
Bane of Judgment (1/2)

As the fight between the two beings continued, a certain protagonist appeared in front of the [Lord Gate], noticing the energy fluctuations.

"Someone's already inside...Who?" Rei asked, as he went to closer and closer to the massive door, he felt the energy more and more.

"Hmm...The Draft this adventure is using... It's pretty unique. Elusive yet strong and fast, a Draft connected to an overall concept I bet."

As Rei placed his hand on the door...


He suddenly got automatically teleported into the boss room... And standing in the middle of it with a katana, mainly black and white in color, and markings with color similar to that of space... Standing upon the dead figure of the boss monster, who had the name tag [Artil-Mongreave (Boss + Past Lord of Dusk)].

Boss titles would only appear when a boss monster was defeated, therefore the gargantian wolf like a beast had already been killed.

Staring at the figure who wore a translucent rag, mainly black in color yet slightly see-through, Rei saw an eternal darkness behind said cloak.

The figure was staring forward so Rei couldn't see his face, but, what he didn't know was that the presence was... Probably weaker than him in terms of stages.

—–— —–— —–—

(5 minutes ago)

As Hiroto unleashed a barrage of attacks, Yuzuki formulated something with his Astral Mana, an advanced version of the Mana film.


The newfound translucent and black cloak just barely blocked the blast of poison created from the already regrown, Eldritch bulbs on Artil's back.

'The difference between the boss monster of the study room and the rest of the monsters is mainly the fact that it isn't undead, making it so that on the weak points that can be seen before on other monsters probably don't even exist on this one!'

Thinking of that, Hiroto charged up his right arm with a large amount of Mana, just enough so that he himself wouldn't get injured, and right after he slashed... Thousands of times.

"First time trying this out..."

Artil hastily backed up with all of their might, infusing their legs with a large amount Stigma to break their previous speed limits.

"[Shi No Tenshi : Sea Of Dead Reflections]!"


Suddenly, the gargantuan beast had its body overflowed with thousands of slashes, imbued with Abyssal Mana to do more overall damage to its insides. Also because of this, the slime that had now fully gained control over the monster's body had also taken some damage.

'So I should be using Abyssal Mana, got it!'

Dashing forward, Artil utilized a burst of Stigma that it released from its legs To finally utilize the beast's own Draft.


Artil had been using poison all this time so unlike it's undead brethren it retained its previous affinity to poison, specifically laplace venom.


Shockwaves coarsed through the room as three cartoonish-looking swords attemptted to pierce into Hiroto's body.

[Sea Of Dead Reflections] still being active, made sure that all said cartoonish looking swords were quickly sliced into pieces, however...


Before they can be slashed into pieces, The exploded into multiple clouds of poisonous gas, making sure Hiroto how to strengthen his film.

'Am I resistant to the poison, Yuzuki?'

[Because of my current data you're only 30% resistant, you'd still take damage but the long-lasting effects would be decreased. I still wouldn't suggest going in that gas though.]


In the cornered situation that he was in, mainly due to the fact that the gas covered most of the room by now and was quickly spreading, Hiroto poured basically all the Mana he could, even exceeding his physical limit, dashing inside the fog with no problem whatsoever... Except for the fact that his wounds were now reopened.


The gargantuan monster appeared in front of Hiroto within a fraction of a second, and with said fraction came a massive claw slash.

"[Shi No Tenshi : Moonlit Spirit Cleave – 38 phases]!"

Utilizing the only other technique he had in his weapon style, he slashed 38 times within the fraction of a second that he held, attempting to cut through space with both Abyssal and Astral Mana powering it.

Despite the fact that at his current level it could never hope to achieve it's true goal, only the aspiration made the technique as powerful as it was...


The blade, due to it's amazing craftsmanship, along with the strength of its wielder, allowed for it to cut off the giant hand of Artil-Mongreave, having it to screech in pain.


[Shi No Tenshi : Sea of Dead Reflections]

Repeating the technique he had already utilized, he jumped up into the air and cut as many times as he could, and because of the Abyssal property of his Mana, the already existing damage was multiplied by two times!


And with the barrage of slashes... Came an end to the battle.

The massive gargantuan beast had its head sliced into many pieces, obviously including its brain.


Breathing deeply in and out in front of the gargantuan body, Hiroto walked upon its skin and flesh as if he was disrespecting its corpse... Although instead—

—He was probably doing it a favor.

"The dungeon should fade away in 3 minutes, should be enough time for what I'm about to do."

Getting up to the biggest sludge of brain that he had cut apart, Hiroto gathered a large amount of Mana, preparing to blast it into the brain.


Appeared from the biggest part of said brain was a decently big blue slime.

"... There you are."

Grabbing the slime, he held it tightly similar to how he would hold his sword.

"Ah... So you know my true purpose.... I guess the bane of judgment returns today!"

As the slime spoke its final words and its previous form disappeared..

And there comes the...