
37 Days Later

This is book 3 in the series 37 days. Millie and X have found their way back together but the struggles have also come along with. X is down two employees and searching for a new one. When he finds her, she’s perfect until she isn’t. Will Millie and X’s relationship evolve or crumble with the challenges that lie ahead?

Marissa_Inserra · Urban
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61 Chs

Flight from hell



About a half hour later, X came out of his office a whole hell of a lot more relaxed. We ate dinner and he lectured me about being safe in Chicago. He even offered me his gun, is he insane? I need to get on an airplane! 

Anyway, I'm now back at my apartment and I already miss him immensely. I'm packing only the essentials for my short trip.

I'm actually pretty nervous about these upcoming meetings, I'm so new that I'll probably be the laughingstock amongst everyone but what can I do? I was asked to go,  I didn't volunteer. 

I pack the last of my things and text Steph to meet me at the airport at 5:00 AM. I dread that we have to leave that early but I have the first meeting tomorrow at 3 o'clock. 

I climb into bed, get all cozy, and fall fast asleep but not for long. The extremely vivid dream of X nailing Dani and me walking in on it has shot me upward in bed with sweat beading at my hairline. My heart rate and breathing are rapid, I need to call him. I grab my phone from off the nightstand. 

Shit, it's 1:49 AM but I need to talk to him. What if he doesn't answer? What if he's busy with her? More sweat is becoming prominent, one bead rolling its way down my temple. I swipe it away and call X praying that he'll answer. 

One ring, two rings, three rings, four…

"Hello?" X answers sounding groggy. 

Yikes, he was sleeping but I had to know. 

"Hi.." I say quietly for whatever reason. 

"Is everything okay?" He asks concerned. 

"Yeah, yeah. You were just sleeping right?" I ask curiously. 

"Yeah?" He says completely confused. 

"Okay, well I'll let you go, goodnight," I say. 

"Millie, wait. What's up?" He asks sounding a little more awake now. 

I sigh out, "Nothing, I just had a bad dream is all." 

"You sure you're okay? I can come by if you need me," he says so kindly. 

"No, no I'm fine, really, it was just a dream," I say trying to convince him that it didn't shake me to my core. 

"Okay baby, I love you, get some sleep and call me back if you need to talk," he says yawning through the line. 

"Love you too," I say before hanging up. 

This time I stay asleep until my alarm goes off at 4 o'clock.

"No.." I whisper out to myself. 

I try to convince myself I have a four-hour flight, I can sleep the whole time if I want to. 

Fuck it, I'm not good at convincing myself into anything. 

One snooze won't hurt. 

Well, one turned into three. 

I pull on some black yoga pants and a tank top, throw my hair into a messy bun, grab my bags, and away I go. 

I hate this freaking airport, it's a mess here. Cars and traffic piling up with businessmen and women everywhere. I guess I'm falling into that category too now. After an eternity I find a place to park my car and follow the crowd into the airport. 

After getting my bags checked I get a cup of much-needed coffee and people watch while I wait for Steph at the terminal. People are rushed, people are wasting time, and people…

"Oh, Steph!" I say spotting her behind some well-dressed businessman yelling at someone on his phone. 

"Mills!" She says running over to me and embracing me into a hug as if we haven't seen each other in years. 

"Thanks again for coming with me," I say as we pull away from our hug. 

"Pshh girl don't mention it, I need a different scenery aside from Julian's face," she says as she overuses her hands to speak. 

After about a half hour of sitting around and sipping on coffee the rows for boarding are now being announced. When our row is called we get our tickets checked and proceed onto the plane and to our seats. Steph makes me switch my seat with her so she can have the one by the window and I get stuck in the middle next to some trendy-looking teenage girl. 

As we ascend into the sky, I get a god-awful churn in my stomach, I'm getting serious motion sickness. 

"Holy shit Steph I think I'm gonna be sick," I say quickly. 

"What?! No, keep it in!" She says as if that's humanly possible. 

I immediately snatch the sickness bag tucked into the back of the person in front of mines seat and empty my stomach contents inside. I didn't eat this morning so it's all acidic bitter coffee that comes up which makes me want to vomit again from that alone. 

"Oh my god, ew!" Steph says trying to scoot as far away from me as possible. 

"That is so nasty, have some respect," the little brat next to me points out. 

"Would you two shut up!?" I demand. 

They both shut their mouth as I flag down a flight attendant to rid of my embarrassment in a bag.