
37 Days Later

This is book 3 in the series 37 days. Millie and X have found their way back together but the struggles have also come along with. X is down two employees and searching for a new one. When he finds her, she’s perfect until she isn’t. Will Millie and X’s relationship evolve or crumble with the challenges that lie ahead?

Marissa_Inserra · Urban
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61 Chs

Supporting the mess



Gross, just fucking gross. 

I did not sign up for this shit, two minutes into the flight and she gets sick. We're now three hours in with about an hour left. 

After Millie vomited and disposed of the nasty bag she fell asleep. The god-awful smell lingered for a half hour afterward and the little bitch sitting next to her has been complaining left and right about it. I'm refraining from giving her a piece of my mind. 

As Millie is mouth open snoring I continue on with my dark romance novel about some girl getting kidnapped, falls in love with her dangerous kidnapper and they fuck in the kinkiest of ways. I shouldn't have started this novel because all I want to do right now is to replicate some of these sex scenes with Julian.  I suppose I'll have something to look forward to when we get back. 

The captain announces our arrival to Chicago will be shortly so I shake Millie awake. She's got drool on the corner of her mouth, this bitch is a mess. 

"Mills, get yourself together girl," I say handing her over a napkin. 

"Sorry," she sleepily says as she wipes away the saliva. 

The plane starts to empty out, and we take out our carry-ons and leave the plane ourselves. Since we're here for such a short time we didn't bring any luggage, just our carry-on bags so we immediately find the exit of Ohare airport. 

"Oh my god, it's so effin hot and humid," I say shielding my eyes from the sun. 

"I know, I need the AC," Millie whines. 

I walk up to a tan and green taxi and they roll down the window, "This one taken?" I ask to the man. 

"No, need a ride somewhere?" He asks looking up at me from his seat. 

"Yes," I say and turn around to wave Millie my way. 

We get in, "where to?" The man asks. 

"Um, the Hilton Hotel, Michigan Avenue," Millie says looking at her phone. 

As we start getting into the downtown area Millie and I are in awe at all the buildings. The skyscrapers are incredible, we can't even see the top from the window no matter how hard we try to maneuver our heads to do so. The cab driver glances back here and there, inwardly laughing at our tourist's ways. 

A full half hour later, we're pulling up to the Hilton Hotel. Clusters of crowds are everywhere on the streets and sidewalks. This city is so…alive. 

It's hot as shit out here so waste no time getting into the lobby. 

"Holy smokes Mills, this place is like so nice," I say pushing her shoulder a bit. 

"For real," she says looking around. 

"I'm gonna go check us in," Millie says walking away to the front desk. 

In the meantime, I call Julian. 

"Hey Jul," I say when he picks up  

"Hey babe, you get there safely?" He asks sounds like he's blowing smoke out of his mouth. He's probably smoking a joint the guy is such a pothead and I'm honestly not too far behind.

"Yeah, Millie threw up on the plane though two minutes into the flight," I say and I see from the corner of my eye that she's scowling at me. 

I shrug my shoulders and wave her off. 

She comes over to me with keycards in hand and takes the phone from me, "Sorry Julian, it's a girl's weekend she'll call you later, bye!" And hangs up on him! I swear my jaw has dropped to the floor at the audacity! I love it. 

"Alright, damn girl, I see you," I say laughing. 

"We're on the sixth floor," she says as we enter the elevator. 

"Ohh nice! Well, be able to get a better view of the city!" I say doing an embarrassing little excited dance. 

"Ew, stop, you're gonna make me throw up again," Millie says scrunching her nose. 

I immediately halt my killer moves. 

We walk our way to room 603 and Millie unlocks the door for us. 

"Oh my goodness so chic and cute!" I say running to jump on the bed. 

"It was.." Millie says laughing and then runs and dives on her designated bed. 

The white bedspreads are immediately wrinkled from our childish behavior but who the fuck cares? 

"Let's see the view!" I say hopping off the bed and to the window. 

"Meh, it kinda sucks.." I say disappointed. 

"I gotta take a shower, I need to leave in an hour," Millie says digging through her bag. 

"Alright," I say looking back out the window and watching little ants of people walking around. 

An hour later Millie leaves for her first meeting looking like a sexy little businesswoman. I'm exhausted from the early morning flight so I turn off all the lights, close the shades of the windows, and tuck myself into the stiff bed. Normally I'd complain about a stiff mattress but it's doing wonders for my tense back. I read another chapter of my sexy, filthy erotic novel and close my eyes to dreamland. 

I'm awoken by Millie lying next to me. I rub my eyes with the back of my hand and sit up against the gray cloth headboard. 

"Hey babe, how was the first meeting?" I ask through a yawn. 

"The meeting? Was good…the fact that Nick was there too? Bad…" she says and now I'm fully awake. 

"Juicy. Do tell," I demanded enthusiastically. 

"Only you would gain pleasure from my misfortunes," Millie says with an eye roll. 

"You're not that special Mills, I get pleasure from anyone's juicy gossip," I say giving that eye roll right back at her. 

"There's not much to even tell, he pretended I was invisible to entire time, I don't want him but Jesus..to just act like I never existed?" She says taking it way too personally. I mean it is and isn't at the same time. 

"Babe, you're X's girlfriend…any man that knows X knows to stay far the fuck away from you," I explain. 

"Whatever…" she says deepening the back of her head into the pillow. 

"I gotta pee," I say getting up from the bed and turning the lights back on as I make my way to the bathroom. 

Are you fucking kidding me?! My period decides to show up today?! Ugh! And of course, I have no flippin tampons with me. Why does being a woman have to be so hard? 

I get out of the bathroom after creating a makeshift pad with a wad of toilet paper. 

"Mills," I say as she's still lying down staring at something on the ceiling. 

"Hmm?" She turns her head my way. 

"I need a tampon," I say crossing my arms over my chest with annoyance. 

"Oh god that sucks, hold on," she says scooting herself off the bed, to her purse and rummaging around it. 

She pulls out one single tampon and stares at it. 

"Yeah, one is not going to do it, we gotta go to Walgreens or somethin," I say shaking my head as I watch her eyes stay locked on the tampon. Weirdo.. 

She locks her eyes with mine now, "Yeah, we need to go to Walgreens…"