
[Artil-Mongreave (Boss + Past Lord of Dusk)]

Walking with his two newfound injuries was pretty difficult even as an awakened, but because of his awakened status he could still very much move.


Breathing hard, Hiroto found himself against a large door made from blackwood with multiple golden runic symbols engraved on it.

'I had an idea that if the slime were to ever run away, It would go straight to the boss room and because of its parasitic nature would end up devouring the monster... I didn't make a fanfiction on that so I don't know if it would actually happen. My best bet is trying.'

Looking at the large golden handle attached to the black wooden gate, his hand approached said handle before Hiroto used all of his strength to pull on it... For a couple of seconds the gate remained closed however after that it immediately opened, causing Hiroto to fall on his back.


Standing up, he stared at the mysterious void that was termed a [Lord Gate], the portal between the normal dungeon and the room that the boss would stay in. Basically, It would make him travel between two spaces, which for most would make them vomit immediately. Therefore most people received spatial transfer training.

Hiroto had an Astral draft, but he didn't know if that would stop him vomiting and possibly immediately getting killed.

"... Actually in the first place why don't I just...Rest. I'm an awakened so even though it will take a while, sooner or later my wounds will regenerate..."

And then... He remembered the fact that after the main character came (which at most would probably be in a couple minutes to hours , most likely the time it will take him to heal) He would automatically beat transferred outside the dungeon, and the slime would have already been killed by the protagonist.

"Man....F*** you past self."

As Hiroto prepared to go inside the portal, He finally remembered the fact that he had one more skill slot.

'I need talent in most areas, it'll be a problem to face opponents who have different fighting styles than the last, adoption is a need in most situations, and this ability needs to be one that helps me store information... I got the perfect idea!'

As he activated his mystic Nexus, a see-through blue cube appeared in front of him, with multiple tabs ranging from name to description inside.

This was how his Nexus worked.

—–— —–— —–—


[Slayer Unit (Origin Icon + ★★★★★) :

In the times of 'New Origin', there existed a hunter, a slayer, someone who held the essence that allowed them to kill gods, and along with that came a special power, the peak of one of humanities aspects... Adaption.


Effects :

–— allows for the users to access a database in their mind of all the things they have seen

–— Acts as Nanobots and therefore allows for the user to attain hyper-regeneration if the user utilizes energy as fuel (natural regeneration is increased manyfold)

–— The user naturally adapts to all environments that they come across.

–— said ability can take over the user's body if they wish allowing for 'battle mode', that utilizes the user's body to the best of its potential.

–— The more the user grows and attains more information, the more said project can destroy the users limits, allowing for them to attain boundless talent if they can absorb enough information.

–— constant adaption to other fighting styles that can be replicated or infused into the user's own fighting style.

–— Said Project comes with an AI that can develop a soul.



As Hiroto laughed maniacally at his 'perfect project', then he started choking... Before returning to Normal.

"Ok...AI, you there?"


"Ok. I'ma call you Nelin!"

[Is that a name meant for a male? Because the soul that I will develop is female]

"Dafuq? What cliche is this?"

[...The weaver of fates decision... Now give me another name]

Nearly choking at his new AI's saltiness, Hiroto thought for a couple of seconds.

"What about Yuzuki? It means gentle moon and I really hope that you become more gentle and less....Salty."

[Yea, yea... Registering name as 'Yuzuki']

—–— —–— —–—

As Hiroto stepped into the gate, he asked Yuzuki :

"Anyway I could improve my posture or technique—

[Adjusting posture, technique, muscle fiber, Mana output, overall limiters have been slightly broken]

Hiroto felt his position quickly change along with the fact that his bones made cracking noise and his muscles... It was a weird feeling but they were definitely moving into a 'better' shape.

"Dang... I feel like I can even release more strength too! Where did you get off this information from?"

[From the natural movements of your professor. I can easily tell but he's an experienced fighter, especially in hand hand combat]

"Your right there... Wait since you're the equivalent of a nanobot don't you also know the truth of this planet?"

[Quite obviously... Also if you're going to stop asking questions then I might as well add some information into your brain that I myself made...]


Hiroto, about to question what Yuzuki meant, quickly froze as his eyes turned gray and dim for about 5 seconds.

"Damn...5-seconds...felt like 2-years... I'm not even going to ask if you can make a battle simulation or something..."

As Hiroto gripped his sword in a new way, He felt the tiny essence that made up the blade.

'I shouldn't even be near using Weapon Blossoming yet, but that doesn't mean I can't feel weapon essence.'

As Hiroto stared at the portal for a couple of seconds, he finally walked... And stepped in.

—–— —–— —–—

As Hiroto fell his heart pounding as he stood in front of the massive beast half consumed by a blue slime like parasite, he looked at its bulging veins, fur that dripped of Laplace poison, and the fact that it emanated a presence far stronger than him.

"It's... Most definitely in the [Reborn (Low)] tier... This thing is using Stigma."

Preparing his Mana with a new level of finesse, similar to that of a flowing river bouncing off multiple surfaces, Hiroto quickly charged towards the laying beast, just as It was fully consumed by the slime...


The monster stood up, slightly surprised by the fact that it already had a challenger shooting towards it.

[Artil-Mongreave (Boss)]

'All bosses have name tags unlike normal monsters, this allows for people to easily recognize them. No one really knows why they have it though.'

As Hiroto's blade met Artil's massive black claws, covered it to be brim with laplace colored poison, the beast's claw was surprisingly decently easily countered, That didn't mean it would stop It's assault anytime soon though.

As It's switched backwards, pumping Stigma into the multiple weird bulbs on its back—


The dangerous poison spread everywhere, catching on Hiroto's arm, which was only protected by his recently created Project.

Blasting towards the boss monster, Hiroto, with a film of Mana surrounding his body, attempted to cut through Artil's fur, only to be met with a hard as steel body.


As the claw and blade crashed many times in mere seconds, Yuzuki slowly adapted to all of the features that the beast had, allowing for an easier time to be brought upon Hiroto, allowing for his hits to block more attacks from the beast.


As the Boss roared once again, it released a blast of Stigma similar to American bombing, most likely centered around the same idea of explosions, except it didn't have enough Stigma to do it constantly.

—–— —–— —–—

And such, the battle continues, NEXT CHAPTER!