
Bane Of Judgement (2/2)

As the new-found weapon fit nicely into Hiroto's hand–The same katana Rei would just happened to see you later on—He felt the presence of divinity fuse into his body, multiplying his stats to be even stronger than before.

"By now I definitely should have reached level 10, therefore I meet the requirements to ascend. But since the dungeon is already fading the away, I probably shouldn't do that."

Grasping both of the swords and swinging them around a couple of times, he dispersed his film of Mana and focused it on the multiple injuries he had gathered from the battle, however compared to before when he battled Artil, he couldn't concentrate as much because of said injuries.

[So...If ya don't mind...]

Yuzuki, with its abilities practically the equivalent to of a nano machine with infinite nanobots, created a large blob of a mysterious black substance that devoured all of the body parts separated from Artil-Mongreave.

"More code! But other than turning that into data what are you going to do with the body parts?"

[Summoned monsters exist, quite obviously... So, why not make a chimera?]

"Great, another cheat!... I will never regret creating you."

Ignoring it any future message from, Yuzuki, Hiroto simply waited for the dungeon to fade.

As he wanted to sit down—

"Who are you?—

He heard a strangely familiar voice, and the next second... Everything turned black.

—–— —–— —–—

After said transpired events, not lasting more than a day, Hiroto returned to the guild and confirmed his killing of the boss monster.


Rei walked up to a specific receptionist.

"I was wondering if there was another person who also entered the dungeon?"

For a person to enter the dungeon, they asked to utilize guild credits which are basically the things that you get from doing quests. A new guild member is automatically given a thousand credits which is pretty high one compared to the credits that you would get from most quests (10 - 50 If you're lucky).

The overall process is that through a special spatial transmitter they are teleported directly in front of the dungeon and after a couple procedures are led inside, Right after they use the same spatial transmitter to teleport them back into the guild.

"There was one other person but due to your build ranking you don't have the authority to search into another profile."

"Ah, ok."

As Rei left the guild, he thought of a couple of things before brushing off as he would have to go training in a simulated dungeon.

'Man, I love the fact that I have the system.'

—–— —–— —–—

As Hiroto layed down in bed, twisting the slime in between his fingers as it had reverted to its original form, he gathered more and more Mana from his project, It would act as the replacement for Mana instead of the world itself.


As the Mana became more visible and more felt going from slight gusts to a heavy pressure aura, Hiroto felt he was close to a breakthrough when...


A black liquid erupted from all of his pores from his ears to eyes.

'I knew would be a painful process but still!'

Barely keeping calm as he still absorbed the Mana from his Project, he noticed a couple of differences.

1 : His Mana It's turning into something far more complex than what it was originally... It also gained a different color from its previously blue nature, turning void black... Then it proceeded It continued its own evolutionary process which didn't allow Hiroto to see it's progress.

2 : It was pretty obvious to assume that his Projects we're becoming far more refined and attuned to Stigma, like all Projects would after a person reached the [Reborn] tier, he could also assume this was the reason why he couldn't hear Yuzuki.

With both of these factors, he just barely pushed through the pain even though he held enhanced pain resistance as an awakened.





As the black liquid finally stopped erupting from his body, he was cut out of the trans as he finally felt like he didn't need to go through the process anymore.

Not only was his body more chiseled and refined and even without Mana he felt like he could quite easily beat his previous self, but the Divinity that he quite literally didn't have before finally appeared. He figured the only reason he could sense it was because of the BANE OF JUDGEMENT.

Moving his body around, he also noticed that the clothes that he was wearing (not school uniform but simply just some white shirt and white pants he found) we're also... Destroyed by the pressure of his newfound Stigma.

When it came to any humanoid species, Stigma had different traits and this was the main reason why Mystic Nexus' even exist, And because of the complexity of his mystic nexus, his Stigma was in turn as hard to understand to the normal populace as it could be.

"Yuzuki, ya there?"

[#yup, better than ever! If anything you should probably be more interested in the slime#]

Other than noticing the fact that Yuzuki sounded a bit different, more 'human-like', he finally noticed that the slime that he had grasped in his hand had turned transparent Gold unlike its previous blue color.

"Probably because of the fact that another form of divinity is awakening inside of it."

Turning the golden slime into its sword form led to no difference between what it looked previously and what it lookes like now, although a person could easily tell that it was more sharper and more durable than normal.

"Along with that... I finally don't have to rely on you (Yuzuki) to utilize my Drafts!"

Twisting space a little bit and creating a black cube made from darkness was now an easy job, when it came to weapons though he was still far away from achieving sword blossoming.