
A Boring Journey

A story of someone who seeks peace and...Well, retirement? Can he find what he is looking for? Read to find out lmao. (I don't really know what to put here cuz this is my first time doing this.) (Author: Hello everyone! This is my first novel, and English isn't my mother tongue. I am only writing this for fun and might drop in the near future. I do hope that you enjoyed reading the first chapter! If you have anything to ask me, please do so. If you find any errors, please inform me so I can fix them. Thank you for your time.) (Disclaimer: I don't own anything. Everything is that is being shown in this fanfic is from their respective owners/authors.) (If you are the owner of the cover picture, please tell me if you don't want me to use it so I can replace it with another one.)

chickenwear · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

I got a tattoo!

The first rays of sunlight lit up in my room. The rising sun cast a rosy hue across the morning sky. Golden fingers of sunlight lit up the scene. The just-risen sun shone softly on the city streets of the dukedom of Gremory, bringing with it a flurry of early-morning activity.

"*yawn* So, how do you do this?" I asked Vee. I woke up early today because I was excited to go to another universe.

[Are you sure that you want to do the mission, El?] Asked Vee.

"Yes, I'm certain." I replied while preparing myself for what is about to happen.

[Understood. The time in this world shall stop until you complete your mission.] Said Vee while time stopped.

'Damn, time manipulation?' I thought while a beacon of bright and colorful lights came rushing down from the atmosphere, hitting my figure in my bedroom.

[Teleporting individual <Elzar Gremory> to his destination, The Fairy Tail Verse. Please brace yourself.] Vee informed me while I noticed my surroundings change from dark to the colorful lights of the cosmos. We were traveling faster than light.

'It's been so long since I've seen the beauty of cosmos.' I thought while being a bit nostalgic.









[Succesfully transversed individual <Elzar Gremory> to his destination. Please enjoy your travels.] Vee informed Elzar while displaying his current mission.


[Travel to Fairy Tale Verse]


1.) Join The Fairy Tale Guild

2.) Learn at least 1 Magic

[Difficulty: Normal]

[Rewards of Obj. 1]: Have access to Ethernano

[Rewards of Obj. 2]: 2 Random Boxes

"The air here isn't so bad." Commented Elzar while embracing the cold breeze of the night. Elzar looked up at the blanket of stars that stretched to infinity. The pale crescent moon shone like a silvery claw in the night sky.

'I wonder how everything would look if only peace exists.'

'So, where is this Fairy Tail?' Elzar asked The System.

[It should be a few kilometers to your right, host. I have received the required information to help the host in his journey in this world. Would you like to hear them?] The System replied and asked.

'Yes, please.' Elzar replied while walking to the 'coordinates' that The System gave.

(Author: I won't put any information here because it's too much. I'm pretty sure that you guys know the basic information about Fairy Tail, so it'll be useless anyway. For the sake of those who don't know. I'll just provide it then.)

-After a few minutes-

'So basically just the same with my world with a few twists here and there?' Elzar asked The System. The information that The System transferred was a lot.

This world is apparently known as 'Earth Land.' Very original, I know. Most of the known part of Earth Land is occupied by a very large peninsula, with some isles of different sizes being scattered in the sea surrounding it, and the peninsula itself being linked to the mainland, whose geography is mainly unknown.

He is currently on the outskirts of Magnolia. Magnolia has a population of 60,000 inhabitants and is a merchant city that has been prosperous in Magic since the ancient era. Such reputation was supported by the fact that the town, houses the strongest Guild in Fiore, Fairy Tail.

Fiore is a neutral nation with a population of almost 17 million people. It is located on the westernmost peninsula. It is surrounded on three sides by ocean and has land borders with Bosco and Seven. It is a state in which the current regime is a monarchy and is ruled by a Queen. Who is the head of the government.

[Yes, host. I believe you can do your mission here with ease.] The System replied, just like what The System mentioned. This world is similar to Elzar's world. There are many creatures here and various races ranging from humans to dragons to gods.

'Incantation of Misconception: Alter.' Elzar used <Sorcery> while his body glowed. His current look looks like his 8-year-old past self. He has scarlet hair and blood-red eyes. He didn't have his usual clothes because of his plans. He has a black tattered cloak covering his body, and he wore a red dirtied shirt and black pants. After changing his looks, Elzar immediately set off to Magnolia.

Forty minutes later, Elzar arrived at his destination, Magnolia. Though it was night, some people are still active and are selling their stuff to the civilians. After a few minutes of looking around, he finally found the guild. It was easy to find because of its size and location.

'I'm finally here.' Thought Elzar while pushing the towering gates. After entering, he witnessed a peculiar sight. There was mayhem going on. Chairs and barrels were thrown everywhere, and shouts filled the entire guildhall.

A gentle voice broke him out of his thoughts.

"Oh my, what is a child like you doing here?" The voice came from a beautiful woman in her forties. Her name is Porlyusica. Porlyusica is a slim and tall woman with pink hair, tied in a bun on the back of her head by two large pins with crescent moon-shaped edges, and with two bangs of hair left framing her face. She has reddish eyes, and a beauty mark located below her mouth, on the left side of her face.

After seeing Elzar's appearance, Porlyusica dragged Elzar to the counter. Since mayhem was happening, she had to walk on the sidelines.

"Dear, have you eaten yet?" Porlyusica asked Elzar while preparing a simple meal for the child.

"Un... I ate some buns on the way here." Elzar replied while sitting on one of the chairs.

"Only buns? That's no good for someone your age. Here eat this." Porlyusica said while giving Elzar a simple meal.

"Thank you." Said Elzar while eating the meal.






After eating the meal, Elzar once again thanked Porlyusica for the meal.

"By the way, why are you here, child? And what's your name?" She asked Elzar while taking a seat in front of him.

"My name is Elzar, and I'm here because I want to join the guild!" Elzar replied expectantly.

"Join the guild? For what reason?" She didn't ask Elzar about his parents. After all, a parent wouldn't let their child wander around the night. Unless they are not here anymore, and looking at Elzar's condition. It was most likely the case. She didn't want to make this child remember his bad memories.

"I want to learn magic!" Elzar stated with great passion and continued: "Can I join this guild? He asked.

"What magic are you interested in, or do you have one right now? She asked while she called Makarov.

"I don't, but I'm interested in Healing and Music Magic!" Elzar replied while looking at an approaching figure. The figure was a man in his late forties. He was short, about 150 cm. He has golden spiky hair with white streaks and a beard due to his age.

"What is it, Porlyusica? And who is this child?" Makarov asked while putting down the beer on the counter.

"He is Elzar, and he wants to join the guild." Porlyusica replied

"Join the guild? How old are you, kid? Makarov asked. He didn't bother asking the child about his parents and reason because Porlyusica should've handled it already.

"I'm currently 8 years old!" Replied Elzar with a cheerful expression.

"Hm... Do you know any magic?" Makarov asked while observing the child.

"Ah, about that, I will teach him healing magic." Porlyusica replied instead of Elzar. Since he is interested in Healing Magic, she decided to teach him herself.

"Hm? Alright then, welcome to the guild. Since you are a child and don't know magic yet. You can only do the most basics of quest out there." Makarov said while bringing out a magic stamp.

"So, what color do you want, and where would you like it to be?" Makarov asked.

"I choose red like my hair! And if possible, can you put it on the left side of my forehead?" Elzar asked excitedly.

"Sure." The old man agreed while the magic stamp got smaller. He then proceeds to mark Elzar's forehead.

"Welcome to Fairy Tail, kid." Makarov said while calling everyone in the guildhall.

"Everyone, this is Elzar. He is now part of our family! So let's party more!" Makarov stated with great enthusiasm.

"YEAH!" Everyone cheered. Though they were confused about why a kid joined, they didn't question their guild master. If he said that he is now part of the guild, then he must have it all under control. So why not celebrate?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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