
[The Palace Of Maelstrom Laplace]

"...Damn it..."

Looking at his Project, [Sage Of Eden Code], Hiroto wondered what he was going to do.

'I can't just make a project immediately too, takes some time to actually be created.'

Walking up to the massive green orb, normally blue and most fantasy cliché tropes, he placed his hand on the orb, as he felt the overwhelming pressure that suddenly turned calm the second he grabbed the orb.

'The process of evaluating Mana—unlike stigma—is pretty simple. The orb is termed an aether artifact, a special item that wields an immense amount of stigma inside. The more stigma that becomes calm after use, the more a person Mana can essentially counter the stigma—which is a way to evaluate how much mana a person has. All I can do is wish that the 'No one can sense my boundless mana' factor actually works—No I probably have no reason to doubt it.'

Continuing to release small amounts of mana compared to his large pool of it (That is literally boundless), the receptionist was decently shocked but not too surprised.

"So from what I'm guessing, your a mid-level Advent, I assume?" Asked the receptionist.


'Mid-level? Probably because of my projects (It is...)' thought Hiroto, as he got handed a card by the receptionist.


[Hiroto Inugami]

[Drafts — Space / Abyss]

[Rank : Advent (Mid)]

[Adventurer grade : Lethal I]


'A spacial Draft is exceedingly rare however receptionists are basically trained to not make a commotion in most situations. Unless said person draft is 'parallel existence' or something.'

Taking the card that had been created by a highly advanced 3D printer behind the receptionist's desk, said receptionist handed him a board of dungeons, of wish it didn't take long for him to say his answer.

"I'll take the [Palace Of Maelstrom Laplace]."


As Rei Trinity walked through the dungeon, he felt an evil presence before him...


As he pulled out his sword, Caliburn, He faced the small green slime in front of him... That for some reason released a demonic presence.

'Is it a Mimic pretending to be a weak slime? Maybe it's a slime that ate a part of some demonic monster.'

Preparing to attack—


He quickly sensed what was going on behind the bushes, which allowed for the slime, to escape. Most monsters when faced with such an overpowering enemy would be dumb enough to think that they could win, which proved its intelligence.

"Huh... I should probably keep on searching for it! But what was the thing in the bushes... It escaped too."

Such was a thing Rei Trinity would remember as It was the first encounter it had with a future demon lord...

"The latter half is what actually happened currently."

As Hiroto stood a couple of meters away, just barely managing to escape while making some sounds with the bushes, he sighed.

"If I can find that slime first... It would be great!"

Coating himselft with Astral Mana, he felt himself feel like he was somewhere else... A weird feeling.

"I know for a fact that Mana coating is bad, but I have all the Mana in the world to use."

Preparing himself to dash while holding his academy gifted Katana, the air shifted as he ran.

To put it into perspective, even a [Advent] could pummel the normal well-trained male adult quite easily, is that alone could purt into perspective how strong the normal awakened was.

Him being coated and infused with Mana increased his overall stats even more, specifically by 0.5 *. And his stats obviously include speed.

Basically : The speed he's going out was the equivalent to the normal car going at full speed. The only real reason that most awakeners don't run instead of using cars/other methods for transport is simply because of a limitations and how they could injure people, but when it is inside of a dungeon then it's a completely different story.

Hiroto, appearing against a large black tree, quickly prepared to slash it.

'Let's see how far my power goes!'

As he quickly unsheated his sword, covering it with Mana as well...


A clean cut appeared on the tree before it was very fastly severed into two halves, then Hiroto jumped above the remaining trunk, leaving the now severed upper half of the tree to cause mini chaos (didn't really do that much).

Continuing to run well repeating the same slashing on multiple trees that came in his way, he felt... Exhilarated to say the least.


Distracted by his own thoughts, the Mana coverage disappeared and he slammed into the trunk of a yet to be slashed tree.

"Is this the cost of deforestation?"

Coating himself with Mana, he focused on his original goal...

Getting that slime.

"First monsters."

Appearing before him were to [Laplace Undead Wolves], some of the most common and the weakest monsters in the dungeon.

They were skeletor wolves with Laplace colored bones, and giant mossy leaves that fused with their boney body.

'Let's see how I can deal with these guys.'

Coating himself (And mainly is sword), he dashed towards one of the three skeletal figures the one with the least amount of mossy leaves, signaling the fact that it was the weakest.


The undead, utilizing their magical nature, quickly reacted and bited the sword from

Genesis academy, but it was no normal sword.


As the blade cut through the skeletal beast's mouth, It didn't react in any sort of painful way however because of its few seconds of distraction one of its fellow bony friends charged up to Hiroto, attempting to bite his arm.


Quickly releasing his katana from the previous skeletal wolves mouth, he blocked the monsters attempt to bite at him while throwing it away, on the other hand the two other Laplace beasts used the opportunity to bite at his ankles and legs.


Experiencing pain for the first time he had entered the world, he attempted to grasp his sword harder than ever before, slashing down at the neck of one of the two wolves of which had bitten one of his ankles.


As the red magical flame that was lit inside of its eyes slowly disappeared, signaling the fact that it was dead, Hiroto realized another strategy.


Triggering the activation of said newfound tactic...He just blasted.

And blasted.

And exploded like never before.

With his infinite pool of Mana, He constantly kept on releasing it in waves to form of explosions, something he termed 'American bombing'.

Due to the constant release of waves, One of the wolves had their insides quickly destroyed while all of their bones flew around the place, repulsed from Hiroto's body due to the continued activation of American bombing.

As one of the trees surrounding the battlefield quickly was blown off, The remaining undead wolf who had just barely escaped the explosion range, was sent to the ground by said tree, causing for its body to snap in half due to their fragileness when compared to someone of the same stages durability, dimming there lit magical flame as well, until it completely disappeared.


As he had used adrenaline to ignore the pain from his right ankle and left leg, he finally stumbled down to the floor while deactivating his ability.

'Constant explosions along with constant release of Mana can take a toll on anyone's body no matter the stage, which obviously includes me....'

Barely resisting the urge to scream out in pain simply because the fact that there were other monsters nearby, he wove a piece of Mana around said wounds and attempted to stitch it together on the injuries, attempting to stop the bleeding which.... Clearly didn't work.

"Dammit... The most I can do was stop some of the pain..."

Standing up, he rested on the handle for his katana before standing up.

'I need...To find...That damn slime..."