
A Boring Journey

A story of someone who seeks peace and...Well, retirement? Can he find what he is looking for? Read to find out lmao. (I don't really know what to put here cuz this is my first time doing this.) (Author: Hello everyone! This is my first novel, and English isn't my mother tongue. I am only writing this for fun and might drop in the near future. I do hope that you enjoyed reading the first chapter! If you have anything to ask me, please do so. If you find any errors, please inform me so I can fix them. Thank you for your time.) (Disclaimer: I don't own anything. Everything is that is being shown in this fanfic is from their respective owners/authors.) (If you are the owner of the cover picture, please tell me if you don't want me to use it so I can replace it with another one.)

chickenwear · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

I got a rubber ducky

'System, why is the book gone? Did someone take it when I was deep in my thoughts?' Elzar asked The System.

[No host. There are no people about 10 meters around you. As for the book's disappearance, I am confused as well.] The System informed him.

'Hm... Strange. Then, what is this thing?' Elzar asked while pointing towards the small rectangular object.

[Host, that is called a phone. It is a device used by humans in the 20th Century of your world.]

'Oh! That's right! There was that thing.' Thought Elzar while picking up the phone.

'How do you use-'

The phone suddenly turned on and then:


The phone took a picture of him.

'What the fuck?' Elzar cursed while looking at his picture.

A metallic voice suddenly came out of the phone

[Target has been found.]

[Ownership will now belong to the individual <Elzar Gremory> formerly known as "The Troll Archmage".]

'Hey!' Elzar immediately covered the phone with his coat. 'How the hell did this thing know me?' He thought while taking aback. He then made sure that no one was listening.

'Phew! WHAT THE FUCK! What if those damned bastards find me now!?' Elzar cursed his luck while slamming the phone on the ground.


'No! Calm down. Everything is fine. They will not find me anymore. The System said we are in a different universe. There's no way they can track me down.' Though Elzar while sighing in relief.

'System, do you know what that phone is?' Elzar asked The System while picking up the phone and noticing that the ground was cracked instead of the phone.

[Yes, but there's a high chance that I could be wrong.] The System informed Elzar while continued speaking again:

[It should be the <Dimensional Phone>.]

'<Dimensional Phone>? What is that?'

[That, I do not know host. There are many kinds of <Dimensional Phone>. But worry not, host. These phones are created by the Ancient Omnipotent Beings that once resided in the vast Void. The reason for these phones to be created was for connection. The Ancient Beings were curious about what would happen if multiple universes connected.] The System informed Elzar.

'So you mean there are much stronger individuals? Outside of our universe?' Elzar asked

[Precisely, host.] The System replied

'Well, this is fucked.'

Before Elzar can continue. The same metallic voice rang again. This time around, he was prepared. He immediately covered the sound tubes of the phone. He then looked at the phone but got confused because of the text that he is seeing.


'Okay, what now?' Elzar was confused.

'8 hours? Am I supposed to wait for this?.'

'Meh, I don't know anymore. Let's just get out of here.' Elzar thought while preparing to leave. He decided to carry the five books with him since it was not heavy and to avoid suspicion.

'That's right! Put the phone in the inventory for me, System.' Elzar requested while getting out of the library and going to his bedroom.

[Understood.] Replied The System while the phone disappeared in Elzar's pocket.

Feeling the little weight off of him: 'Hm? This function is convenient.' Elzar thought while smirking.










'Say, System. What do you think will happen after 8 hours have passed?' Elzar asked while laying on his bed.

[You should be able to use the <Dimensional Phone>.] The System replied and continued:

[I don't know what will happen, host. But you should prepare yourself.] The System informed him.

'Hm, you're right.' Elzar agreed and asked: 'I'm bored. Do you have a physical training method?'

[Yes, host. I recommend doing a light training method first. Your body is still developing and might stunt your growth.] The System replied and continued:

[The training method that I'm going to teach you is very simple. It consists of 100 situps, 100 pushups, 100 squats, and a 6.2 mile(10km) run. Since you can't run that far, you can do the first three exercises. This should be easy for you since you are a devil.]

<Devil Psychology>:

All Devils have enhanced physical abilities such as superhuman strength, endurance, and enhanced sense such as sight and hearing; in addition to being able to see clearly in the dark as creatures of the night. Devils are able to fly through using their bat-like wings, which are capable of retracting into their backs as if disappearing entirely. They also possess a passive ability called "Language", which allows normal people listening to them to hear it in the language they're most familiar with and vice versa. Devils are also immune to being sunburned.










"Huff, Huff"

Elzar was slightly sweating due to the muscle pain that he was receiving. He decided to add a few hundred to the exercises because he felt nothing. Since then, 2 hours have passed.

'It has been a while seen I've been this sweaty. I better take a bath after I rest.' Thought Elzar while laying down.

'Come to think of it. I didn't see anyone other than the servants in the estate. Where are they?' Elzar was confused. Usually, his new mother would always come and find him during the day,

'Meh, they were probably just busy with things.' Thought Elzar while entering the bathroom.

'Damn, the rubber ducky on top of the bubbles? Are you kidding me? *chuckles*' Elzar chuckled while entering the bathtub.







(Author: Hello! I know that the chapters are short, and it's slow-paced, but please bear with me. I'm just getting used to this, and I don't really know what to do next because of the lack of readers. Like is there someone reading this? I just need to know what to do. I'm confused as well. Is my writing that bad? Is something wrong? I need some opinions to know what next actions I should take. If you can respond to this. That'll be much appreciated. If there are any errors or wrong information please inform me. Thank you.)

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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