
6ix tales

NeonJoe0 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs


People wondered in confusion how Rocky was able to escape. Rocky was a terrific wizard who was jailed and banished centuries ago.

Rocky flew to the Jade forest to meet Lara for his last payment. When Rocky brought it up, Lara laughed saying "I can't believe you worked for me, I'm not paying you". Rocky was angered by her words. Then she continued saying "You're so dumb, thanks for the labour!" Immediately, he casted a fury fire spell that burnt her alive. The only thing left of her were her ashes. After Rocky's deeds, he hid her remaining roasted body parts in a stream nearby and then he flew away. There was so much more anxiety in Jade kingdom the next day, when the murder of Princess Lara was announced. Everyone assumed it was Rocky's doing.

But Queen Lucy was the most anxious in the whole kingdom. King Leo eventually had to conduct search programs frequently to find Rocky. He was the number one suspect.

One afternoon, Leo went to the dining to eat his lunch. When he opened the tray to eat his food, he saw one burnt loaf of bread. He was so angry that rain started to fall heavily. Leo almost killed the chef, but his guards calmed him. Things were getting intense.