.

[First of all, I am a <Dimensional Phone>. I am a device created for the sole purpose of creating a connection between universes. As such, I am here to grant you the ability to travel between universes endlessly.] Vee informed Elzar and continued:

[My current functions are the following:




There are still unlocked functions, but you can get them through the rewards from the missions. The rewards are either random or selected by the system according to the mission's difficulty. But don't worry, owner! Some random rewards are not that bad. You can get a grenade or a nuke from them.

[The Store is just a normal store, but sells everything that is available or once available in the vast Omniverse. You can buy everything ranging from items to skills! But you need to have System Points or SP for short. They are the currency used to buy stuff from the store.]

'Hm... Interesting' Thought Elzar while asking:

"Can you be destroyed or stolen?"

[Yes. I can get destroyed if you let a supernova destroy me. I can also get stolen, but since we are connected. I can come directly to you, and anyone other than you can't use me.]

"Hm... Is that so? Do I have any available mission?" Elzar asked Vee.

[Yes. Let me show you're current mission]


[Travel to Fairy Tale Verse]


1.) Join The Fairy Tale Guild

2.) Learn at least 1 Magic

[Difficulty: Normal]

[Rewards of Obj. 1]: Have access to Ethernano

[Rewards of Obj. 2]: 2 Random Boxes

"Ethernano? Is that some kind of Energy? And please call me El." Elzar asked Vee.

[Understood, El. And yes.] Informed Vee while giving Elzar an information box.

[ <Ethernano>:

-Ethernano dwells inside all living organisms and throughout the atmosphere. Nobody knows when Magic began, or how Ethernano originated. To utilize Magic, a Mage must use their (as the case may be) power. Ethernano is the source of Magic Power for all Mages. (From Wiki.)


[You don't have this energy because you are not a resident of their universe.] Vee informed Elzar.

"Oh? So when can I go?" Asked Elzar while yawning and getting ready to sleep. To be honest, if it was the past him. He will immediately go there and get it. He was someone who likes to learn new stuff, especially magic.

[Anytime, but I suggest for you to rest first.]

"Oh okay, goodnight." Said Elzar while covering himself with his soft blanket.

[Goodnight, El.] Said Vee while the screen turned off.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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