
"Man...Why Am I so dang ugly..." -Hiroto

"Oh crap..."

In front of Hiroto was a massive brown furred humanoid beast, with razor claws capable of slicing through steel.

On its back where massive black and purple bumps that could oversize three babies combined together, they were presumably spores.

Overall if a person had to use one word to describe it it would probably be — "HIDEOS!"

[Artil-Mongreave (BOSS)]

Hiroto, staring at the things name with his new skill, [Slayer Unit : Origin Icon], he prepared his katana with skill that FAR surpassed what he held previously.

"First time trying this out...[Shi No Tenshi : Sea of Dead Reflections]!"


"Anyways that's the end of today's class, ba-bye!" Said Mr. Lloyd, teleporting himself out of the room with a [Non-Weaponry inscription] on his desk.



"Why are you shouting?... Well I agree though."

"Can we all just agree, The only things that I heard were [Draft], [Idols of divinity], and that's literally it. What even is a [Idol of Divinity]?"

'As expected, just like the novel. I'm pretty sure the only ones who actually understood anything were some people in the main cast + P & A.' Though Hiroto, as he packed up his stuff to leave.

"He you, did you understand anything?" Asked another class mate, to Hiroto's 'Sorta'.

As he left the classroom, Ideas of his third project we're opened up in his mind.

'The next project I should make should like all my other ones probably be a passive since I only really know how to make those.' He thought.

'And other than things related to my two [Drafts], I I am not really that talented so it should probably be something that increases my potential or talent. But what I do know is that the more effects a single project has—the better.'

As Rei walked down the street outside Genesis academy, he noticed many stares, some of jealousy while others were of pride since he was born and raised inside the country of Sora, a man who was said to have reached the [Pinnacle of Worlds] rank, someone like that could hold enough power to travel to other planets and destroy them quite easily.

'I should go grinding today.' Thought Rei, as he twirled a little bit of Mana around his hands because of boredom, something he could only do because of his GIGANTIC [Equilibrium], the storage in the body that stored Mana.

Entering a massive building made from marble that had a large sign on top of it that said [East Guild — Spiritus], he entered, to the surprise of many experienced adventurers before they realized who he was. Although considering the amount of far stronger people located inside, no one really caused a ruckus.

"Hello. I would like to take a dungeon of [Lethal] difficulty."

"Yes, of course. Here is our board of dungeons."

Pulling out a large digital board connected with two metallic 'artifacts', he noticed several of that caught his eye, however he mainly only looked at one.

[The palace of Maelstrom Laplace - Lethal III]

"Can I take this one?" Asked Rei, pointing at this specific name.

"Are you sure? I know you can take on dungeons at the [Lethal difficulty] since your a [Lethal II] ranked adventurer but still, It's of the third tier of [Lethal rank]?"

"I'm sure ma'am." Confirmed Rei.

"Ok. Just remember though—If you die at a dungeon that is higher ranked than yours, your death, or near death is technically not our responsibility."

"Yes ma'am."

Pressing a couple of things on her highly advanced computer, the receptionist pointed Rei In a certain direction towards the dungeon.

"Thank you Miss." Said Rei, leaving.


Right after appeared a stark contrast to the 'protagonist' she had just faced. He not only seemed a lot weaker since he had lesser of a presence, but is charm was simply at a WAY lower level too.

"Argh, what do you want?" Said Ms. Linomia, quite obviously grumpy in front of someone who wasn't as beautiful as the man she had just confronted beforehand.

"I just wanted to sign up as an adventurer..."

Anyways folks, today I'm going to be talking about dungeon, adventurer, and monster ranks!

[Contained I -> III]

- Beasts that are quite safe to be around and most of the time are pets. Adventurers of this rank are most of the time [Advents], possessing not that much strength. Most beasts at this level don't obtain supernatural ability.

[Lethal I-> III]

- When a beast is strong enough to obtain supernatural ability, It is considered enough to pose a threat to an entire village if given enough time to prepare. Adventures of this rank also hold around the same power. This is the stage where dungeons start to appear, and dungeons below this rank simply don't exist.

[Infantry I->III]

- A beast that normally holds control of other beasts or minions. Most beasts of this level also hold a territory around an area. Dungeons at this level on the other hand require most of the time a full party of adventurers at the same rank to complete, meanwhile adventures themselves at this rank most of the time cannot complete a dungeon by themselves but can take on a infantry rank beast by themselves.

[Horrifying I->III]

- creatures at this rank are normally grotesque in shape or at least have the power to morph their body into something else, If not it might even go deeper like being able to slightly morph their soul. Creatures at this rank can pose a threat to an entire state if left alone to grow for long enough and adventures of this ring can easily clear infantry rank dungeons with ease. Infantry rank dungeons on the other hand Palin comparison to a horrifying rank dungeon, Of which is allowed to grow for a long enough and transform into a cluster raid (basically when the creatures inside of a dungeon burst out), such a thing can destroy entire countries. This is why they are normally looked out for often.

[Nuclear I-> III]

- entities of this rank are beasts who naturally release radioactive energy, capable of easily killing cities with just their presence alone! Of this grade, adventureres are known for their absolute strength. They can destroy even states and are termed [Sacred I->III]. Dungeons that are termed in the stage on the other hand, most of the time are called [Odysseys], As they possess both monsters, mazes, traps, and multiple other things making it dangerous for most people, even at the higher stages.

[WorldClass I->III]

- monsters at this level are said to be capable of destroying the world or doing decent damage to the entirety of the economic system across multiple countries and states.

- adventureres at this level are not only capable of killing such people but are mostly at the [Pinnacle of Worlds] stage. Adventurers at this level are VERY widespread and you can even count them on your finger, It should also be noted that three of them reside inside of the country of Sora, and it used to be four. This makes the human race either the second strongest or just the strongest race out of them all.

- odysseys at this level possess natural space warping properties, meaning that they can be created outside of the planet's atmosphere and inside of space. Previously there has been an Odyssey located on the Sun itself! Odyssey's at this level also possess fate warping properties, So even if you have a Project that increases your luck it wouldn't work. And odyssey's at this level are not only just hard to get to but also VERY hard to beat since they can possess world class monsters inside of them in rare cases. However also because of this the boss drops are immense as well, especially since it's been recorded that drops of odyssey's were what allowed many people to ascend to the [Pseudo-pinnacle of Worlds] stage, proving their immense value. Although they are most of the time held by royal families.]