
My class : Author

Sitting at a random seat in the large classroom wasn't hard, all he had to do was stay as far away from the protagonist as possible.

Which accidentally led him to sitting near the window of the class.

"Anyways class, I am Mr. Lloyd, your teacher for main class." Said Mr. Lloyd.

"If you have any questions, just raise your hand and ask me. I probably won't give you another chance like this for the entire class."

A student raised their hand.

"Question : isn't our first class supposed to be picking our weapons and practicing it?" Asked a student.

"Most people assume that our first weapon practicing class takes place inside the gym, however instead it actually takes place inside the classroom — or at least an extension of it." Said Mr. Lloyd, leading to the confusion of everyone else except for Hiroto, knowing what he meant by 'extensions'.

"What I mean by extensions, is the fact that all you're seeing isn't actually the entirety of this room." Said Mr. Lloyd, cleansing some confusion, yet leading to the creation of many questions.

As Mr Lloyd put his hand under his desk pressing a button, the entire room turned into a blank white space for a second—before becoming a massive gymnasium.

"The actual gymnasium is only used by people in the top 200 or by people in classes of which they need to use it." Said Mr. Lloyd, As he pointed towards a direction.

"And today you guys will be picking the weapons that you will be fighting with. Keep in mind that until mid testing you CANNOT change this weapon in any circumstances unless you're in a life or death situation, You can also change weapons freely outside of the academy —since we don't have any authority there."

As he finished talking, many people ran to the large selection of weapons, after realizing that Mr Lloyd had nothing else to say.

"...Hmm... Actually isn't my class..."

[Class : Author (Type:Hidden)]

'Inside of the storyline it wasn't stated if type 4 and above classes were limited to a single weapon, although with the emergence of things like the [Brotherhood of supreme elders] and the [Saints of Omega] coming up later in the story, I don't really have a reason to train multiple weapons.' thought Hiroto, pondering his choices.

'Unless I'm planning to be a main damaged dealer, sort of tanky, etc, I would probably go for an ax or a greatsword but since I'm not aiming for that that's not what I'm going to be picking.'

'With any sort of long-ranged weapon like a gun, bow and arrow, etc, the amount of attacks that could just instantly kill me since I wouldn't be well versed in close combat is ginormous.'

'I personally think that leaves me with three options—the sword, spear, or gauntlet. I don't necessarily want to choose the gauntlet because of how many monsters out of there with poisonous skin, Plus it would require me to get in the most close-up range out of the three weapons so that's a no.'

As he pondered his choices, some students had already come back to Mr Lloyd with weapons.

'Hmm... A spear is definitely a good choice because it allows me to stay out of distance between the three weapons the most, 1 plus it's one of the most used weapons in combat so I would have a lot of people to become a disciple of, although I think I would choose the sword.' though Hiroto.

'not only were there more sword artifacts inside the novel and all of the fan fictions that the author himself (ME!!) made, the sword is probably the most used weapon inside the entire verse, so the disciple argument stands for it as well. Other than that I probably won't even have to worry since no doubt about it I could probably learn to use the three weapons in the future with my third project.' Thought Hiroto, as he finally finished picking his answer, heading towards the section of swords.

'Well, a certain idol of mine who was also reincarnated inside of a novel that they read/created choose the katana so I think I would do the same.'

Hiroto picked up the nearest Katana of the section he could find, unsheathing it and sheafing it again to test it out.

Hi, I'm Rei Trinity, probably the strongest commoner in the academy. I'm also someone who holds a heroic profile and 4-Drafts, something you can normally only hear about in legend.

With that I even have a fully functional system as well!

As I neared professor Lloyd, unceiving and sheathing my long sword for a little bit, I opened its status window.


Genesis academy sword

Durability - 100/100

Weaponry Inscription : Energy-Emergence

Description : a sword created from the blacksmiths of Genesis academy, filled it to the brim with Mana, allowing it to be more durable than most normal weapons if not all of them.


Normally due to the way that a heroic profile works, a person would only be able to see the profile of other heroic entities or heroic items, but due to his 'Absolute system' I can bypass those rules.

'[Energy-Emergence] must be the weaponry inscription all of these items have.' I thought, and I in fact was correct.

[Energy-Emergence] was a weapon inscription that made it so that the item could process Mana better than other objects, however the skill required to make even one weapon with [Energy-Emergence] is pretty large.

"Anyways class..."