
A Better Goku

A rerun of Dragon Ball. the only difference is Goku's personality and some slight difference in plot... Daily release if I don't get too lazy heh...

JustaLazyGuy · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Chapter 5 - Love?


And so... Goku and Bulma freed the kids that Oolong took from various villages living in Extravagantly in Oolong's Luxurious mansion...


In the sea waters, a speed boat was traveling at fast speed...

"Now, there are only two dragon balls left to find! Looks like we'll be able to gather them up more quickly than I thought!" Bulma happily said while driving the boat

"Well... Sure, but... Why do we have to bring Oolong along?" Goku asked

Which Oolong responds loudly "That's what I want to know!"

"His transformation ability is really something so it'll probably come in handy during our journey!"

"I don't want to go! Journeys are a pain in the ass" Oolong replied

Ignoring Oolong, Bulma thought out loud "It's really hot today... Maybe I'll sleep in my underwear..."

Oolong made a perverted look on his face as he said "Well... Maybe it's good to go on a vacation every once in a while...

Goku asked in confusion to Oolong as he wondered "You're a boy aren't you? The hermit Old man and you made the same look when you think about Bulma's panties. What's so special about them that you make a unique expression when they are mentioned?"

Oolong looked at Goku weirdly, "That's because I love girls!"

Goku became more confused and said "I love my grandpa but I never make an expression like that."

That's because it's a different kind of love! Did you live without seeing human interaction?"

"Yeah! It's the first time I saw other people besides my grandpa. The first one I met before my grandpa is Bulma. Bulma? can you explain this better? Oolong is not making any sense. Despite not being human he knows human interaction." Goku asked Bulma

"Hmm... There are different types of love just like Oolong said. The simplest explanation is that the one you have for your grandpa is familial love which is the love between family and maybe even some friendship that can be considered as familial love. The other one that branches out of this love is the love you have to a friend that evolved into a romantic love. This love is the one you will feel maybe for a friend you already have or a stranger that will become a friend then finally a lover."

"I understand... but what's a lover? I know a friend but I don't know what's a lover..."

"Hmm... a lover is someone you will be interested with, someone you will care about more than anyone else, and possibly spend the rest of your life with."

"I still don't understand." Goku's mind was filled with question marks

"Well... You'll maybe or maybe not understand it as you interact with other people so... don't mind it that much." Bulma said as she continued driving the speed boat.

"Okay!" Goku nodded in understanding

"By the way... The next place is really far away, aren't we there yet?" Goku asked

Wherein Oolong slips in the conversation "Where the hell are we going anyway?!"

"We're still pretty far away... It'll be another three days till we get there. Ummm... Frypan Mountain... It's around here..." Bulma said as she looked at the map in her hand

"WHAAAAT?!?! Frypan Mountain?!?! You're intending to go there!?!?!"

"You know that place?" Goku asked Oolong

"You guys don't?!?! Frypan Mountain is where the super scary Cow Demon King(Gyuu Maou) lives!"

Bulma just brushed away Oolong's statement and said "Don't worry, we'll just have Son-kun take care of him."

"Do you have any idea how frightening the Cow Demon King is?!?!" Oolong screamed nervously

"He sounds like a strong guy! Sounds like fun to me!" Goku said while being filled with fighting intent.

Oolong said as he transformed into a fish and into the water "Well, it sure doesn't sound like fun to me! See you later! Suckers!"

"Ahh he ran away! Should I swim and catch him?" Goku said as he stood up on the boat

"Wait!" Bulma asked Goku as if she had a plan

"You don't need to do all that to catch him look here. We'll use this freshly worn panties as bait" Bulma said as she prepared a fish rod

Bulma used the fishing round in the waters and a few seconds later

"There! A bite!" Bulma pulled the fishing rod up.

The fish directly went into Goku's hands and the fish said "Damnit!"

Goku thought out loud "If you didn't get baited by that panty maybe Bulma would have let you go..."

"What do you know?!" Oolong just snorted as he transformed into his original form and sat on the sit.

"If you try to run again I'll cook you!" Goku said intimidating Oolong

"Fine, fine, I'll stay with you but... give me those panties..." Oolong replied not taking Goku seriously anymore as they are close enough to maybe be called as friends

"Here! take this instead!" Bulma gave Oolong a piece of candy.

"What's this?! Just a piece of candy?!"

"If you prove yourself useful, I'll give you the panties"

Oolong shrugged as if unaffected by Bulma's statement and said "I wonder about that! It's a promise, got it?"

"Hey Bulma! I want some candies too!"

"None for you!"

"Hehehehe! Guys like me are popular with the ladies, you know!" Oolong taunted


After a few minutes...

"Huh? The engine stopped! Oh... we're out of gas... Hey! Can you transform into a gas?" Bulma asked

"You're kidding me right?" Oolong replied

"What's gasoline?" Goku asked

Bulma answered "It's the thing needed to make things like this run."

"Ohhh!" Goku nodded in understanding

"Then can you transform in an oar and have Goku row the boat to the shore?"

"Transform!" Oolong transformed into an oar

Goku rowed the boat with the transformed Oolong and reached the shore.

Goku and the rest reached the shore and Bulma searched her pockets for her capsules.

"Huh? It's gone! The case with my capsules! I must dropped it in the river!" Bulma grabbed her hair as if she was losing her mind.

"I'll give you my panties so transform into a fish and go find it!" Bulma screamed as she looked at Oolong

"Hm... Since you can't ride Kintoun then we don't have any choice but to walk..." Goku said as he thought about the situation

As Goku and Bulma was conversing Oolong took this opportunity to escape!

"Then how about getting Oolong to transform in those motorbikes?" Goku suggested

"That's it! Good idea! Goku!"

"Hey... Oolong-chan!" Bulma looked behind only to find out that Oolong escaped

"He's gone! He escaped again!"

Goku sighed and said "He ran away again..."

"Should I look for him?" Goku asked Bulma helplessly as he was getting tired of him always escaping

"Hehe... You don't need to do that, I'll just do this!" Bulma replied

Bulma made a sound "Pii, Pii, Pii, Pii, Pii"

Goku asked in confusion "What's that sound for?"

"It's the candy I gave Oolong it'll make him poop a lot"

Goku remembered earlier that Bulma didn't give her candy "So that's why you didn't give me one huh?"

Bulma nodded and shouted in the wild "Hey! Oolong-chan! You got diarrhea don't you? That candy is one of my invention called PP Candy, and whenever I say Pii Pii, you'll get diarrhea everytime! If you don't come back it'll work for a month!"


"I'm sorry... I won't run again... Please stop..." Oolong came back in a while after pooping

"If you don't do what I say, I'll do it again!" Bulma scolded

"That's why you can't ride the Kintoun, Bulma... You're evil!" Goku whispered

Bulma then looked at Goku and said angrily "Shut up!"

"Understood... I won't run away again... Oolong said apologetically

"Okay, Oolong! Transform into a bike!"

"Transform!" Oolong transformed into a motorbike

"You call this a bike? You have really bad fashion sense..." Bulma said as she looked at the transformed Oolong

"Oh shut up!" Oolong replied

"Well... It's better than walking... I guess..." As soon as Bulma sat on the transformed Oolong... The bike deformed as if it was made of paper

"Don't ask for the impossible the only thing I can change is appearance not power! and besides it only lasts for 5 minutes, then I have to take a break for 1 minute to transform again.

"Then you're damn useless then!" Bulma scolded as she heard Oolong's explanation

"I guess we'll just have to walk then..." Goku slipped in the conversation


After a while of walking, Goku, Bulma and Oolong reached the desert


"I'm gonna die!"

"You lack exercise... Bulma..." Goku said as he sighed

"I'm a city girl you know... Don't compare me to a mountain boy like you! Where are we anyway? It's all desert?"

"Of course it is. You have to cross here to get to frypan mountain!" Oolong replied tired as he also was tired from walking just like Bulma


(Word Count: 1484)