
6ix tales

NeonJoe0 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs


It was a bright and beautiful day in the Kingdom, but the citizens were too afraid to notice it. Later Queen Lucy went to her personal family doctor, DC Edmond for the autopsy test results for her sister's corpse. He revealed that Lara was killed by fire. Lucy was afraid because she knew that the only person with fire power in Jade kingdom was Rocky. All they knew was that Rocky caused Lara's death, but they didn't know that Lara was against Lucy the whole time.

As tension grew, more evil continued to happen, more cases of theft, kidnap, jail breaks, arson, and so on. It was like the escape of the notorious fire wizard brought doom to the Kingdom.

Later the next day, King Leo went with a group of guards to search for Rocky so they could kill him. Eventually, a guard found him in the forests. He was taken to the city square the following day, they chained him and chopped his head off. It served as a punishment and as a warning to every other person in Kingdom Jade. But little did they know, that their problems had just begun.