
37 Days Later

This is book 3 in the series 37 days. Millie and X have found their way back together but the struggles have also come along with. X is down two employees and searching for a new one. When he finds her, she’s perfect until she isn’t. Will Millie and X’s relationship evolve or crumble with the challenges that lie ahead?

Marissa_Inserra · Urban
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61 Chs

Less stress



We're now on our way back to Los Angeles and today turned out to be an amazing day with X. Everything was completely unexpected from going to Coronado Beach to the emotions that I thought would get the better of me all day but didn't. 

On the other hand, my first real public date out with X was completely what I had expected. Spending way too much money and getting pissy with any man that looked my way. It's funny really, he could have women visibly gawking at him, yet, I'm the crazy one if I say anything. 

I'm so exhausted from the day, I'm so not looking forward to having to work in the morning. I already know I'm going to be just as useless as I was this morning. I lean my head to the side and watch the orangey sunset from out the window until I can't keep my eyes open any longer. 

"Hey, baby?" I hear X ask, waking me from my little nap. 

"Hmm?" I ask confused by my surroundings, it's dark out now. 

"We're here now, at your work," he says so gently and comforting. 

"Oh," I say trying to get everything back into focus. 

"If you're too tired I can drive you home and pick you up in the morning to bring you to work," he offers. 

"No, no, it's okay, we're already here," I say with a yawn. 

I dig through my purse looking for my keys until I finally find them at the bottom of course. 

"Can I see you tomorrow?" X asks looking my way. 

"Yeah, sure, I can come by right after work, I still need to pack so I can't stay too late," I say giving more information than I think he really cares for. 

"Okay cool," he says. 

I grab the handle of the car door, "thank you, X, for everything today. You made a sour day pretty sweet for me." 

He takes his right tattooed hand, tenderly caressing my jawline and swiping his thumb over my cheek. "Anything for you baby, I didn't have a bad time myself." 

I lean in giving him a meaningful kiss to show how much I genuinely appreciate what he did for me today. I pull away as his eyes are still closed, "I love you," I whisper. 

He opens his eyes ever to slivers, "I love you too Millie." 

"I'll see you tomorrow," I say as I push the passenger side door open and walk the six or so feet to my car. 

I get in and pull out of the parking spot, beginning my short journey home. Right now, I just wish it was his home I was driving to. 

Thursday morning, I'm so freakin beat. I've already snoozed my alarm four times and now I'm left with no wiggle room, I need to get up or I'm going to be late. 

I start my cup of coffee before I get in the shower so that it's all ready for when I get out. I shower for way too long, the hot water just feels so amazing I'm having a hard time breaking up with it but I do. I step out, wrapping a navy towel around myself, and wipe off the steam coated on the mirror with a washcloth. 

"Oh god," I whisper to my reflection. The bags under my eyes are so prominent. Extra concealer today is my only hope. 

I do my makeup, only yawning eighty times during the process. I just want to go back to bed I'm so desperate for more sleep but that is not an option. 

I let my hair mostly air dry while I get dressed into a straight black skirt and a black short-sleeved chiffon ruffled shirt. I look better than I'm feeling right now. 

Coffee, I need my coffee. 

I only have fifteen minutes left before I need to leave so I bring the cup into the bathroom with me to sip on while I straighten my hair. The coffee is underwhelming, it tastes like shit today but it's probably my own fault, I was so tired I probably effed it up. 

Times up, gotta go. 

I drive in complete silence, autopilot got me to work today, not my sharp mind. 

The work day drags, Marlene stopped by my office to give me everything I need for the weekend and now I'm starting to dread this whole Chicago thing. I mean I'm still so new it's not like I could even say no. Whatever..it's one weekend, one full day and it's over. Luckily because I have to work the weekend Marlene is giving me Monday and Tuesday off so that's a plus I guess. 

Finally, my work day has been completed and I can now go to my happy place, X.

I drive there feeling significantly more to life than I did this morning but because I'm so excited to see him, the drive seems to last forever. I get caught up in traffic for way too long until I finally turn onto Sunset Avenue and then pull into the driveway of the enormous house. I swear this place gets more beautiful every time I come. 

I park in my old parking spot, glance at the beautiful water fountain that contains core memories both good and bad, and then walk up the beautiful staircase running out of breath halfway through. What is with me lately? I need to get my ass into shape this is embarrassing but by the grace of god, no one can see me. 

As I open the front door pulling it open, there's a push from the other side indicating that someone is leaving the same way in entering. 

"Dani," I say surprised when the door is finally ajar. 

"Oh, Millie! Hi!" She says way too generously for someone who is probably not fond of me deep down. 

I reciprocate the kind smile, "Hey, thanks for the other night, I don't know what got into me." I say honestly. 

"Oh gosh, don't mention it, hun, us girls need to look out for each other." She says with a wink, not an Adria sort of wink but an I got you wink. 

Dammit, why do I not hate her right now? 

"Yeah, you're right, we do," I say keeping my smile genuine. 

"Well hey, I gotta run, it was nice seeing you," Dani says sweetly. 

I move out of her way so that she can fully exit the doorway, "yeah, you too." And I think I mean it. 

I watch her briskly take step after step down the stairs with ease, dammit, I wish I had her energy. 

I turn around and begin my journey to the penthouse. When I get up there I let myself in with the key X gave me a while ago and he's nowhere to be seen but I hear him. With the tone of his voice, he's got to be in the office. 

I hear yelling and stress just emitting through the air. I feel for him, he sounds so agitated and like he's about to crumble. 

I set my purse down on the kitchen counter and then walk down the hall towards the office. 

"Well get it the fuck done," I hear X on the opposite side of the door. 

He's sighing with frustration frequently, I know I shouldn't do it but I do. I open the door to the office, unintentionally interrupting his focus. 

He's sitting at his desk with disheveled hair and lines creased into his forehead. He looks up at me and holds up his index finger to indicate that he'll be a minute. 

He keeps his eyes locked on mine while I walk closer to him until I'm behind him, I rub his broad shoulders, adding just enough pressure to ease the tension that lies beneath the surface. He visibly starts to relax at my touch. I drag my hand from his shoulders, bringing my fingertips to his chest. He tilts his head back into my chest and I allow him to stay there for a minute until I retract from his touch. 

I stand up straight and swivel the chair he's sitting in to my direction. His eyes slightly widen with curiosity. I lower myself to my knees in front of him. He's still on the phone with whoever but I know he's not paying them much attention. His responses have diminished to yes or no. 

I keep my eyes locked on his forest green eyes as he looks down at me. I'm not sure what has gotten into me but this is incredibly sexy so far, the risk of the other person hearing him on the other line is exhilarating. 

I unbutton his grey jeans and trail the zipper down until it no longer can. It's already hard, just waiting for attention. I move his jeans downward to his ankle, revealing his black boxers that lie beneath the denim. I rub my right hand over his hard dick a couple of times until I latch my index fingers on either side of the waistband to drag the soft fabric down to meet the denim at his ankles. I delicately wrap my lips around his deep pink head, allowing my tongue to swirl around it. X jolts just a touch and intertwines his fingers around my hair into a fist. 

"I..uh..what does Antonio think about it?" He's becoming slightly breathless and it makes me smile around his throbbing cock. 

I take him deeper, the head is hitting the back of my throat so I relax my throat to the best of my ability to subside any gag reflex. I pick up the momentum and he's now practically fucking my mouth, titling his hips up and down and controlling my head to his liking. 

"Yeah, yeah," I'm not sure if he's talking to me or the person on the phone. 

I remove his dick from my mouth and occupy one of his balls instead, slight jolt transforms into a jerk and his breathing is becoming more hitched and audible, I'm absolutely loving this. 

I flick my tongue over his most sensitive area, he's gripping onto my hair for dear life at this point. 

"Alright, go over the plan with me one more time," he says and extends the phone in his hand away from his ear. 

"Fuck Millie, you naughty girl, you're gonna make me come all over you if don't put this dick back in your mouth right now," he says through gritted teeth. 

"Maybe I want that," I say with a full mouth. 

"Oh my fucking god baby," he says with his head tilted back into the back of the chair. 

I do a few more flicks and swirls with my tongue until he can't hold back anymore. He comes all over my face, hand, and arm. His pleasure is exposed everywhere. I clean up the spilling salty cum trickling down his still rock-hard dick with my tongue and he jerks again. 

He brings the phone back to his ear but his eyes remain intact with mine. I smile up at him, wiping off any excess thick liquid from the corner of my mouth with my finger, and then suck it off. 

I stand back up, giving his shoulder a little squeeze, and leave his office to clean the remnants of his pleasure off.